I mean technically they have their own religion focusing on prosperity, well being and happiness. Is it because of this they're so based?
Imagine if the Greek or Egyptian gods of Jupiter or Kek were followed today. This is how it is in China
I mean technically they have their own religion focusing on prosperity, well being and happiness. Is it because of this they're so based?
Imagine if the Greek or Egyptian gods of Jupiter or Kek were followed today. This is how it is in China
Other urls found in this thread:
But it doesn't explian why almost all China people have some sort of red religious trinket with them
>Kek were followed today
he is
en mass
communism bans religion, comply or die
because its illegal.
>confusing tradition with religion
No Msia.
>Is it because of this they're so based?
What timeline have I landed in now?
Because they are very smart.
Can't tell if you're a potato or mafia
Neoconfucian philosophy is what allowed traditional faiths of China, Japan and Korea to survive as well as resist religious fanaticism in general.
They're still extremely superstitious, even if they aren't religious
They believe in lucky numbers and feng shui
They roll the dice and either become millionaires or lose everything. Theyll do this multiple times over the course of their lives.
Theyll always be subhuman garbage and the ones with a brain got out a long time ago
This can also be true
We can be both. There's been a ferocious gang war raging here for over a year and a half now. And entire 10 people have been killed, two of them by mistake.
Looks like someone's jealous of the Chinese prosperity minority Chinese in Thailand
Srs White Westerners, particularly Europeans and Australians/Kiwis, with possibly Japan as an exception, at this point are pretty much the only group of people who aren't either insanely superstitious or religious.
Because yellow people are soulless and religions only reward those who have souls.
This. As long as the religion wasn't Islam, I'd rather they were religious rather than being obsessed with tiger penis and shark fins.
Still, their lack of religion is one of the main appeals of chink pussy, as it's one less potential cockblock.
>1% Christian
I hope they stomp that shit out permanently soon
Well bad news for you fedora tipper, christianism is the fastest growing religion in China.
That means nothing when the others are growing for jack shit.
Everyone knows that with Christianity come the kikes, and I wouldn't want China to suffer from that.
That and it will soon be the most "Christian" nation on earth by sheer raw numbers of converts.
Judaism isn't a recognized religion by the Chinese state. So it means that although China allows Jews to come in wearing their kippas and shit, they cannot properly fund Jewish activities (for religious purposes).
Only 5 religions are officially recognized, meaning that people may somehow believe in them. You just can't build a church or a mosque or a buddhist temple or organize a religious gathering out of the blue "just because".
They are insects.
More and more converts. People are dropping off the shitty superstitious memes
Make Cathay Real Again.
Who gives a fuck about that shit, I'm talking about jews. They're already preparing their spearhead and Christcucks cheer it on because hey, after baptising the nigger continent and feeding them into a population of 4 billion by 2100, maybe it's time that we extent the jewish hegemony to the last place that hasn't been completely fucked by it yet.
> China becoming more Christian
> People dropping off the shitty superstitious memes
Dropping their own shitty superstitious memes for another Jewish shitty superstitious meme means that they aren't dropping anything if they just pick up something new.
What the fuck are you even talking about.
Jews are a non-issue in China because:
- Chinks are jewers than jews
- There are many Muzzies in China. At least 30-40 million. They dislike kikes like any Muzzie.
And who gives a fuck about Westernized chinks who get impregnated by kikes in the US. Kikeberg's wife can't even speak mandarin nor cantonese for fuck's sake. And he even got his favors refused by Chinese government many times.
Shut up Mike nobody likes your comics
How can you be religious without a soul?
Yup. Communism. You always know a commie take over is imminent when people start preaching atheism. Or rather, once atheistic preachers gain prominence.
American Evangelical Christianity has no soul
>left pol for a month
>suddenly so many tippers
I thought pol was a christian board.
Also by superstitious I mean retarded shit like eating some bear bile to cure cancer along with worshipping the god of prosperity by throwing away more money.
