Hi pol, I'm a liberal. Ask me anything
Liberal. AMA
how many nigger dicks do you let your wife take?
Do you think Japan should import millions of immigrants from Africa?
You fucking niggers need to stop watching TYT just to troll em, they're laughing at us all the way to the bank with all the views dumb Sup Forumsacks give em. FFS Sup Forums check yourself
I'm not married, but I wouldn't let my potential wife sleep with other men
I don't know since I'm not Japanese, but they do have a low birthrate and a bit of an inbreeding problem, so if it gets bad enough, I don't see why they wouldn't want more immigrants. (As long as they keep making good anime)
Don't you believe in "muh free market"? If dumb Sup Forumsacks find the content entertaining, then TYT deserve all the ad revenue they're getting.
>ad revenue
Using ad blocker plus means they dont get the gibs, fucking slav.
They get views and probably comments, which increases their chance of being recommended on another video to people without adblock. Ad revenue still increases. Also, I'm not a slav
do you also deny the Armenian Genocide?
>Eastern European
You're a filthy slav and a trip faggot, KYS !
I am a liberal and i voted for trump
Are you really liberal or just a modern regressive "liberal"?
nice digits
you're still a Slav though
I don't know anything about it, therefore I don't think I'm qualified enough to comment on it.
I'm not Eastern European
>that flag
>voted for Trump
If I was American, I would have been on the Bernie train and eventually would have voted Jill Stein in protest.
What kind of liberal are you, a regressive liberal, classical liberal, or inbetween?
I'm not a slav. I moved to the Czech Republic 5 months ago
P.S. Fuck Captcha
Is your wife's boyfriend black or arab?
they thing they are germans
See I don't think anybody would describe themselves as regressive, but I do share many ideas with progressives, particularly regarding gun control and open borders
How does it feel to be on the losing side of politics?
>Czech liberal
>AMA on four chains
get fucked
Did you cry when Hillary lost?
We're not losing. The media is overwhelmingly left-leaning, the education system is left-leaning, most young people (the ones who will be in power in a few years) also lean left. Just because Amerifats voted a conservative in (as they do every 8 years), it doesn't mean liberalism is losing.
No, I expected her to lose.
>I expected her to lose.
You're bad at pretending to be a liberal. Look at quickly you exposed yourself, there's only 24 posts in here. Wow.
Why is it bad to expect a candidate with a weak, scandalous campaign to lose? Racism is on the rise and it's quite obvious that the Americans would choose a candidate that reflects the views of the lowest common denominator.
What etnicity are you?
Central Asian
Explains a lot
>Racism is on the rise
>most young people lean left
Why don't you go back to plebbit?
>Racism is on the rise
You mean realism?
Dont make him feel cog itive dissonance
Does your wife's son support this?
Kek, you will never be seen as a part of Czech society chink.
You aren't special user.
There are millions of you.
What does my ethnicity explain?
Yeah, non-racists are still the majority (in Europe at least), but radical movements are getting stronger and able to organize
Do you suck cocks?
Have you tried dipping your weed in ethanol and letting it dry before smoking it? It enhances the buzz.
I don't have a wife
I'll never be Czech, but I'm already a part of society
I'm in the minority on Sup Forums
I need to do stuff right now
If thread is still alive wh3n im b1ck i expai n
I don't suck cocks, I don't smoke weed and I don't wanna die. Sorry
I was a liberal not long ago, and so was my latino family. My wife was and her family were all tree hugging lefties even 4-5 years ago. Both our families saw the violent, dividing intolerant nature of the new left and ran away from it. We hate conservatives, but they are the lesser of the two evils at this point.
My question is, are you not able to see you are supporting the bad guys? I think old school liberals should join forces with new school conservatives and fight crazies on both sides. I think this is something alot of americans, across all demographics can agree on.
Pic related. Blatant unopposed antiwhite racism in media
Oh your not trolling it's a real one.
Do you like chink?
Had a dream last night cenk began his career on Alex Jones show as his sidecock, then went rough. I gotta stop smoking weed..
Americans in general are pretty stupid when it comes to politics. If I was a conservative American, I would still dislike Trump as much as Hillary. He makes populist promises he can't possibly fulfill (Mexico is not paying for that wall, and if you think that raising import tax is not going to impact American consumers, think again), he's following up on his "Muslim ban", but he's only banning people from select countries (which funnily enough don't include Saudi Arabia, a very violent and misogynistic country). The only thing I like about him is his seeming desire to improve relations with Russia, which is generally a move towards world peace and unity. Showing cringey American articles isn't going to change my opinion on liberalism as a movement. Hating white people is not the status quo among liberals even in America (I don't remember Hillary making "anti-white" statements).
You just don't understand Americana.
Had you been born here maybe you'd get it.
Maybe. Still, I'm not an American liberal, so it's unfair to judge me by the rhetoric of self-loathing American publications.
if 1998-1999 serbian military forces violated humanitarian law in the fight against terrorists in Kosovo, shouldnt you condemn violations against humanitarian law following the NATO takeover of Kosovo, including irreperable damage to UNESCO World heritage?
>Our Lady of Ljeviš, in Prizren, completed 1306-1308, burned down and destroyed in 2004
Yes, I condemn all military intervention with civillian casualties