communism doesn't wo-
Communism doesn't wo-
the entire river probably consists of radioactive waste and heavy metals.
Does the chinese goverment have any corruption?
works huh? then can you kindly take back all your fucking people back to china. thanks.
1 child policy
shit mem-
>Le china is still communist meme
Its nearly like every western country. If you dont fuck with the leading party, you can become rich.
it's not communism
what about that works? you raced up to the west's 'level' with 10 times more pollution. Look at it! You can't even take a picture of the skyline.
and you know what? You'll never surpass the west, because your lifestyle is completely dependent on us to innovate for you to copy. Poorly.
But I digress, that's not a knock on communism. It's chinks.
must've got all that steel from the backyard furnaces right?
I get it OP
you're trying to make them say "b-but it's not real communism"
I guess if you get past the fact that the factories have suicide nets surrounding them and many workers are just prisoners.
English teachers are smar-
there are literally ghost cities in China you dork
China thread?
Good thing China is well known for its high standard of living and low poverty
Yea like your special economic zones are "Communist" policies.
Strange that only those regions expierenced got massive growth like Shenzhen.
Capitalism doesn't work!
honestly this its a miracle that boat doesnt dissolve in that water
Are gooks even allowed to google Tiananmen Square before getting arrested these days?
Pick one.
Seriously, do they not teach this shit in school anymore?
kek confirms communism causes grave water pollution
That's not the result of communism, Ching Chong.
China isn't communist.... They think they are but they're not true communist. The only thing that is Communist about them is the one party system and the fact that you cannot own property.
Other than that, it's quite capitalistic like. Markets all over, companies trying to outdo others. Basically like America.
In a surprise twist the chinese economy only started recovering when the chinese government gradually adopted a free market.
Nice proxy, saged
You misspelled Western money
What the fuck was that.
except when you profit off of capitalism
All thanks to your "communist" government adopting a state capitalist system, and the huge amount of shekels received from Japanese ODA.
Why don't you post an image in Tibet, East Turkestan, or any of the rural areas then eh? Lets see how that compares.
And it only required the imprisonment and murder of 70 million dissidents to realize a great nation that rips off every other country's inventions and makes them shittier for profit. Amazing. Fuck communism and fuck you.
Story behind this?
They only reason they are like that is because they opened their markets up to capitalist trade.
Fuck even 6 year olds know this.
Stop making threads OP.
I think it's the chemical factory that blew up in Tianjin.
You DO realise it's all a sham right?
That the 100 year plan calls for this?
A period of destructive capitalism, to gather the resources needed for a transition to post-scarcity and true communism?
How dumb are people in this thread? On this board?
More like, it makes a really good case for authoritarian governments, not for communism
>Sweatshop central
Yes, this totally works.
>slavery and forced labor
Well, after killing millions of chinks, it had to get you somewhere.
Communism (crony capitalism.) works when it gets hijacked by the people at the top and leads to an oppressive regime to bleed the people.
So really you are saying extreme capitalism works, when you can brainwash the populus into being poor willfully and worshipping celebrity leaders.
Really made me think OP, I wish you were In China, I think you need a visit from the mandatory organ donor squad. You visited Sup Forums, that's at least 1 liver or kidney.
>seriously implying that China's growth in the last thirty years hasn't been a direct result of moving away from Maoist policies
I hope you're being ironic. China is communist only insofar as it oppressed its people.
Don't forget to sage guys.
lol, no
Yeah Moscow looked pretty great too during Soviet times
Can't say much about the rest of the country though
China doesnt innovate anything and they are provably the most dishonest people in the world (coin flip study). They are of inferior intellect, inferior talent, and inferior culture.
Stop stealing technology. Stop cheating on tests. Stop lying.
You don't scam your way to number one.
and China is fucked now anyway because of pollution. In about 5 generations they will all be sterile and eventually cease to exist.
Volume 114 >> Issue 27 : Friday, May 27, 1994
Clinton Grants China MFN, Reversing Campaign Pledge
By Ann Devroy
The Washington Post
President Clinton Thursday reversed course on China and renewed its trade privileges despite what he said was Beijing's lack of significant progress on human rights.
Echoing the case made by George Bush when he was president, Clinton said he was convinced the Chinese would take more steps to improve human rights if the issue were separated from the threat of trade sanctions.