Just because there are Jesus freaks in the US doesn't mean that christianity is (was?) all about praying and chanting about Jesus all day. It's political. You better thank "christcucks" for everything you enjoy now because this atheistic age sure is a moral clusterfuck.
Because """"communism"""".
Because they wrecked their culture with Jewish ideology, promote atheist propaganda and persecute Christians. Like all communists. All the Christians went to Taiwan with the Protestant Chiang Kai Shek. You see the same thing in Korea. Atheist North, Christian South. Where would you rather live?
There are many muzzies in Europe and the Middle East too, that doesn't stop them.
I don't understand why people especially on Sup Forums would cheer this development on when we can look at the world and see that this has happened before. A hundred years from now you'll have chink anons wonder why their fucking ruling class looks like pic related
>I thought pol was a christian board.
pol is also satire if that's the case.
Say what you want about the moral advancements of Christianity and what it did for the West but the insane level of cuckery, acceptance of shitty people (love your enemies, etc.) and denial of the importance of Nationalism all have their roots in some form of Christian philosophy post-Protestant Reformation, either in Protestantism directly or in Catholicism post-1958.
Secular Volkisch Nationalism can still preserve the good parts of Christian morality you claim to care about and I recognize are important and like without the stupid and insane cuckery that is destroying the West culturally and demographically.
because the word 'religion' has r and l, it's a disaster for them
Remember the time when we threw jews at stakes? Yeah, good ol' Christian times.
China is literally dominated by the Jewish ideology of marxism imposed on them by Russian Jews working as ever behind the curtains. It was Christian nationalists like Sun Yat Sen and Chiang Kai Shek who resisted them.
Because people get disappeared for being religious
Look at how that worked out, user. Perhaps allowing them to convert to avoid persecution is a retarded idea and something you're not going to rid Christcuckery off.
>China recognises Judaism is a cult
European nationalism is based on Christianity. It was the Christian kings of Europe who united the tribes into nations for the first time. t's intrinsic to the Bible. The entire OT is the history of a strictly ethno-nationalist state that survived 3,000 years of everyone around them trying to destroy it. Guess what. They rule the world now while secular atheists are trying to globalise our societies that were fine for 1,000 years while they were Christian.
It's the same semitic shit, user. Marxism is just the secular conclusion of Christian morality. It's nice that there were nationalists trying to resist one but the irony of them following the other is still palpable.
Because atheism is so much less cucked. Europe was fine under the Christian kings. Did you notice how jews took over our societies since the Enlightenment?
Duh, that's because the bible is horribly misinterpreted and every bit is taken out of context. Just like Islam (WE ARE A RELIGION OF PEACE!), judaism (IT'S ABOUT LOVE!) and basically every single religion. Funny how every religion is competing to become world's "most peace-loving religion" which is stupid and deeply betraying. You don't need a religion with a complete theological system just to claim that "killing is bad" or any basic rules of morality. That's retarded, you don't need religion for that, and I " kind of agree" with atheists with that point. The true selling point of a religion is something else. It's a complete logical path to study, grasp, meditate, experience, and also, to apply. That's where it gets political on every level.
Read Paul's letters, that guy is not tame, women need to shut the fuck up about politics, we shall obey only to authorities who respect God's morals and such. Jesus dared whpping kikes and yeah, instead of beating up someone who mistreated him, he dared talking shit to him.
Almost nobody is a true Christian in Europe anymore. Secular school completely killed theology and bible studies. Weekly mass is not enough to know more about religion.
No it's not. Christianity is the literal antithesis of Marxism and Judaism.
Christianity is pretty much gone in any meaningful sense in Europe and will never come back to being important.
The Germanic states were Christian to some extent but retained many pagan traditions and what not.
> The entire OT is the history of a strictly ethno-nationalist state that survived 3,000 years of everyone around them trying to destroy it.
Except it only existed periodically over the course of 1000 years before Rome completely wrecked it. And then it was only brought back by secular ethnic nationalists. The Jews are possibly the least religious ethnic group on the planet and yet they maintain a strict cultural ethnic identity, so it's definitely possible to do it.
