(((Science))) March
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Science? Sure, sure
I'd love to hear a scientific discussion of racism :^)
I guess psychology is a science of sorts...
intersex people are actually a scientific issue that is very poorly understood even by most medical professionals, not to mention being fascinating
the rest are pet causes
If they told the American people that this is the kind of science their tax dollars are funding, they would be cut so fast their head would spin. No wonder we haven't been to the moon in decades.
wtf I am flat-earther now
but, user, only republicans deny science.
>le (((meme)))
The Earth is actually a convex shape, that's why we get the appearance of it being round.
It's the contraception pill and piss
that makes no sense, intersex people have been around forever
it's just a weird natural mutation, like the snakes born with two heads
You can prove with science that sexism (women being weaker), racism (different physical features), trans (chromosomes) are real though.
The fuck is econ justice?
How is this related to science at all? These are made up terms for things that don't exsit.
no, no they're not. Please fuck off you goddamn commies
economic justice, the greatest of all sciences, comrade
>The fuck is econ justice?
It's really just a codeword for Marxist economics
>denies racism
>is pro science
You canĀ“t make that shit up.
Anyone know when the March is? Hopefully my MAGA hat comes in the mail before it. And hopefully it's on a weekend since like a normal human bean, I got work m-f
>snowflakes genders are a scientific issue
Unless the issue is scientifically proving that it's bullshit, it's not a fucking issue
>tfw you study Maths and Physics and have to constantly put up with (((sociologists))) hijacking the word 'science' to fit along with whatever their pet issue is.
>"the existence of 69 genders is science!"
>"the wage gap is science!"
It's downright disrespectful to be honest.
I love these guys it's how I got my degree in Crowd Science
that does sound like ((science))
Someone needs to report the March for Science Twitter for making that post explicitly rejecting Islam.
What's their opinion on eugenics?
>Argue that basic aspects of psychology and biology dont real because feelings
>Suddenly apparently the pro science crowd
I don't get it, how do they not realize how stupid they are?
Genetic differences aren't necessarily a justification for racism or sexism.
>native rights
this is what we get when "science" goes public. Disgraceful
>he's still on the convex pill
Heh... see ya around kid
>joined january 2017
>already 291k followers
how much money have they paid for fake followers?
If science is so great then how come there isn't even 1 (ONE) successful scientocracy?
Is some marketing firm behind these (insert cause) marches on DC?
>he's unironically a round earther
they're paid to be stupid
any march for (((social justice))) will be co-opted by the biggest victims, aka the loudest shriekers.
See Controversies, this is the most based guy in science today.
fucking r*ddit idea of science
Racism is (((science))) but race isn't...
They are a justification for altruism, protectionism, and isolationism between races as was done throughout history.
Lots of people studying/teaching in the hard science departments at my university believe this, I expect most scientists are race realists to some agree. Universities are controlled by the administration though, not the faculty, so mentioning it will destroy your career and get you lampooned by the media.
Leftists love "science". They love to like watered-down science pages on social media and watch shitty little animations that grossly oversimplify complex natural phenomena. It's no surprise that hordes of these roaches followed a page with a cool epic nucular logo dude xDD
Can anyone access their site?
No matter how much leftist live the science nigger or Bill Nye it's impossible to get that many followers in less than a month and anyone that knows a bit about social media will tell you that.
Anyone know when it will happen? Need to see how cucked some celebrity scientists are.
Is this a list of thing that no respectable scientist would ever say?
Wouldn't most of this just be a green flag for eugenics?
Aside from most of those ailments most likely being in the DSM-V
Probably under ASD
Yeah this , look how hard people came down on James Watson. They basically killed his career for wrongthink. I'm doing my PhD for Biology right now and I think race is a biological reality but I'm not stupid enough to ever articulate that thought around people who could affect my career. I know there are others who think like me, too, but we're all kept quiet. Very scary the level of thought control (((they))) have in academia.
an exchange is in order
i'll eat up all your climate change shit if you stop forcing this 109 genders nonsense as science
silly constant-mass plebs
They're probably funded by Soros, so obviously.
China's essentially a technocracy and that's worked out pretty well for it over the past 30 years or so. It isn't the nicest country but it started off a lot shittier than it is now and it's growth has been unparalleled in human history.
I specifically asked about firms because they literally appeared overnight and already have a shit ton of followers and paying for followers cost a shit ton of money. If you go on similar science themed accounts the only ones that have over 300k exist since 2008. Something's fishy here but i can't access their site for some reason, I wanna do a bit more digging.
In this tweet from January 28 they say that the website is coming soon. So they already have 291k followers but don't have a website?
kek, I can already see the headlines
>Scientists all across USA march against Trump !
>mfw there'll probably be less than 20 real scientists dumb enough to attend.
As I said, clearly soros backed.
It's rather sad no one's taken Russia up on their dead or alive offer.
KEK, their first tweet was on January 23. So they only exist for a week, don't have a website but have 291k. Holy shit I'm gonna go full autism and dig deeper into this. Join me fellow autists.
Serious question here, how long do you think this will go on or do think there'll be marches for anything during the whole 4 years until there's new elections ?
>Too intelligent to march without a pink brain hat
if they're funded they'll keep going
>mfw both sides of the spectrum keep trying to shoehorn their ideologies in science
What the fuck is intersex-phobia?
I swear they make up new ones daily.
>Quantum Gender Theory
Our children will learn about Schrodingers male, a theory in which straight men can both exist and take a BBC up the ass at the same time.
Every single science-themed twitter account I clicked on is just wall to wall Trump bashing.
