Can't wait to see you internet nazis try to use mental gymnastics to get out of this one
Can't wait to see you internet nazis try to use mental gymnastics to get out of this one
Wow Troops die? That never happened under any other leader. I HATE TRUMP NOW
Come on at least come up with a better response than "it happens with every other leader" you autist
Trump is the COMMANDER IN CHIEF. This is HIS fault. OWN UP TO IT
how many died under Obama
>1 guy
>soldiers are broken, then rebuilt as soulless killers
>go to foreign countries and kill people
>indigenous people of said countries defend themselves
>soldiers die
>do this for centuries upon centuries
Such is the way of the world.
If you willingly joined the armed forces, in any country, expect to catch bullets for a living. If you're lucky enough to come out without physical damage, enjoy the emotional and psychological damages that come with killing other people.
quick, burn the constitution
It's a soldier. His job is to die.
>psychological damages that come with killing other people
Good thing they're fighting muslims and not people then
for once I agree with the leaf, stop being a shitposting faggot
This, it's the only way
>troops dying in war
breaking news indeed
Special Operatives die all the time. Most of their missions are never heard about or reported.
Also, they were high value and highly protected targets. They took out a lot of Al-Qaeda top ranking officials in that raid.
How many Americans die under Obanigger?
worst tragedy in the history of navy seals happened by Obama.
The military doesn't forget so easily.
enjoy the next 8 years as your subversive jewish plants are ferreted out like the rats they are.
kill yourself retard.
So, zero died under Obama?
>have troops in shithole
>troops do a mission in said shithole
>one dies in service for his country and your freedom
>this is now Trump's fault
So you're saying that all troops which die as a result of the job they chose are now the presidents fault ? In that case he's still doing better than Obama and way better than Hillary.
F for the fallen hero.
Okay. A guy died. It's not a good thing.
You expect him to be impeached over it or something? What the fuck do you want?
>soldiers die in combat
It's what the troops are meant for though
Freedom isn't free.
hey mnn , hesz trng t do heis best. youfukinb faggot. dont tlked about god emppper like that nigger
We still have shit happening in the middle east since Bush.
Omg a soldier died in combat, SHOCKED ONE IS! Wonder how many died under the filthy nigger? Or are we gonna ignore that faggot chimps failure of 8 years?
So before the guy died, Trump should have came down from the heavens and carpetbombed the shit out of Al Quaeda? Eat shit and hemorrhoids, you faggot.
you're trying too hard
>soldier dies in combat
wtf I hate trump now
14 civilians died too--including an 8 year old girl
saged and gay
Dead shitskin Muslims
We will now see a return to the media reporting every single casualty, after pretending nobody died for the last eight years.
Not meant to denigrate this loss at all, just pointing out that those lost in the last eight years have largely been ignored.
>14 civilians
please don't call them people
Soldiers die, that's what they signed up to do. We don't have compulsory military service, a draft, felons aren't impressed into service. This dude raised his hand and took the oath. If he were here today he'd call op a faggot himself.
He died doing high speed shit. Every combat arms soldier would eat dog shit with an MRE spoon to have the opportunity to be on a similar op.
>solders die in battle
holy fuck stop the presses
but seriously, trump doesn't make battle plans, he's not a general
>implying they weren't dying during obongo presidency.
They even gave him a Nobel Peace Prize.
Those troops were already here under obama, user
Plenty died for the black prince
We're in trouble lads.
No one state media outlet is discussing the
Mosque shooting live. All they keep talking
about his Mr. Trumps "evil" Muslim ban.
Lets face it our country has been usurped
by weed man King Cuck and George
Soros. I think it's time to dare I say
open up your Canadian Patriot defense
kit that was sent to you by the prince of
Who cares? Obama danced on Ellen and stuff.
Because no servicemen had ever died under Obongo.
Trump kills troops fighting terror instead of Obama killing civilians with drones. I say we better off so far.
To be fair this was probably planned out by someone with military experience like a general and then signed by him
>Can't wait to see you internet nazis try to use mental gymnastics to get out of this one
Read up on that raid, the planning began before Trump's inauguration.
>We are currently at war with ISIS
>One of our men dies
wtf I thought he said nobody was going to die in war under him
To be fair though: imagine the death toll we'd be at right now if Hillary had been elected
>1 dead
>More than 2,5k dead under obongo
Using troop deaths for you anti Trump shit just zhows how dispicable democrats are. The civil war is going to be a bloodbath with almost no losses on our side. Its going to be a literal slaughter
How about Benghazi, faggot?
A person died?
In a war?
>14:1 kill ratio
Mohammad, prepare your anus
So it begins. The media's daily tally of troop deaths just like how they did it under Bush.
Of course most of the troops that died on obamas watch it didn't even make the news.
>We will now see a return to the media reporting every single casualty, after pretending nobody died for the last eight years.
Fuck you nigger.
This thread is full of retards. Worst bait possible and all of you faggots fell for it.
Most people don't even believe any troops died under Obama, they think all of Obama's wars were drone strikes.
In fact when Benghazi happened, for most people that was the first time the media reported on Americans dying overseas to sandnigs. And you saw the fallout from that.
>One U.S. ambassador killed, one CIA operative killed, and two Navy SEAL mercenaries killed during the Obama presidency
>Over 2000 U.S. soldiers killed in the Afghanistan/Iraq war during Obama presidency
>Over 9,000 civilians killed during Obama drone strikes
>Over 60,000 blacks murdered by other blacks in the U.S. during the Obama presidency
>24 terrorist attacks inside the U.S. killing over 150 people and wounding over 600 during the Obama presidency
>liberals finally express outrage when one soldier is killed under Trump
Are leftists willfully ignorant or intentionally hypocritical?
One soldier died in a raid planned weeks ago operating under a highly independent authority and command created by the previous president pursuing terrorists all parties agree should be taken out and you somehow see this as a blow against Trump?
Are you retarded or just this desperate?
People die when you're kicking muzzlims ass. We killed hundreds. As usual is used children as shield to fire on us while holding a child. Did you notice Yemen said we only killed children? We killed hundreds of muzzlims and that's just the beginning there. We also freed slaves while there. So eat shit Muzzlem sympathizer. Your Caliphate is almost broken. Aleppo has fallen. Her people are enjoying life again. Her people are laughing and trading. They know their government save them from ISIS. Baghdaddi is seriously wounded. He would be dead if we had used real bombs instead of little percision ones to protect the children.
Mosul is surrounded. Raqqua is already getting hit. The people of Syria know that ISIS are murderers. They hate your ISIS.
SO stop trying to sell your moslem shot here, buddy. No one is buying. Mosul! Then on to Raqqua to brake the weak Caliphate!
USA, USA, USA, USA! AND thank you Russia for your crushing of ISIS in Aleppo!
>bitching about a soldier that died fighting an actual enemy of America, not just corporate interests
Less welfare queens.
>teenagers being edgy
>mental gymnastics
really makes you think
Do you know how many spec ops also died under Obama?
At least he didn't die in vain.
Mission accomplished.
Kill yourself niggerlips. Hey everyone, OP is a actual faggot who jerks off to David Brock!
Just like all the troops under your beloved Obama?
Own up cuck, come on, take one for your beloved Obama.
Thought so... just another cucked Shill.
Saged the shill!
Yemen is a proxy war of Saudi Arabia and Iran.
US was fighting on Saudi side against Iran increase of influence on the middle east. This happened under Obama administration. Trump only inherited another war.
He is just trying to win it already.