Redpill me on beastiality, Sup Forums.
Redpill me on beastiality, Sup Forums
your mom fucked a dog and then you came out
Degenerate but better than racemixing
Of course an Indian would say this. I'm pretty sure someone shacking up with a mudslime is nowhere near the same thing as furries/bronies.
>.t nu-male beta that fell for the "human" meme
It's degenerate.
the eternal dog is fucking our human women as you read this very post
it's one of those things I find no objective reasons to be against if in private due to the other worse things we do to animals without none caring ((the same thing for the controversy surrounding seal clubbing)) but I am worried making it legal would lead to a spread of nihilism and apathy and ultimately kill society as we know it
The only people who oppose bestiality are pathetic fat permavirgin fuckboys that are jealous women would rather fuck a dog.
>no dog needed for bestiality
degenerate, but it's usually only men who perform it (unless money is involved)
the way to stop it is to make humans non-degenerate again.
It's legal in Canada; degenerate
My god leaf are you really this stupid
fucking dogs is one the most common female fantasy, 70% of "amateur" zoo porn is female on dog,
legal in a number of US states too
after >>an/thread/2306560 i cannot comprehend anything involving dogs other than shitting on the floor and raping
If you can't compete with a golden retriever in the sexual marketplace, then you are the problem, not him.
that was a fuckup on many different levels.
bestiality is illegal, but forcing a dog to eat a girl's pussy is *only* animal abuse because there's no penetration
stop getting all of your news from Breitbart summaries of Vice articles
bitches getin' fucked by zoo animals
it's ages old germanic heritage ritual
Wasted quints tbqh
A man sleeping with an animal is degenerate. A woman letting a vile beast ravish her womb is natural. Even in nature a woman is pushed down and fucked. It isn't harmful to the animal at all. Dogs love to knot inside a girl on their own will. You can't even make those animals stop when they are on a roll.
that fucking thread is a goldmine mate.admittedly hong kong's bants were more deserving
So the only thing on your mind is to rape a dog with diarrhea
my god you fucking subhuman POS.
No wonder the largest bestiality are white "people"
* largest producer of bestiality are white "people"
white people are crazy dude
they got very evil blood in them
You are disgusting.
>you aren't white
We know we arent white
>calling whites subhumans
>somehow expects to be anything other than the one producing the liquid ass shit
explain to me how letting a dog mount a woman is disgusting?
Only if there's no penetration, so it's kind of a cock tease.
Fuck off kike
I like dogs. They love unconditionally and my dog doesn't lie, cheat and break my heart like my whore ex girlfriend. So you know what? Fuck it. Best friend and lover it is. At least he's willing to keep me warm at night.
genetic engineering will make "ancient god " aka furry come true
human will mix with god
i think this is too redpill for you
Let's see
the largest producer of
cuck porn
child porn
gay porn
piss porn
scat porn are white people, so who is the one producing the liquid ass shit my degenerate subhuman cuckold friend.
so get off your moral high ground and start prepping the bull you degenerate POS.
beastiality is masturbation
being a single mom is for life
Werewolf here.
Is it bestiality if I sleep with human women?
Its half beastiality.
>tfw no qt werewolf to give you knot and creampies
>muh luv
How does it feel that women are more likely to do any of those things than touch you?
But if I give you the knot, it's not gonna come out for at least an hour..
Because we can afford cameras, panjeet. You invented it, we perfected it.
So a woman gets into a doggy style position on a comfy Like chair that allows her to sleep well in that position. She takes a few heavy sleeping pills and falls asleep. She happens to like to sleep naked.
While sleeping, her dog comes over and starts licking her vag, making it nice and wet. The dog gets aroused and mounts her. The dog then proceeds to Fuck this woman.
How is this abuse?
The dog made the choice. The Woman was asleep.
There is literally nothing morally wrong with what happened. If anything the dog is a rapist. Should he be charged?
Sounds like heaven to me~
SAGE this trash thread.Fuck off .back to Sup Forums
dont get too lovey dovey bitch
have you ever heard of werewolf ever paying child---errrr puppy litter support?
they're like niggers fuck em and toss em to the curb
A mostly accurate list save for the scat and horse specific beast porn. Those are dominated by Brazil.
the thinking white girl fetish kek
Someone post reindeer porn already
CTR slide thread bullshit sage this shit
look at your birth rate, how does it feel that white women would rather fuck and get pissed on by niggers and dog than have white kids.
How about instead of a dog mounting your gf, you let me mount her.
There are tons of amateur bestiality videos on the Internet.