Take this one for example
>Join a global movement that's inspiring the world to rise to the challenge of the climate crisis. 350=safe upper limit of CO2 in atmosphere.
They're just posting pictures from the JFK airport protest and ranting about immigration.
Or this one
I gonna get to the bottom of this, but first i have to take a shit.
Yes, science, reason annd logic are your enemies. Literally, they are. Good work
communists LARPing science harder than creationists
Scientifically there is no easy race.
It's an oblong sphere
On it my dude
Should be called "#PseudoScienceMarch"
Those idiots wouldn't know what actual science is if it hit them in the face.
Bet there will be barely any STEM graduate (or student) attending. Its going to be liberal arts-, social studies- , gender studies- (notice the word 'studies' as opposed to 'science', you antiscientific fucks), sociology and maybe psychology students - all those "sciences" which already were at the lower end of scientific accuracy/standarts (if i got a $ for every psychologist who treats a logical Implication like a logical equivalence, i would be fucking rich by now - don't even get me started on how sociologists handle statistics), and became even worse over the last years.
Hearing/Reading them missuse the term "science" to describe their ideological motivated drivel makes my blood boil. Seriously, just add a mandatory math course to all of those subjects (taught by an actual math grad, and not some gender idiot) and you would have 99% of those noskill students fail before getting to their 2nd Semester >:D
Science is a political prostitute. Appeal to authority is wearing thin, so the stunts are becoming more outrageous (e.g. the Doomsday Clock).
The Doomsday Clock was adjusted 30 seconds forward by "Scientists, Intellectuals and Scholars" due to recent events that "imperil the planet".
The clock, which indicates the destruction of the planet, was set to 2-1/2 minutes to midnight, lower than the Cuban Missile Crisis and the height tensions in the Cold War.
Why has the countdown to global destruction been set closer to midnight? Reasons given for mankind's imminent destruction include:
>> Climate denial
>> Weakening globalism
>> Russian hacking
>> Fake News
>> Donald Trump
>> (Believe it or not) Sup Forums and other internet "Monocultures"
If these narratives sound familiar, they are approximately the same list of grievances from the Occupy Democrats movement, but with the extra added terror of Doomsday and validated by "Science".
A statement from Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists explains that the countdown was corrected to 2-1/2 instead of 2 minutes was because President Trump has only been in office less than a week.
>scientific issues
Maybe of pseudo-science such as social science.
Science is being hijacked by Leftist indoctrinated (((Science))), and its taking on an increasingly desperate form and used in ridiculous ways to shill for purely political viewpoints. It's reminiscent of the old Soviet (((Science))).
They had some shitty blogspot website up before this which is where they got all their followers.
those are sociology issues and anyone who is not a fucking retard will agree that sociology is a pseudo meme science that only pushes leftist agendas y cultural marxism and makes problems out of non issues
Fuck commies
reminder that this liberal con artist isn't even a scientist.
>In the time since its creation on Monday, the Science March Twitter account has amassed some 177,000 followers as of this writing
>Written on January 26, 2017
114k followers in 4 days. Give me a fucking break.
Actually Earth is in the shape of a Klein bottle.
Wake up sheeple.
I'm glad their new website is less retarded than their old one. Their old site actually pissed me off so much that for the first time in my life I actually sent an angry email to someone. Here's what I sent them for your keks:
I read your Scientists' March on Washington website and I am angrier than I have ever been in my entire life. "There are certain things that we accept as facts with no alternatives."? What the fuck is this bullshit? Since when does science mean that we must blindly accept things as facts? Science is about questioning the world around us, not accepting the words of others as truth. Accepting the "truths" others preach at us is the domain of religion, not science.
You call this a scientists' march but in reality it is an anti-science march. You are urging people to discard their reason and logic and fall blindly in step with the words of your scientist-priests and cast out all who may question your belief system. You have perverted science to be a pathetic shadow of what it once was - a tool meant to enable people to understand the world. Now it serves as little more than another tool for you to squash out any voices that might speak against you.
The world doesn't need any mindless nodding yes-men blindly following the words of scientists. The world needs people capable of independent thought, people willing to question anything and everything presented to to them. Blindly following the words of others does no one any favors. The world needs skeptics, not sycophants.
Demanding that others cease their investigations in to the nature of this world is the most shameful thing a scientist could ever do. A scientist must remain a skeptic if he is ever to separate dogma from reality.
The truth does not fear investigation and you should never encourage others to fear investigation either.
It's (((Science))) Goy! Don't question the guys in lab coats, because.. LAB COATS!
>Kikebook page 293,910 likes
>Created on January 25
"Native rights"
Except for native Europeans though. That'd be racist.
(((Berman))) and (((Weinberg))) are the organizers
>intersex people are actually a scientific issue that is very poorly understood even by most medical professionals, not to mention being fascinating
So you are saying that they should be... experimented on for the good of the human race, correct?
I will have initial results in a few days, commander.
It's troubling that (((Scientists))) and their political allies have attempted to use the force of law to silence criticism and debate. The Democratic policy was that man-made Climate Change has been 100% proven and is beyond reproach.
Again, it stinks of desperation and deception. Interesting days ahead for the EPA under Trump..
Yeah I know it's supposed to be an atom, but kek at that david star.
close enough
The only problem with dealing rationally with mental illness is that (((Psychology))) is rarely Science rather than fashionable opinion. (((Transgender Psycological))) experts are putting children as young as 3 on hormone replacement therapy.
It's a quarter notch up from homeopathy on the Science scale.
Just got an email from my university this morning about an event from the school of engineering, it's called "EngiQueers" - safe spaces will be provided.