Is kek good, evil or just neutral chaos?
Is kek good, evil or just neutral chaos?
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Kek is all mighty, Kek is god.
He only wants chaos. He is amoral.
God and Jesus are good.
Kek is literally a jester, Loki and shiat.
One day he will turn on Sup Forums, just for the demonic lulz.
Christ is the only good.
He knows what is best for the world
chaotic neutral
Chaotic neutral, more of a natural law or force, when going by the egyptian definition.
>As a concept, Kek was viewed as androgynous, his female form being known as Keket (also Kekuit)
A trap
Pure fucking glorious CHAOS
Kek is not what you think it is. Kek is not what pol says. You can praise it but it's working is not under your control. Kek is not what I say about it either.
He could be setting up the right for a major epic defeat
Chaotic Neutral
Evil Chaos. KEKs end game is WW3 and human extinction.
It's funny seeing people talk about Kek yet know absolutely nothing about the Mythology. Kek represents a transition FROM chaos to enlightenment. It's his female form KEKET that represents a transition to chaos.
He may be beyond the terms of good and evil.
Chaos, darkness, by extension of those two things, he represents underdogs. The right, in the modern world, are underdogs. By using his power to aid us, he creates conflict, darkness, and by extension, chaos.
Kek bring us chaos
Kek also restores order
Kek is the light bringer
Kek casts shadows on those who thought they were safe
Praise kek
If Kek is anything he's an elemental. He's not a god in the sense that he is ephemeral/non-physical and yet he's not physical in the sense of being of our plane. He likely rides among the various planes of existence, likely at the same time, causing havoc in each of them from which he feeds and grows. However harmful his influence may be he is an essential part of the threads that bind the universe. He could be The Loom, the opening of the lens of our existence, or the great Undoer of the Weave. He can be both simultaneously or he can be nothing at all (as his essense and purpose is engrained into the very fabric of the Weave), but his whim is his alone. He cannot be bid, he can be appealed to, he can be with you vibrating through your very existence or once can be void of him. He is the Wildcard of the very fabric of the universe. The variable for which one cannot account. His nature cannot be known, as to know one must be able to predict and no one can predict the twists and turns of Kek's mind. Why did, for so long, he leave this plane only to make his return blatant? Where is he now? The answer to these questions is all around you. Breathe it in.
Lawful ghood
Kek is comfy, comfy is light, warmth, friendship.
He does not want his children to suffer.
Kek doesn't just represent chaos-- he represents the way in which order naturally comes out of chaos. When a world is at its most chaotic, order forms. He represents the turning point in which chaos becomes order; the darkness before the dawn.
Study up on your memetics and the gods you pleb.
I wonder if the makers of WoW know what has happened to their word filter.
Kek is literally the Ogdoadan god of darkness. The opposite of light.
they must've noticed by now.
lawful kek
He is just Kek.
Behead those who insult KEK.
Kek dindu nuffin
kek embodies the truths everyone knows but has forgotten.
Daily reminder that kek has nothing to do with chaos. At all.
>Kek (also Keku, Kekui) is the deification of the concept of primordial darkness (kkw smꜣw, keku-semau[1]) in the Ancient Egyptian Ogdoad cosmogony. As a concept, Kek was viewed as androgynous, his female form being known as Keket (also Kekuit).[2] Kek and Keket in some aspects also represent night and day, and were called "raiser up of the light" and the "raiser up of the night", respectively.
chaotic good
Is a forest fie good or bad?
Depends on your relationship to the event.
Kek is just our anthropomorphization of the natural process that occurs when the baby bust causes economic decline and everyone scrambles to get in the too few lifeboats.
Praise. Please accept my offering
Incredible, it makes one question the very nature of our existence.
He is evil.
MOLOCH is the only truly benevolent god on this planet.
It is about time you worshipped him instead.
what's moloch done for us? Kek gave us Brexit and President Trump.
he is all things
I'm kek
D&D junkies detected
But it's totally true though. Kek makes no moral judgments and is ever present in making exciting things happen, which means he is on the side of the lulz
Kekism is a religion of peace
Good and bad are concepts we set, kek is beyond the idea of being good or bad.
There is 72 bodies who says that that already happened, suicide, madness and power are the greatest gifts Kek has give to Sup Forumsacks.
But every selflessness sacrifice that Sup Forumsacks have made for the cause, counts way more than the unwilling sacrifices to moloch.
He just doin' his thang.
> Kek is androgynous
thats about as funny as the religitards and their use of memes without understanding the biggest meme of them all
Kekism is a religion of peace
don`t u have elk to kill or something . . .
>Should we praise KEK?
Yes. KEK is entertaining, brutally honest, ironic, eye opening, and thus important.
KEK is an advocate for free speech. He drags us out of our comfort zones and helps us see the real world.
Praise him.
>Would I only rely on KEK?
No. Moral is not a category for KEK. He is neither good nor bad.
Pic related.