Are we taking bets on whether this is legit or not?
I'm betting one hundred trendies he releases some minimal info about the ayy's.
Then promptly puts immigration ban on 7 different galaxies. Space nigs BTFO
Are we taking bets on whether this is legit or not?
I'm betting one hundred trendies he releases some minimal info about the ayy's.
Then promptly puts immigration ban on 7 different galaxies. Space nigs BTFO
White house intern here. Can confirm that there will be a major announcement today at 1pm EST. All I know is that it somehow involves Saturn.
Saturn car company returns from the dead?
He's closing the borders because he is about to unleash the mad dog on ISIS. You don't want fleeing fighters posing as refugees getting in.
He won't announce anything until it's underway.
Fucking hell.
Don't worry they'll just go to Canada
then a wall from the north will be needed
and c.u.c.k.ada will pay for it
I'll scan the notice and upload it shortly. It doesn't go into detail, it just references "the Saturn dilemma" as if we're supposed to know what that means. I would be surprised if it involves aliens, but I guess we'll find out today.
Aliens and Trump will complete the system of german idealism.
fuck off
Xenomorphs out
fake and gay
not legit
Done. I love America's mothers!
Even if he chose to push us into First Contact, the fact is this isn't the right time at all.
A claim like this, even backed with evidence, would be laughed off.
He can only back this up with ayy help, likely in the form of a ship appearing for all to see.
Holy shit
Well, you'll find out in a few hours.
Where's the documents user
It's just a single page document that we all received on Friday. The ETA is about 20 minutes
>you know the rings around saturn?
>those same rings were found around uranus
Aliens are really Demons.
or angels . . .
yes, fallen angels
Cause your making it rn faggot
Making what, the document? I don't give a shit if you believe me. Just watch the news at 1pm EST.
is there a stream user?
Every major news channel will cover it, so just search youtube for live streams from FOX, CNN etc.
huengels, motherfucker.
Only hostile aliens, only hardcore.
Bump for the first LARP in a long time that I genuinely wished was real.
Our destiny is the stars and the thought that I may not see it destroys me.
I wanna see this doc so I'm bumping your thread with some rares to summon kek.
Is it encleadus?
You dirty bastard
Seconded. We're not ready yet, anyway. We need to purge Islam and the Jews first so we can begin deporting all niggers to Uranus.
i bet he was kicked after this
fug off
Is there a Sup Forums stream?
Or something like a discord would be great too
Why reveal them today?
Why not? What does he have to lose?
It's balls to the wall time, were crashing this space ship
>the fact is this isn't the right time at all
How is that a fact though
what's this
where did you get this rumor from?
from strange news site that quoted Sup Forums user
plz invade us,ayy lmaos!
Arnt leafs already being killed? Fucking kek now theyll see why we have a fucking immigration ban stupid fucks.
how do you know they havent already?
mommy no
off you fuck
Pls no.
Then later that day calls the media a bunch of tards for thinking it was real.
Another thread with user claiming he was briefed on the issue that there will be disclosure today.
Didn't specify anything else.
The Don is a madman so I wouldn't put it past him
Lamest shit
Pls be larping
Cant upload it with my phone since it dumbs down resolution
>responding to lamest shit
That makes you lamerest shit lmao.
I really want to see the report that journalist wrote up after that interview
only white countries can apply, sorry :^)
No she won't
Is that Nate Silver image coming true? The one that said "The Xenos won't establish Trump as emperor of the solar system"
he will?
Canadian official E.T.X. committee member here. Trump hasn't even been briefed yet on these matters. Nothing will be released until the indoctrination of radical religions is complete. This could take decades. If you think things are bad in the middle east now imagine what the revealing of E.T. life would do. That's all I can say.
concentrated autism
fucking fag
The children the fallen angels had with the daughters of men, the women of the Earth.
Genesis 6:4
No what the fuck is wrong with you, nigger?
I can see it now
Fuck off space niggers, we're full
We require a final solution for the Saturn question.
Space crusades when??
Holy fuck user, this is some high level info, I wish I had my glasses with me.
White Sharia Space Marines Rape Gangs when?
In the age of digital cameras the potato cam remains king
Was a good try, anĂ£o. But this board despises Sup Forums.
OK, let's say he reveals it. What now? What exactly does this solve? We have really serious fucking shit going on right now. This isn't some Disney movie where we find out they're real and we all hold hands?
In what fucking dimension does this earn anything other than a glance?
Bunch of science cucks jerking it? Who fucking cares?
Gotta save mom
Unless we can score game changing weapons for the West all of this means fucking NOTHING.
Not replying to this Mediterranean cunt.
Revealing the existence of Alien would fuck us up big time. Humans are no ready for this it will cause mass hysteria.