Boss is a female

>boss is a female

Whoa there, are you trying to say, women can't lead just as effectively as males?

is there anything worse? seriously, mines a fucking butch dyke and her management fucking sucks balls

We put our faith in Blast Hardcheese

My boss is a female, but she is so careless and irresponsible, that I can get away with anything, so I like her.
I still provide top notch results, it's just that I don't have to stay in all 8 hours, even if I no longer have anything to do. Pretty cool.

I'm ok with this.

>boss is female
>most colleagues are also female
>boss goes easy on you because you're the least annoying employee

>boss is a guy

>Butch Deadlift

>boss is female
>work for local government
>colleague literally sleeps on the job and gets caught. Zero fucks given by boss
Feels good man

>Dirk Hardpec

I'd keep how to do green posting on phone but

Boss is female
Tease her jokingly
Do sex with her after months
Find out its not sex if it's only kissing
Still a virgin
Tottally could have had sex

they are usually incompetent as all hell

just fuck off

Fpfp /thread

Don't bully me turkey neck no life having dweeb ass bitch dumb bitch ugly bitch. Stupid ass jealous no life bitch faggot

>Torq Slabmeat
>Squat Hipthrust


Is this a nigger?


Best MST3K. Wasn't it filmed in South Africa?

>Rock Meat Slab

wow, nice job letting everyone here know you're not white. Fucking embarrassing dude, damn


My boss is a chick, but she seems alright. Doesn't really do any of this typical woman shit people talk about. Maybe i just lucked out.

Shame Patton Oswald will be ruining the new MST3K

Isn't Mike a republican?

Mike Patton ?

Mike Nelson the host.

>Shame Patton Oswald will be ruining the new MST3K

not anymore

...i got fired a month ago :^(

patton oswalt and felicia day, look it up


i feel you. min doesn't even have college education.