You will never be apart of something like this

>you will never be apart of something like this

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Seems kind of gay mate.

Feels badman... everyone would have a qt3.14 next to them instead of this whore culture.

the white race is a mutant race of the original human race which is african and black/brown

only a complete faggot would get homo connotations from a nationalistic demonstration of the empowerment of its men, soldiers, workers, and patriots.

>in my boxers surrounded by white supremacists and holding my pole
every morning when i open the browser and go to Sup Forums.

There is nothing stopping you from creating a nationalist men's club.



Nazi education, everybody.

i do like nazi roman architecture

sad very sad that this didn't come to be nazis were the best autists in power

and to you my judes; nazis only wanted to relocate you, not to kill, this new generation of nazis, neo-nazis, are a bit dull and disorganized its rather saddening how they misunderstand nazism

if you wouldn't have pushed the 6 trillion jews meme then perhaps no one would care about you and you would be just like any other race group imagine that, living quietly


actually user..

Why live?

nice one



At least we have equality now. It was worth it, t-totally.

... r-right?

we also have freedom and democracy r-r-r-r-r-right......?

Did they shave their chest?

y-yah we're all the same brb

hitler senpai didn't like "hairy" bois


bullshit, nationalism oddly enough has deep faggoty undertones, it worships the masculine physique, drools over male prowess. There's a definite homo-erotic undertone to it etc.

It's counterpart which is liberalism drools over fat, hairy dykes and pnik haired, pierced, and tattooed beta males.
>Nationalism - Faggot tier male fixation
>Liberalism - Hairy, beached beluga whale worship.


TOP KEK, good one Mr Kangaroo !


Aryans are low test and can't grow chest hair


>you will never be apart of something like this
Thank god.

t. (((civic nationalist)))

Yes, that's actually how evolution works, Pablo. Good job.

RIP English

t. tanned german

t. eternal teeth

>Gorilla fuzz is sexy
Found the Paki.

Parger being anything besides a neocon, jew loving, pussy he would have voted to Bush because he was "mah real conservative". Prager is the baby step to the right for a leftist.

Not a retort, fucking Koala molesting abo. KYS !

>t. tanned (((german)))

No, you will be part of something like this

>it worships the masculine physique, drools over male prowess. There's a definite homo-erotic undertone to it etc.

I disagree that its gay in it's social nature. I mean, certainly, homosexuals are involved. But you have to consider that cultures tend to idealize one form of the human body over another. As in, they tend to worship it as a figure.

It's not really sexual, to celebrate the male figure. That's the (((conditioning))) talking. I get the iconography and the celebration of virility and strength. In fact, I think it's really important socially, especially when we're fighting against a lot of dehumanizing, emasculating bullshit. Yet, despite all of this, I don't want to fuck a dude.

Really makes you think.

>Really makes you think.

I must say that *sniff* this post was, how you say, certainly entertaining and so on and so on *sniff*
