How? Canada has gun control and a Liberal PM.
How? Canada has gun control and a Liberal PM.
drumpf did this
Who the fuck elected this queer?
How can he condemn this terrorist attack, didn't he say he won't condemn the actions of Islamic State for terrorism?
I didn't vote for that cunt.
I've made a lot of gay jokes on Sup Forums over the years, I've called a lot of people faggots, lost track of the number of times I've laughed at some fruit making a fool of themselves
but holy fuck leafs, your PM is the biggest faggot I've ever seen
i wonder if justin lets refugees touch his boipucci
If pyp is in my ID, Canada will have a military coup.
>one sect of Muslims shot up another sect of Muslims in a 1,300 year old Muslim feud
>this is clearly the white man's fault
You guys are just jealous cuz he's hot
this tweet is fake btw
uhh GUYS
He's literally looks like a discount Arab. Fuck this guy, I hope he dies in the shithole he has created.
What the holy fuck? It was 55 in Ottawa that day.
>the terrorist killed his enemies
>we win
god bless trudeau for leading this victory
nigger posted first then deleted, good job you fucking redditor
>waaa its hot in KEKADA
eat a bag of cement you soft cunt
So... any news on if they were refugees, need material to redpill my friends?
>Canada has gun control
Its still pretty easy to get a gun in Canada as long as you don't have a criminal record.
Handguns are harder to get than the USA but still its not like Canada is nogunz
Plus its not like you can't just drive across the border with a gun 90% of cars going to canada aren't searched.
Just can't have automatic weapons and big magazines.
not refugees, just muslims, like 3rd generation or something, just proves they will never integrate
Greetings from Québec! 1 of the shooters is Moroccan and both are students at université Laval. You may not be far from the truth... By the way, I heard a muslim say on radio that Trump was responsible...
>condemned as a terrorist attack
Shooters confirmed Muslims
>Canada has gun control and a Liberal PM.
and Quebec City has like 1 or 2 murders per year on average, barring this event
compare that to nearly 200 in St Louis, a city with 200,000 people fewer
What military?
>nearly 12 hours since shooting
>still no public names nor photos
they're browner that a cow turd, 100% guaranteed
Pay attention. The narrative is "terrorist attack AGAINST MUSLIMS" and that it happened the day after Trudeau welcomed refugees in. They won't let us know the race of the suspects for a couple days while everyone just assumes it's whites committing a hate crime.
By the time they release the real identities it won't even matter because everyone will believe the initial narrative. We lost this one.
Justin Trudeau make Boy George blush because of his super level of faggotry.
1 of the shooters is Moroccan
Not a single one of my friends (born around 96) that aren't nationalists
The other shooter is Tunisian.
Your friends are cunts and so are you.
Except it's been leaked that one of the shooters was Moroccan, one of the initial witness statements had that they were shouting "Allah Akbar", and we have people on literally every news site that hasn't blocked the comments apprising readers of this.
The fake news doesn't establish and control the narrative anymore. We're in control now. Right Wing Education Squads are destroying their bullshit.
Here in Germany they make it seem like it's white supremacists that shot up that mosque in the title, but in the article, which nobody even reads, they mention they were shouting allahu akbar.
The way in which the article is framed it is obvious that it was a muslime, but they want people to think it was a white person.
>carrying an AK-47 (probably a sand person)
>And one was age 27 (oh shit that really narrows the search)
Lets frame the narrative so it looks like it was Whitey.
>The mosque has been targeted before. In June, a pig’s head was left there during the holy month of Ramadan. Weeks later, an Islamophobic letter was distributed in the vicinity.
Lets set the sides. It was an adversary to Islam that committed the crime!
>“We know little at the moment, but one or two people have assumed the right to kill our fellow Muslim Québec citizens. When intolerance goes from debate to murder, solidarity is essential.”
Disgusting, this is why the media is our biggest adversary. They are misleading people by putting information that is irrelevant to the crime at hand to frame it as a white male.
CNN actually brushed the attacks to the bottom of the page.
>a pig’s head was left there during the holy month of Ramadan. Weeks later, an Islamophobic letter was distributed in the vicinity.
>there may come a day in the near future where leafs are no longer FUCKING leafs
We might have to credit Trudeau for waking up all the >LEAFS and improving Sup Forums
Apparently a Kebab did this one as well.Canad welcomes them.
Why? Why does he have to endorse being a turbo faggot on the streets? Fuck, if he gets elected again he is going to give a no homo jk blowjob during a pride parade.
So fucking slimy. I'm amazed more people don't call out the obvious pro-muslim, anti-white bias. I am going to harp on this shit for fucking ever.