"This decision offers us the best opportunity to lay the basis for long-term sustainable progress on human rights and for the advancement of our other interests with China," he said at a news conference announcing his decision to extend China's most-favored-nation (MFN) trade status.
the nature of Aquarius age is like water
it will mix everything. china is on the good way for mix capitalism and communism
the rest of the world will follow you soon
But that's not mean the rest of the world will be like your formula 100%
so japanese reinvented cars from scratch to make toyota? they didnt steal from the west?
holy fuck this can't be real
>>china abandoning communism is an example of how communism works
Are you really this stupid?
>robbing the west out of its labor
>being the biggest labor thief on the planet
Wow, look how great communism is filthy piggu!
Wow... That guy was impaled by a street sign, crushed, exploded AND ran over by a truck.
Now that is a bad day.
Feminine Penis
Best Penis
Commies not even once
enjoy your corporatism
They didn't steal like your country does. They got the general idea and arranged/improved it on their own.
Japan has frequently made BETTER cars than Americans and Europeans made, unlike China which makes the shittiest cars on planet earth, fuckwit.
It's called market competition. I realize this concept is foreign to you, but learn it before posting here.
They can search it but they get a blurb above the search results saying that some results are filtered for legal reasons. Google doesn't operate in China anymore though.
>0 points in luck
Hey chinese never steal! They respect peoples properties. They are honorable internet citizens and job thefts have never happened. You can trust the chinese government, they are the friends of the planet with the greatest environmental policies!
Japanese are the anglos of east Asia, better than everyone on the mainland, rightful overlords of an inferior people. Chinese are the like the slavs
South Korea can be Germany I guess
Final Destination IRL
>openly adopts free-market economics in the late 80s
Go to bed Xi, you're drunk.
Leningrad was apparently very scenic.
sorry that your shitty factory jobs nobody wants was taken
They really are Brazil-tier
>le contemporary China is communist meme
If anything, China is ancap as fuck.
Beat me again, Latvia
Wow, they've done well since they STARTED TO ABANDON COMMUNISM.
Someone lit a cigarette and the air caught fire.
Where is the socalist state with free house and hot pussy and food?
The day user nukes China?
>Koreans are like Germans
No, Koreans are Koreans. China's little tributary bitch for centuries and Japan's little sex slave for about half-century.
Degenerate as fuck also.
Your country went from communist to some sort of neo-liberal in te 90s, you didn't knew that chink?
found this interesting Chinese vid on people running themselves over on purpose to receive insurance money.
>A period of destructive capitalism, to gather the resources needed
This is why Commies should have never been taken seriously.
Making such diametrically contradictory statements constantly even within the same sentence.
China moved to what they have now because they knew they were succumbing to link related and otherwise would collapse at a fundamental economic level.
But even then there's still heavy proxy command economic policies in China which are still going to cause it to collapse. It's just a matter of time until their debt ridden facade even worst than the West's explodes
>ancient China = Modern day CCP china
Top Kek
The capitalist reforms started in the late 90's
This just shows how well capitalism works
literally the same people
all wealth in one place in a country with 1/7 of world population.
-rk; you faggots need to finish your fucking sentences because your meme sucks.
Hong Kong makes all the money, and that money flows into communist China. Your welcome, faggot.
And this.
Tell that to the millions that have starved and continue to. Also tell that to the cunts that get "dissapeared" or shot in the street for criticising.
I'm sure they'll love to hear about the benefits of communism, cunt.
Except that current day China is controlled by peasants and 80% of China is of nong descent. Don't get me wrong, peasant doesn't mean poor, in fact most of China's new rich peeps are peasants. It means being a soulless scumbag with no sense of dignity. Fuck you nongs for ruining Chinese people's reputation.
China has not been communist since the Deng Xioping reforms. China has a centrally planned state capitalist system. Maos Communism killed nearly a hundred millions Chinks and would have kept your country North Korea tier if he had his way. Thank your lucky stars that Deng Xioping saw the light and Mao died.
>五毛 deposited to your account
China isn't communist.
Hello, I'm market Leninism and what is this?
This. Even the USSR had COMECON back in the 70s.
Well, here is the thing. Maoism, is an entirely different beast of its own, and it's not really part of the Marxist Jew.
Mao red some shit, took some inspiration and created his own version of the beast that produced some different results without a Jew guide
>same people
What is the Yuan Dynasty? (Mongols)
What is the Qing Dynasty? (Manchus)
Ancient Chinese does not necesarily = Modern day Chinese (Han)
Also, the CCP pretty much destroyed all those cultural stuff anyway
how is that communist?
west steal technology from china you can't deny this facts
it's not about race in china you racism