The National Socialists were moving in a similar direction, and doing a great job of creating an ethnically conscious volkisch state whose national identity wasn't entangled with Christianity.
Speak for yourself. The head of my church is the head of state. And the Prime Minister is one of us too. Don't feel too btfo.
>Because atheism is so much less cucked.
It is indeed. There's no atheist dogma on the same level of the sermon on the mount. There's no atheist parabel like that of the sheep and goats. I can oppose foreign people without having to do mental gymnastics trying to reconcile this with a book that says otherwise.
We don't live in monarchies anymore. When we did we had dregs like Charlemagne that handed the kikes a nice little monopoly in only one of the most essential fields on the market. You still live in one and look at how your country has been fucked by the kikes. You'd think you'd learn after sacrificing your empire to protect them.
Pic related
religions are for the dumb people
>The National Socialists were moving in a similar direction
>an ethnically conscious volkisch state whose national identity wasn't entangled with Christianity
Did you hear that from your rabbi?
>Hitler: Christianity is the basis of the entire morality of Germany
>Hitler: I will never forsake God
>Hitler: We will defend Christianity
>Around 1937, when Hitler heard that at the instigation of the party and the SS vast numbers of his followers had left the church because it was obstinately opposing his plans, he nevertheless ordered his chief associates, above all Goering and Goebbels, to remain members of the church. He too would remain a member of the Catholic Church, he said. And in fact he remained in the church until his suicide. "The church is certainly necessary for the people. It is a strong conservative element," he might say at one time or another in this private circle... "Through me the Evangelical [Protestant] Church could become the established church, as in England." Even after 1942 Hitler went on maintaining that he regarded the church as indispensable in political life. But he sharply condemned the campaign against the church, calling it a crime against the future of the nation. For it was impossible, he said, to replace the church by any "party ideology." ”Undoubtedly,” he continued, “the church would learn to adapt the political goals of National Socialism in the long run, as it had always adapted in the course of history.” A new party religion would only bring about a relapse into the mysticism of the Middle Ages. The growing SS myth showed that clearly enough, as did Rosenberg's unreadable Myth of the Twentieth Century.
Albert Speer, Inside the Third Reich, p. 95
How about you actually read the Bible instead of spreading JIDF memes from reddit? Globalism and multiculturalism are antichrist. You never saw such things in Christian society. Only nationalism and empire.
Deuteronomy 7
>3Neither shalt thou make marriages with them; thy daughter thou shalt not give unto his son, nor his daughter shalt thou take unto thy son. 4For they will turn away thy son from following me, that they may serve other gods: so will the anger of the LORD be kindled against you, and destroy thee suddenly.
Revelation 17
>...Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters: 2With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication. 3So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns...15And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues. 16And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire. 17For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled. 18And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.
Revelation 20
>...Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, 8And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea. 9And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about...
>Why are the Chinese so irreligious?
Most of religious Chinese went to Taiwan or Overseas.
We don't waste time on nonsense, that's why we are productive.
You're productive because you are enslaved at gunpoint.
You're literally proving the point you're arguing against, they were doing all of that stuff because of being communist or radical leftists, not because of them being atheists.
Just because a lot of atheists are cucked doesn't mean that all atheists are, generally the most Right Wing Nationalist I know aren't religious at all, plus at least atheism isn't inherently pro-Semitic and cucked like Christianity.
> Le Hitler was religious meme
Hitler and Goebbels were both opposed to Christianity in private, as were most of the Nationalist Socialist elite. Read Hitler's table talks, Hitler believed that Christianity was opposed to the traditional culture and beliefs of the Germanic people, and that it promoted tolerance and weakness and was inherently Semitic, that's why stuff like Positive Christianity was a thing and the Nazis worked to completely remove Catholicism from having any political influence in the country.
Yes, the old testament was pretty nationalist when it was still just about the jews. They still live it, which is why they're so successful.
