USE meme magic bros.MBGA
Balt/POL/ General,vote against invasion eddition
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latvis, estas ir lietuvis apsilanko Sup Forums..
not just balts mate, all of europe. best of luck on your side!
Why are eastern European flags so basic? A four year old could've designed a better flag.
USSR was best thing for your shitty countries, now you're just miserable
Thanks man
Hey there hows factory job?
Burger please,Latvian flag is mutch older then your,s also we are nordic europe.
im studying, and im not planning on working in a factory. still better to work in a factory in norway than a doctor in latvia :^)
What are you studying?
You are a white nigger ,you are a trator.
kompjutr elektroniks
Nice. Are you staying there or going back to LT someday?
i wanna come home one day :`(
Will you do it ,you know ,make Lietuva great again?
it will never be as great as it once was. but ill try my best, potato nigger friend.
We always were great only because we were a bit handicapped in economics and industry doesn't mean we are crap.
by the way nice bait Finno Ivan.
Thank you Cepelinas Nigger. Why it can't be great as it was though(LT)?
What happens if european union is no more?
my potatonigger i dont know why it cant be as great as it once was. i blame the russians and jews
No your slav.
sure thing man
>inb4 this whole thread becomes that latvian bird meme
To late
to all the fellow lithuanians, ka manot apie ta motina kur supizdino savo vaika
Probably nothing. Huge race war in West and Russia trying to put pressure on baltics as being their friend/enemy. I think everything will return to weird 1920s type Europe only now the east is the future.
Juodi Mesijai klesti
mano sonai is orbitos isejo
What happened?
More white then you
Im asking from a more economic side. Euro would obviously get fucked and our countries would get fucked even more. We would be forced to get our old currencies back, right?
You are loosing quality bros maybe put some pro Russian questions next time.
are u high
Look at all the sources that are available on that pic.
OOHH yess Lat
>Muh lat
Economy is already fucked euro cucks us hard we must get back our oldie currencies to even be minimally independent from (((their ))) magic.
Economy won't get so bad remember EU regulations killed 3 industries in Latvia alone.
main thing is not to get invaded.
Saugokis kad kokia supermama neprigautu
(You) said LT was great in past and is not anymore
You didn't explain what happened. What was great and is not anymore?What Ivans and jews did?So question again is: What happened?
px seni, kas bus tas bus
LDK -> no more LDK -> gommunism (russians and jews)
>i dont want to stay
I think youre underestimating on how much fucked we would get. Sure, old currencies are a right step to sovereignty, but we would get back to 2000 economic levels.
Same here
No more gommunists=>ex gomunnist 1 term=>ex gommunist 5th term=> ex gommunist till they die.
Fucking ex USSR oldfags.
visada lietuvoj bus geriausia, nors ir kokia ten sikna bet lietuva visada bus musu namai
>Not white
i think in latvia its much worse plus with your russian ever growing cancer cyst population situation.
Yup as I mentioned Ex commie oldfags don't have any understanding of nationalism and democracy.
About the Russians we are constantly Balting them if not they just leave.
amm i dont get it
so you mean to say that prussians are balto slavic?
>tfw brown hair and brown eyes in an Aryan country
Should I go off myself already?
>tfw green eyes and hazel brown hair
Brown hair ginger beard grey eyes. At least white shitty part heterogeneous.
Kas iš tų namų jei niekas jais nesirūpina? Valdžia baigia parduoti paskutines plytas, o ką mes iš to gaunam? vakarietišką idealizmą nepritaikyta mūsų šaliai ir dar didesnį įsipareigojimą tiems patiems vakarams.
Pardavė mūsų šalį ir niekas neklausė ar to norim. Lik Danijoje, dirbk, kad ir kokiame žuvies fabrike, būsi 10 kartų laimingesnis nei čia. Gyvensi bent ne kaip antraeilis žmogus.
Are you a gypsie?
Why is balt/pol/ always full of Latvians.
woah lithibro i didnt understand anything but,i noiticed you use Y i didnt know it was a thing betvean baltic languages.
This just means there aren't enough protests to establishment. translate.
Here are some truths about Latvians:
>Latvia is a cucknation that has delusions of grandeur. Its getting stepped by everybody and cant do crap about it.
>There are no real Latvians in the cities like Riga. That being said i have to mention that village latvian behaviour varies from a latvian gopnik white trash to a traditionalist human being that care about religion, the community and their nation.
> For some reason keep barking at russia without actually having any teeth.
> Disloyal. As long as they get gibs, will stay loyal though.
> Are corrupt as fuck.
Becose Latvians use Sup Forums more then other balts.
There are no places where we can express ourselves freely.
ą č ę ė į y š ų ū ž
Leave this bord daugavpilian twat.
This is partially right but remember 25% Russians and ex commie fags in government plus inert society with ex USSR attitude.
>barking at Russia
Why not? Only because we don't like them doesn't mean you ,must occupy us. Thats child like thinking.
No, Balts and Slavs had the same ancestors and were the same people before they split.
lel we also have: ā č ē ģ š ū ž but not Y
Paid Kremlin troll detected
ā č ņ ģ ē ķ ļ ž ī š ū
Probably not my ex Gf also tried to converting to believing muh great Russia probably some Bāliņš laying on top of some Nataša.
We are part of indo-european language trea m8,we are not slavs,we lived in Baltics for more then 4k years.We are closer to germans then to slavs.
nope, tīrasiņu latvietis :^)
What do you think about immigrants?
It's the Polish faggot living in Sweden shitposts about panslavism episode.
Es gribu nomirt tagad.
>true Latvians here
Post your family signs then.
this warms my heart and gives me hope that we will not be cucked ,expecialy when you look at retards like these (Pic related)
Kāpēc viņas ir tik neglītas?
Nepistu pat dzērumā/10.
lads we should leave the EU
let's just wall ourselves off from european mohammeds and ruski bydlos
Yes this make just bufferzone union with LT,LV ,FIN,POl,ESt lands and just stop getting cucked from EU cunts.
And then what? Have trade deals between goats? We are stuck in EU for ever. When we adopted euro we sold our souls.
remember that SJW,s are universal:Fat or ugly woman and white virgin knights who think they can get some pussy in that way.
Not really
OOh yewss superior mongol blood this is why we are so xenophobic I love it.
map is clear bullshit m8.
may I invade your thread and annex it please?