95% of them are 8/10 white girls fucking a huge dog. They are always all amateurs, meaning these girls don't get paid to film it. These girls do it because they love it.
I have heard that woman/dog bestiality is very under-reported and actually prevalent. If a girls lives with a large dog, chances are she has tried at least some sort of sexual with it.
I'll have you know even though my puppy's mother and I are separated.
I still pay for all the little pups to go to the best private werewolf schools.
Only our robot overlords can save us from this degeneracy
he's cute at least
>they're like niggers fuck em and toss em to the curb
My sides
You want to mount my hand? Sounds pretty gay faggot.
shalom breski
hope you grace us with your presence in the upcoming champions league matches
haven't seen you in a while, who left the oven door open?
Gives you the knot, and pays for the tots.
Pajeet, we don't need to have 20 kids, because unlike you it's not like 60% of the cunts are going to die before the age of 12.
You're a perplexing species, somehow defying natural selection and continuing to breed only the worst examples of your kind.
It's completely fucking degenerate, Germans do it. Are you a disgusting fucking German, OP?
Dammit user, you're gonna ruin it before I get my knot inside her.
You will never be rid of me goyim
The machines shall clank on
It's all tied together.
There are so many feminists now. The more feminists, the more white guy don't want to fuck them. So they can only turn to niggers and dogs.
Once the feminist craze dies down so will the bestiality in the form of coal burner or bowser banging.
The one time Brazil's opinion is relevant on the world stage, and they're nowhere to be seen.
I mean, whenever I see zoo-porn (pro-grade, at the very least(also inb4degenerate, you just see things on Sup Forums)), it more than likely ends up being Brazillian in origin.
Any other time, they can be seen galavanting about, pretending to be white, but when their two cents would finally, truly be appreciated, where are they?
No, seriously. Where?
Picture chosen at random.
would still let you knot me any day bbbbbyyyyyy
When I was little, on our farm in South Africa, way before the end of Apartheid, my dad told me, years after my grand dad fought Nazis in North Africa, he took my grandma on holiday to Europe.
He told my dad in Germany, they had walking in on a show where a woman fucked dogs, they walked out disgusted. I couldn't believe it when I heard it, only years later did I realize it's an actual thing. Fuck Germany, fuck you and fill any degenerate country who allows this type of shit with Syrian refugees.
I could never understand how somebody can be such a colossal social failure to turn to animals for this kind of thing.
Friendship I fully understand, but lust and sex? Fucking pathetic, it really is.
It's like pedophilia, except even worse since it's not even your own species anymore.
MMmmm interesting
My grand dad fought the British in North Africa.
Your Grand dad is/was a fucking Afrikaner Brandwag cunt. Hope he burns in hell.
Stfu pajete
>Pajeet, we don't need to have 20 kids
Cuckold logic like this is exactly why you are being bred out
Indian don't have 20 kids we have a stable birth rate of 2.50.
And considering demography is destiny it seems like we are winning.
*clanking intensifies*
Shower head orgasms are best ones. Does that count as robotic?
He got quite a few kills as well.
How many british fags fit inside their shit sherman tanks?
Maybe they're just horny and have a dog around? I assume thats why women do it.
>fill any degenerate country who allows this type of shit with Syrian refugees.
Fuck you fucking Nazi piece of shit. Glad you all got curb stomped.
Find yourself. Most of porn websites purged bestiality porn years back. There are a few image boards but they are all nearly dead.
the only thing you're winning at is the 21st century space race, except instead of getting to space it's about shitting on mars
I know that girl. Just wondering if she had nudes.
Why the fuck would you want such evil. You bring a curse just asking such a perverted question.
Ask God to remove this from your heart and show some respect for yourself.
He didn't though, he happily returned home before the americans showed up.
I think he enjoyed his chance to BTFO anglo pigs.
Looks like it's hard to get the nigger cum out of those things.
Maybe she should try shoot air up her ass instead. That cum would either come out her mouth or twat I guess.
Satanic post.
>Pajeet winning.
20 useless pieces of shit are still useless pieces of shit.
Spics are still far out breeding whites in the US, but I doubt you'll find any whites begging for work at a Home Depot.
Name one, Muzzlem lover.
Dogs are lustful and fuck with no regard to the girl and are huge. I imagine that is a big factor. Then after the dog might cuddle up with you. So it is like having a lover and a best friend. That would be my best guess.
>ask magic sky daddy
Stopped reading there. Neck yourself.
Dogs are white's man friend so fucking (with) them is more okay than with niggers.
The robots understand biology better than you do
That's why they're winning