what is your opinion on this uptopian European Union , a continent free of Islam and SJW
>norwegian shetland
larpers out. Jocks stole it fair and square, it belongs to her majesty now.
not norwegion , scandinavian union
>Giving cancerous armenians a lot more land and not the kurds?
>spain annexing portugal
>baltic states becoming one state while estonia is a whole lot different
>germany not reclaiming east prussia
>wtf happened to hungary
>corsica now with italy
>russia gaining more land and influince in europe
>the benelux being ruled by the dutch and not having the orange pattern in their flag.
Looks fine to me.jpg
>the same country
Dream on It's like relationship between Macedonia and Bulgaria both parties are ok with each other but not willing to give away their freedom.
"macedonia" KEK
You always know someone doesn't have a single goddamn clue as to what they're doing when they "unify" Ireland.
thats pretty explosive union.
>germany not reclaiming east prussia
And why would those retards deserve more land and power? To import more shitskins or start yet another war agaisnt white countries?
Wtf happened to Alsace ?
You can have fyroms,we don't want those albanian/bulgarian hybrids.
Otherwise, pretty good.
Rightful German clay
>a continent free of Islam and SJW
>treating the symptoms but not the cause
jews go first
the clay is historical Serbian tho , the people would be exterminated
Portugal deserves to exist
>ruling all over the Peninsula
>not being destoyed and covered by the Lusitanian sea
Kill yourself, Stoickhov!
Thanks, Spainbro
Why Macedonia is going much better than Bulgary?
"macedonia" lololol you mean the republic of brainwashistan
>Leaving out West and East Prussia
>indoctrinated by some retarded propaganda justifying the anglo puppet state of portugal
I like ur map
Give us back ISTRIA and FIUME
we'll cleanse our rightful clay from fyroms once we get it back
why does the baltics get some shitty looking flag, atleast make it look good doesnt have to be a combination of all the colors of baltics
>Bulgar giving us FYROM and not shilling for Croats
Бoгдaнe вpaчaј ce нaзaд вeћ знaмo дa cи цyцк.
>le ebin constantinople is Greek
>Italy doesn't have Istria and Dalmatia
Ain't gonna happen. Every faithful muslim truly believes in the fall of Europe, when modern Europeans believe in nothing. I suppose we can thank America for fulfilling the fatima prophecy
hahha nope
go away kebab
Hungary is still too big, you should remove some more of their clay.
Also why even bother with Austria and Holland at this point, just make them part of the Reich again.
That baltics flag looks like shit, better use the flag that the germans proposed
Gib back Karelia
Fuck off Alsace is rightful french clay
It´s right now your clay you mean. We had de jure claim too once.
In all seriousness, you can keep it until germany sorted it´s shit out.
We Alsacian are french, gtfo your dirty hands of our region
I'm an SJW considering relocation to Europe if Trump is reelected. I think Europe should welcome Muslim refugees. They should keep the far right parties and Russia out.
You demilitarise our Rheinland and we demilitarise your whole country.
Romanian one is actually correct and will happen in max 10 years though...
back to stepe durk
OP is a faggot
>Didn't add Macedonia to Bulgaria
Europe is a cucked shithole
this is a map
How long has it been french now? As I said it was once de jure german. Keep it if you want then.
I´m just kinda miffed because germany gets smaller with each incarnation.
Alsatian (Alsatian and Alemannic German: Elsässerditsch, literally "Alsatian German"; French: Alsacien; German: Elsässisch or Elsässerdeutsch) is a Low Alemannic German dialect spoken in most of Alsace, a region in eastern France which has passed between French and German control five times since 1681. A dialect of Alsatian German is spoken in the United States by so-called Swiss Amish, who migrated to the U.S. in the middle of the 19th century.
Jews and gypsies kicked out
Balkanshits, "Greeks", Ukranians and impure Meds are exterminated/kicked out
Russians, Poles and English are culled to 10%
Germans are culled to 40%
Eugenics across the continent
Armenians, Georgians and other Caucasus filth exterminated
>No Portugal
very good. The Netherlands should be a Spanish colony again desu senpai.
Swissfag u mad
Europe should be devided by ethnic boundaries
Fuck off with yougoslavia-slavic bullshit,it didnt work, dont try to force it
Ikr. What the hell happened to our borders!
basques are ethnically spanish.
>spot the jewish spanish living in merkeland
Scandinavia would be stronger together though you gotta admit that
then why give north transylvania to Hungary?It has way more romanians.
For what reason would scandicucks get any clay from us? gtfo
there's no corridor of ethnic magyars, just the ones sitting right in the middle
fucking russians
go do krokodile you degenerate
albanians are not an ethnicity they are a artificial creation
>Smoleńsk isn't a polish city
fuck off
>giving northern finland to scandicucks
>Germany existing
Nice, now check for how long Latin was the Lingua of the region
protip: much longer
is it some kind of evil double ironic troll attempt or you genuinely want to gib us clay?
nie, naprawdę czekam na nowę Polskę
No not in the slightest
Agreed, just give Macedonia to Serbia and give back Bulgaria to the tatars, or even the turks. Good riddance.
ja również
why steal clay from Romania
Why would pomerania be independent?
cause nobody want you here
Improved maps for eternal butthurted gypsies
>wilno nasze
I thought it was a meme
significant german population, and I don't want to butthurt germans too much by integrating it to poland
northern ireland........give it back! ulster does not want to be irish! they are british!!! you do not speak for them!
are you dumb?what kind of agument is this you untermensch
i'm okay with this, good job
Then integrate it to Germany? What the fuck
>Owning Galicia and ethnic cleaned Extremadure
I can live with that
I fixed it
cause I want to butthurt them a little
Well then your map is shit
how shit must it be having to share a border with other countries
how the fuck do eurocucks even cope?
borders are fine as they are
but now since our ethnic are in middle, its irrelevant to color them.
dude it's just a paint drawing, I can do whatever I want with it
No one wants a nordic union other than stormfags who have like 500 members across all countries. Also no Finland u wot m8
Russian borders are correct.
>t. mountain nigger
>Finland annexed russia
Im okay with this rightfull finnish clay
Where would I get cheap booze and cigarettes if I was in the same country as Latvia? Ridiculous.
Never raise your taxes!