>born around 96
are you youngsters really that grounded and well adjusted? Should I really hope for a better future?
I am a 89s so all my generation are cuckolds and globalists.
It begins. Every cucked nation is the first to taste violence.
Can't let the bigger story of the ban on countries that has happened before overshadowed by terrorism that we just simply have to live with.
And male weed smokers who are technically women as well.
tolerance can only go so far before they become intolerance.
Trump is going to use this to reposition his anti-terror travel restrictions as protecting Muslim Americans as well as everyone else.
Bruh these news reports are being slid. All the BIG stories are suddenly lower page articles.
We can't let this happen.
We NEED to find these guy's confirmed identities and the motives.
If it is an act of revenge as some locals suggested (mosque rapists) that would be even better than terrorism against a different sect of Islam.
This means we can capitalize on both the Muslim rape issue and the problem of authorities refusing to solve this problem. We can highlight to normies how this political correct crap also harms other 'moderate' Muslims, this would be a great redpill.
Everyone is in turbo cuck mode this morning explaining how diversity is our strength in spite of the fact that we've just had an instance which, from the face of it, looks like a potential inter ethnic conflict.
I fucking hate white westerners. They're so fucking stupid.
Helo Mahmed
It's not easy to get AKs though, if they did in fact have one. They're prohibited weapons meaning no one can own one, regardless if it's semi auto or not.
Fucking this X39999999999999
UK is the biggest exporter of homegrown ISIS fighters.
These people live in Muslim ghetto and never integrate. Watch these guys be 15th generation.
is this white male making fun of hanging black people?!
(did he actually get in any trouble for this photo?)
So this is gun control working because without it they would've had tanks or bazookas?
I would normally take that as pandering to the beyond level but knowing this faggot, I know he means it...
Studies show that teens (14-18) right now are most conservative since ages. The most cucked generation was that of our parents. Probably due to '68er propaganda. Even our generation now isn't as bad as them, and the bs they spout about "this is how the future voted" is gonna slap them in the face 4 and 8 years from now when the Dems are gonna lose even more ground presumably.
I don't agree with all of it, but the next generation seems to even be against LGBT rights on average.
Of course, in Europe a similar thing happens for different reasons. Our conservative spike is coming from the new Muslim demographic growth.
pick 2 m8
that trigger discipline
((( Fahrenheit )))
It started with a lot of people who speak French.
It seems to me that each generation votes opposite of its parents. Typical identity formation via rebellion.
And the other shooter is Descartes. I mean, Tunisian.
Yeah but the Berlin shooter was also an Iranian. He was still a white supremacist :)))
>Un des deux hommes arrêtés dans le cadre de l’attentat terroriste survenu dans une mosquée de Québec serait d’origine québécoise et l’autre serait d’origine arabe,
if this is true then its the best news Ive heard in a decade.
you cunts just got upgrade from a literally non country to a decent European state.
Iranians are white now?
Is terrorist = WHITE MALE now?
AC is an oppressive misogynist construction of the patriarchy, you fucking shitlord.
Patience my son
This won't be the last time that governments try to cover up immigrant crime
memes be upon him.
Close. He is the son of fidel castro
>Quebec origin
>Conveniently looking over the fact that a foreigner born in a white country magically becomes a native according to lefties
Not buying that shit for a second
YES you fucking idiot
Don't you see? The internet is radicalizing wite boys thats why Trump won in the first place, and it's so toxic that it even radicalized poor minorities.
How does that joke even work? He's comparing a relatively minor nuisances to the whole of feminism not existing.
thats fake news trying to ruin our legitmacy. google his name, its a meme like sam hyde
Hello poorfag.
I see, I see. So poor minorities who become radicalized and turn to terrorism are actually becoming Nazis and White Nationalists.
Thanks Belgium. Love your chocolate.
So who shot the mosque up then?
Hopefully it wasn't white people, but the odds are significantly higher considering Trudick actually called it "cowardly" and "terrorism" this time
were fucked lads
not one state media is talking about this shooting
all they are talking about his how "evil"
Mr. Trumps Muslim ban is. Day of the rake
np Philipines. Love your factual strongest race in the world.
>AK are banned
>gunmen had an AK
>weapons aren't allowed in public places
There is something fishy there. Mossad ?
gun control totally works
Well you know its so hard to throw an AK in the back of an SUV, and drive across the boarder from the USA. Driving into Canada is like
"Hey ya, how long ya staying Canada eh?"
>Couple days, I wanted to drinks some Labatts, watch some hockey and eat some poutine
Ok user have a good time in Canada.
I mean just like chicago.. amazingly most guns in Chicago come from Indiana and Wisconsin.
It's so embarassing. I don't want to be associated with you cucked Preussen.