Lol you guys are just a bunch of disgusting hypocrites.
>muh traditional women and family values
And still you voted her into the White house?
How does it make you feel? A gold digger in the White house all because of you..
Lol you guys are just a bunch of disgusting hypocrites.
>muh traditional women and family values
And still you voted her into the White house?
How does it make you feel? A gold digger in the White house all because of you..
reply to this post or your future daughter will marry a CTR shill like the one above
she will marry a canadian if you don't copy this entire post & use it to derail another shill thread
>We like immigrants when they are hot.
I'm sure she's a fine woman, its just her husband is a complete dickhead.
>occupy democrats
6/10 made me reply
Stay in school, honey.
>fine woman
a cheap soft core nude model
>fine woman
Don't even try, Reverend.
Feels good man. Was worth it.
Fuck off Juncker
Hahaha I love it how I managed to wreck you all with one photo
>Poor user still believes in the true love.
Republicans didn't lose their minds over that you nigger lover
>group X says something
>group Y says something else
Hasita vittu
Not being from Mexico or a Middle Eastern country is what makes it OK
Yes they did you Jew lover.
>hey look at me, I just voted a streetwalker into the White house
Im sorry, but when were the elections for the first lady held?
Your brand of autism is why "leaf" comes off as derogatory
I don't blame you for taking Brock's money, but you have to know this doesn't work on us.
Not true you kike leaf
Every fucking time
>I don't care about immigration laws, no borders no nations!
>except this white cunt needs to be deported because she broke the law [citation?] and is now a legal citizen through marriage, but my feelings are hurt so FUCK DRUMPF and his family, she must be deported!!!!!
t. average SJW
Fucking Walloon
Take four slices of bread. Between the first two, put some ham and cheese. Between the second two, smear some dog shit. Liberals will refer to them both just as sandwiches and claim that if you want to eat one you must want to eat the other, otherwise it's discrimination.
>can't handle the truth so cries about irrelevant aspects of a photo
You guys voted a liberal egoistic bigot in the White house with his slut wife.
Well Trump is a reality TV star..
>we like immigrants coming into America to seek a better life
>except this one person because she's married to someone we don't like
Democrat hypocrisy on full form once again
God she's so hot
No, we just think Trump should apply his ideas equally.
Rather a streetwalker than a Thai streetwalker
>im white so it doesnt matter
now you get it
now that you get it
get out
poo in loo poo in loo poo in loo poo in loo poo in loo poo in loo poo in loo poo in loo poo in loo poo in loo poo in loo poo in loo poo in loo poo in loo
>became a US citizen
there are illegals who have been here for decades, still no attempt for a citizenship. perhaps they do not actually love america and are only here to leech off of what we built.
Fucking rare
Daily reminder that the first lady is not a political position. You can call her FLOTUS all you want, but it means shit. If Melania wants to sit on her ass and do nothing for four years, that's her right.
We're literal white supremacists. How is that hypocrisy?
they're doing US taxpayers a favor, they are paying into SS, but will never pull from it.
since this is a bitch thread, anyone watching the trump meeting with business leaders? that chick in the black is an inch away from flashing those panties if she uncrosses them legs.
face is busted, but I still want to see what she's got under that skirt.
>And still you voted her into the White house?
Im sorry I totally missed the process where you voted for the first lady?
Why do shills even bother?
Your memes are never good, and you will never change anyones mind with these.
Nobody gave a shit when Michelle wore a sleeveless dress.
There's nothing wrong with posing nude if you're a beautiful woman. The only people who would get offended by that are unattractive women, and nobody gives a shit about them.
>There's nothing wrong with posing nude if you're a beautiful woman.
and here I thought Sup Forums was anti degenerate. not only did she pose nude, but she did it with another woman.
I guess those rules don't apply to mel.
live stream?
>you voted her into the White house?
Pretty sure my vote was for Donald Trump, not his wife. In fact I don't recall her name being on any ballot anywhere.
I don't care about anchor husbands/wives.
Anchor babies though are here on the behalf of nobody but themselves. They are citizens only because birthright citizenship is a loophole for illegal immigration.
I believe in birthright citizenship. We don't want the government coming up with any other criteria.
It is what has always been in the constitution.
However this means we must guard our borders. It should not be possible to get a visa if you are pregnant and will drop during your stay if you are from a country that would indicate this might be your motivation for coming. It is ok for this to be unfair because it pertains to prospective entrants to the jurisdiction of the United States, so the constitution does not apply until you enter US jurisdiction.
We need wall. We need to enforce laws against illegal immigration because anchor babies are citizens.
Holy fuck how can liberals objectify a MIGRANT WYMAN like that ???
I'm literally shaking, it's 2017 PEOPLE
I didn't know Sup Forums was one person.
There's fucks on here who actually masturbate to anime, does that mean everyone here does it and it's not considered degenerate?
Sup Forums is has mixed opinions on everything faggot.
It's a fucking image board, not a single opinion, you filthy shitskin.
hey belgian bro post her pics plz
it's for masturbation purpose
if you know what i mean
like all weak people, pol changes their tune to match their moronic beliefs.
Walloon pls
>he hasnt seen the nude aryan archives
mein gott you miserable bastard
I have no problem saying that europeans are better than the shitskins.
Keep thinking that this board is just a single person.
Nobody agrees on anything in these threads.
Go back to pleddit if you want an echo chamber.
>Sup Forums agrees degeneracy is bad
>random Sup Forumstard moves the goalpost because his mail order anchor wife is guilty
surprised you were first to say that, wtf.
Make a thread about drugs, and plenty of people will admit that they do drugs.
Make a thread about porn, and plenty of people admit to watching porn.
Make a thread about race mixing, and plenty of people have fucked a shitskin.
Pol is not a single person. Degeneracy is in the eye of the beholder. There's no set rule what degeneracy is.
>she still technically American
So I don't care, get your fucking green card don't blame white people
So is it okay to slutshame again?
van victus
Even from Russia it is obvious that she Melania Trump is nice European girl, and immigrants from Middle East and Asia and Mexico often aren't nice-looking girls
I'm not defending Melania, but honestly why should I care about who she is? Shes not an official position and has no authority, only minor persuasion over her husband at best. In fact, first wives shouldn't have any kind of overt sway or press attention like Michelle did regardless of intent.
So now liberals are making the argument that husbands are responsible for the behavior of their wives?
Almost like the wives are property of said husband?
hmmm rly maeks u thnk
>Democrats attacking women for being stupid
>Trump married 3 times
How can you defend this? What about Till Death Do Us Part, he is undermining traditional family values
>couldnt find a better picture of the Clinton demon
those yellow fucking teeth
It's the current year, Ahmed
The really fun fact missing from that graphic is that she obtained a green card for being married to an American citizen.
But, didn't marry him until 8 years after she got the card.
Almost sounds like fraudulent green card application.
Almost as if.