Lmao @ rural voters who can't into politics

lmao @ rural voters who can't into politics

Only commies and crypto commies have "trade policies".

Free market or bust.

Yes, agreed. Drumpf is an orange fascist who doesn't even understand economics 101. You may as well have elected Bernie.

Yep. Folks in rural states should just move to the (((cities))) and become dependent, just like nogs and commies.

"Voting against their economic interests" is straight up Frankfurt School.

Brb moving to NYC.

Haha just kidding those chimps can't even fly planes.

Cities pay for the food stamps and other form of welfare rural morons get then they blame niggers for it

Only cities have intellectuals

Cities don't even make their own food or water you fucking dweeb

>"economic interests"


oh boy

this meme is getting out of control




>Yes, agreed. Drumpf is an orange fascist who doesn't even understand economics 101
And yet he is a billionaire with businesses in multiple countries.

>You may as well have elected Bernie.
Also a millionaire

Well would you look at that.


>Jewish ancestry
Can it get any more predictable?
It's like Deja Vu on repeat non-stop

lmao @people who think hillary woudve been any better

Oh for fucks sake

nice fake news kill yourself nigger



every time

ITT: shills who don't know that trade tariffs are broken down by goods and not just country of origin.

Libtard problem #2: They think conservatives are as ignorant of politics as they are. (e.g. that the farmer with a net income of 50K/year is as ignorant of economics as they are, despite that 50K/year being the result of an 850K income and 800K expenses)

The vast majority of those "rural" farmers are Monsanto owned farms, those farmers aren't paid based on crop exportation but instead receive salaries from Monsanto regardless of yield.

I've spent my life working on farms. This isn't individual farmers complaining, but Monsanto pretending to be "rural farmers", They pull this shit all the time.


That's not what fake news means. That's never been what it means.

She would have been very different, and if you don't like what's currently happening then probably better.

Business != economics

You raise a valid point sir.


The majority of medium and large American farming operations are some of the biggest welfare queens in the US. They get huge government subsidies for farming practices that degrade the land. They literally destroy the health of the nation with GMO corn sold under the cost of production. Corn syrup and other corn products end up being almost ubiquitous in processed food, to the point where you can often buy unhealthy processed meals cheaper than making them yourself.

These "farmers" are not farmers anymore. They are speculators, investors, and industrialists. They people are not our friends. Many people who actually do the farm work are just above the level of slave to the big players in the industry. People we once called farmers are now becoming rare, unable to compete in a system the government effectively chooses winners, the people who will grow what and how the industry and government tells them.
The sad part is a lot of the farmers have a choice between toeing the 'party' line or going under. Many do realize they are destroying their land and poisoning their environment, but many lack the knowledge and skills to break free of the system. You have to put food on your table, why not stick with what they tell you, why take the risk?

Since when does Vox understand trade policy? They don't even grasp simple concepts and they make videos omitting major facts and skewing data.


The only people who voted for Trump are urban and suburban retards.

Rural people all voted for Hillary.

Hillary would have been "better" to these people because they don't understand anything. They just listen to these (((liberal))) writers, who also have no experience, tell them how bad something is.


That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Rural farmer's will start getting top dollar for their goods instead of being subsidized by the government to export to large countries that cant into aggy themselves. Selling at state farmers markets is how it SHOULD be. Make farmers great again.

That's just left wing media (jews) trying to sway working class whites away from Trump. Disregard.

Oh wow, there almost was an argument.

fake news

vox.com, it says all.


>((((((((economic interests)))))))))))))

It's just funny that it's almost always true. These people work for shitty companies that use shitty arguments to sway people with shitty brains.

Don't forget all the celebrities that get farm subsidies because they have a couple of acres dedicated to bee keeping out of their 10000 acre complex (like Bono, for instance), or they rent out 40 acres to small farmers so they can qualify their compound as "farm" and get multi-million dollar subsidizes (like David Letterman and Robert Redford).

>Jews only 2% of the American population
>always the one behind the article

really sizzles the bizzles

>almost was an argument.
There's nothing to argue, there's no truth to it what so ever.

Rural voters are dumb.

plenty of billionaires are liberal morons.

Reddit fag detected. FOH with this shit kid.

It writes itself.

>actual knowledge of economics and farming.


duh, only plebs don't know that.
>if you're rich buy animals
get to live that rancher lifestyle , get camels and cows and horses and goats and shit.

have you ever watched committee hearings on c-span. every head of dept. ...i.e. ag, epa, interior, veterans... has zip zilch knowledge of the practical impact on any of their policies and they accept zero responsibility of consequences. the head of obongo's usda didn't even know crop planting/ harvest times. they are all bull dykes, obongos, and faggotrons. every last one of them.

>reveals sheer idiocy

right. sure.

paper billionaires, (((((billionaires))))), liars, and trust finders.

Fuck I wish I lived in a house like that.