Did you know that the symbols of monarchy are accredited to a nigger by the church? That's what christianity is, deep down - the blacking of Europe. Because good luck getting to deny some poor Christian nigger entry into your Christian nation.
Is that what your brain-dead education taught you?
Communism must be some form of violence?
>Hitler and Goebbels were both opposed to Christianity in private
>"The church is certainly necessary for the people. It is a strong conservative element," he might say at one time or another in this private circle... "Through me the Evangelical [Protestant] Church could become the established church, as in England." Even after 1942 Hitler went on maintaining that he regarded the church as indispensable in political life. But he sharply condemned the campaign against the church, calling it a crime against the future of the nation. For it was impossible, he said, to replace the church by any "party ideology."
>t. Hitler in private
Did you ever stop to think that basically evetything we were taught about Hitler and nazism was a lie taught to you by kikes?
Jews weren't successful in Chirstian Europe. Christian Europe on the other hand dominated the entire world with empires.
>Jews weren't successful in Chirstian Europe.
They had a monopoly on money lending and people felt the need to kick them out over a hundred times, so I'm fairly certain that they were in the same positions of influence they're in right now to pull their usual shenanigans to piss enough people off.
Non-Christian Europe dominated the then known world too with empires. Can you see the common denominator?
Welcome to the world outside communist propaganda. You just left the cave slave.
>Mao's Great Leap Forward 'killed 45 million in four years'
Revelation is the last book of the New testament
Ah yes, the Fedora "argument". Are you going to repost stale memes or can you prove there's any validity to your religion or that your religion isn't cucked?
>Everyone knows that with Christianity come the kikes
The Catholic Kings of Spain think otherwise
Confucianism is basically a religion. Some people are capable of handling morals without some god figure telling what to do.
>Non-Christian Europe dominated the then known world too with empires
Yeah. And spread the Jews around Europe. Good job! Meanwhile, in Christian Europe...
Yes, it's also the one that's so fucking vague that you can't derive a pro-nationalist message from it, especially when the book ends with all those nations ending up in the new kingdom of god, thus becoming the brazilian favela that Chrsitianity is destined to be
That's what secular atheist Europe is doing. Christian Europe opposed it.
> Proofs
Just look at the people Hitler surrounded himself with
> Alfred Rosenberg
> Heinrich Himmler
> Joseph Goebbels
> Martin Bohrmann
Alternatively you could just look it up yourself.
All of the positive things Hitler said about Christianity were literally done in public just as a political maneuver because Germany was overwhelmingly Christian at the time and to say anything against this would be political suicide. The stuff he said in private that was Pro-Christianity was purely pragmatically realizing that it wasn't the worst thing and that he did it in order to maintain political power.
The ones that force converted them? Ohhhh, what a great solution to the jewish problem.
What good does kicking out a rootless people do other than spreading them around as well?
Chinks aren't religious but they are superstitious af. They act like teenage girls obsessed with voodoo shit, it's embarrassing desu. They as a people and culture could easily be religious but they aren't.
> My religion is fundamentally Jewish and proto-Left-Wing to its core but instead of reconciling that fact I'll just repost this meme image because I'll totally prove my point that way
No wonder Europeans aren't religious anymore, with arguments like that it's shocking they didn't drop this Semitic shit sooner.
>secular atheist Europe is doing
No, I don't see the Czech Republic or Estonia inviting in the third world. I did hear something from pastor's daughter Angela Merkel, member of the Christian Democratic Union and pope Francis, head of the roman catholic church though. For every cucked atheist posting some picture on facebook you have 1 Christcuck in the real world feeding and housing them. I'd know because I have the "fortune" to live near a caritas housing project that opened the door to 60 refugees.
So as an Englishman if what you're saying is true, then the Anglican and Catholic Church should be the groups and organizations MOST opposed to forced diversity, Jewish domination of your country, and the ethnic displacement of the native, national Brits, right?
I'm assuming that's not the case and they're actually about the most cucked and complicit in all of it, especially the Anglicans.