why white crime on east asians are ignored??
At least black crime on white are always reported in media.
why white crime on east asians are ignored??
At least black crime on white are always reported in media.
Whites shouldn't be allowed in japan t.b.h
Cant read gook, what happened?
Is it Americans or Australians committing the crime?
>why white crime on east asians are ignored??
Low rate of occurrence?
>>At least black crime on white are always reported in media.
Scrubbed constantly
He is leaf.
He killed/raped Japanese student in Canada.
Nuke canada
Pigskins don't like admitting their crimes.
WWII for example
She should've CCd her rake like any sane visitor to Canada.
He deserves the chair.
Don't know much about Canadas CJ system or if they even have executions.
He would in all likelihood fry here.
>Norway posting like a nonwhite
Should be made celebrity like Issei Sagawa in Japan.
I am Chinese. Why is it degenerate?
White women should be allowed to, but not white males
Kurosaki-san kidnapped by white man....and she is still missing.
Fucking leafs.
Day of the rake when?
You're Norwegian not Finnish.
Pick one, englishteacher-san.
Don't ever compare me or my son to the autistic Finns ever again.
>letting foreigners in
Listen I am going to give it to you straight.
There are really only two types of non asians trying to come to asian countries
>rapist weebs
You do not want or need either so stop letting them in.
norwegian values come from the ass
yurika-san raped/killed in Romania.
it was happened in France.
>studying in Africa
Not a very bright student eh?
by this scum
Is he going to be extradited to Japan?
looks greek
no turkish :(
Because nobody but weebs like you you slanty eyed scum
Why are you allowed to post here, potato nigger?
Nobody likes you and you are completely useless for anything productive.