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said the faggot self righteously as he shared on fuckbook

agreed. trump is so powerful he can btfo a superhero.

She's an unislamic whore. Inshallah she gets stoned in the next issue.

>stronk powerful womyn disabled by tv

Mohammedans worship a 4 foot pedophile who thinks he flew on a winged donkey and they kill people who disagree with this belief.



Is that supposed to be some nigger tranny obsessed with comic books or something?

Time to go home Captain Britain.
The middle East is in shambles and you're playing with action figures

There is no Muslim ban. Her family is from Pakistan and she is an American citizen.

haha šitskin

I don't get it.

I don't get it...

Is this a generation specific thing?

>tfw I grew up on the old Marvel comics that my dad read me every night and now I can do nothing but look at Marvel in disgust


I think the most damning thing about that image is that it implies anyone actually reads Marvel comics

It's the new captain marvel or some shit. She is a Muslim.

I'm kind of glad I mostly dodged the capeshit bullet growing up. Only thing I liked from a distance was the punisher.

Also I want to rape muslim captain marvel.

But there isn't a Muslim ban.

Mohammed himselfm would have either killed or re-durka'd her if the two met.

More proof that the even the left is aware that good muslims are barely muslims at all.

Is this image satire? Because all I'm seeing is Trump BTFOing the (wo)man-children.

wtf i hate borders now

>4 foot
source ?

Shitskin from Jersey City is Ms. Marvel now. Only slightly less horrible than Carol Danvers when written by someone other than the agenda driven creators.

Ohh, she is just like a little girl. No more hero play, go back to kindergarten!

lol eat shit Marvel fags

Where was this bitch when people were laughing at the shitty economic conditions of the American south, where was this bitch when white people were having their lives destroyed and we're force fed pain pills and addiction and then had it all laughed off as white fragility.

This is the future she chose.

Why don't you post the original version?

You know what you arent gonna see?
The Trump equivilant of pic related.

This. It's a terrorist ban. It just so happens that 99.9% of terrorists are Muslims.

Ms. Marvel, a teenage girl who idolized the original Ms. Marvel, who is now known as Captain Marvel. She can size-change her body parts.



>new captain marvel
WTH is captain Marvel? Another Superman/CapAmerica/WonderWoman mix for shekels from a new target audience?

>a made-up cartoon is crying

>She can size-change her body parts.
all of them?

>She can size-change her body parts.
Sounds like my new fetish.

Maybe she should renounce her extremist religion?


Muh fee fees!!!!

Oh wow, there's a Marvel character that's a Muslim! And Trump banned Muslims! That means he hates Marvel! Drumpf BTFO!
Seriously lefties should consider suicide

Girls are always crying about something.

>She can size-change her body parts.

>tfw no size change gf to crush my penis with her vagina

comicbooks are the lamest fucking form of entertainment ever

>Adults referencing superheroes and fantasy characters in political discourse.

I despise that.

>oh my god were like dumbkedores army now, fuck voldetrump!
>we are the rebels from star wars!
>what would the avengers do?!

Lord give me strength, this kind of thing fills me with a murderous rage. These people are adults ffs!

>tfw qt dark chocolate Captain Marvel grows her clit into a giant pseudo-penis to take a vengeful fuck of your racist white asshole until it gapes

She's mostly made her legs very long to move quickly, or a giant fist.

Marvel cover artist Phil Noto tweeted this pic, a modified cover he made.

I dont understand this shit

I was thinking more of tits...

if that's supposed to be an autistic roastie then she's not fat enough and her room isn't gross enough. just look at the cosplaying bitches in r9k, soc, co, etc

DChads where we @???

I woke up to my 8 year-old muslim roommate crying this morning and apparently this was she spent the morning reading. Your actions have consequences, America.

#powerful #division #unitedwestand

not anymore

5/5 bretty good

Again not a Muslim male

Canada is so fucking gay.

ahahah. Her brother looks like a stereotypical terrorist.

Isn't this degeneracy mostly American stuff?

>this will never happen to you
why even live?

>not being into gigantic mutant clitoris porn

life is suffering

b e t a b a i t

>These people are adults ffs!
Only anatomically.

Her brother is a lazy prick, doesn't work and just always blames he is too busy praying etc. to help.

Father is very strict, Kamala is terrified of him, but he's always been level-headed. Mother is meek but supportive.

Bruno secretly is in love with Kamala but too timid to make a move. Kamala is oblivious to this.

who gives a fuck

There's her with Gwen Pool, who claims Kamala "enhanced" her boobs for Gwen.



Can someone give me a quick rundown on this image

>8 year-old muslim roommate

Nothing wrong with that?

>1 post by this ID

You fell for it.

Drumpf bow to the Marvelcucks,

in contact with Mickey Mouse,

rumoured to possess psychic abilities,

control Disney World with an iron fist,

own castles and banks all over Orlando,

direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line,

will bankroll the first cities on Mars (DisneyMars will be be the first city),

own basically every DNA editing research facility on Earth,

first designer babies will be Marvelcucks Babies,

all Marvel fans are said to have 200+ IQ


So she's from Iran?

Because most of the world's Muslim nation's aren't suspended. Just the ones Obama told Congress needed to be suspended back in 2015, so they passed a law to enable him to suspend them. All Trump has done is put that same suspension back in place.



You won't see this kind of degeneracy here in the east Ivan, at least not so soon

He is, ironically the author captured a facet of Muslim Americans they probably didn't want to acknowledge. Pakistani immigrants are generally work visas with graduate degrees and largely secular but terrified of losing their culture so they have their kids go to Sunday school without realizing they become radicalized and far more extremist in their beliefs than they ever were even back home.

She's french catholic

Wow.... shattered hopes and dreams..... the pain of PoC conveyed in one artwork.

She looks like daria

Her family is from Pakistan. She's American.

>Meryl Streep quotes her "friend the dear, departed Princess Leia"
>Superheroes used to comment on the political landscape
>People use "Harry Potter" and "Star Wars" analogies to describe Trump

I wonder what pic related would think of the hyperreality we live in. Is this what happens when people are used to looking at the world through a screen?

Yass queen!!!


Yeah that is possible, but the writer has no fucking fantasy. I can admit that the creative fights from Jojo has spoiled me a little, but goddamn, my standards aren't THAT low. She should be able to meet SOME credentials.

>CNN reporting it as a "muslim ban"

Fake news strikes again!

>Superhero whos power is to become THICC
Id welcome that muslim.

kill yourself

check all these dubbs

>Showing her hair
Asking for an honor killing

Diarrhea chachacha

Sup Forums is by far the worst board.

Who is this?


Sucks you can't get unedited Daria anywhere. (((MTV))) had to chop it all to shit for a DVD release because of some copyright law expiration on the music they had used in the show.

Paki girls are hairy

what is the fucking point of this? a cosplayer is crying like a bitch because of president trump? why do I care?


Well, I'm sorry her feelings are hurt, but the thousands of victims of muslim rape gangs probably cried just as much, if not more. I'm gonna have to side with them.

hahahaha i made pop culture references that shows im really trendy and up to date with politics lol please give me some attention

I fucking hate these people

She's Pakistani, one of the many Muslim nations Trump should add on the list.

Reminder she's currently in a race war against the mutants.