Denmark thread
How are you guys holding up? Feels good being the least cucked Scandinavian country (although, that's not saying much these days)
How do we make Denmark great again?
Have you been redpilling your community?
Denmark thread
How are you guys holding up? Feels good being the least cucked Scandinavian country (although, that's not saying much these days)
How do we make Denmark great again?
Have you been redpilling your community?
Other urls found in this thread:
>least cucked
KEK, Danes are worse than Italians
I'd rather let in Nazi Germans than Muslims.
I don't know about you, though, Britcuck.
God Emperor Trump confirmed royal
I see more and more niggers and sandniggers here everyday..
As long as we are a part of the EU we will be just as cucked as Germany and Sweden.
Where do you live? Aarhus and Copenhagen might as well be sharia zones.
Sad, that's the parts of Denmark that most tourists see.
sometimes I forget Denamrk exists
At least we will still exist in 10 years
we're not going anywhere faggot, if anything, you'll be under swedish supremacy in 10 years
don't give a fuck. would rather remove danish language and just introduce English in every school.
What's the point learning a language if only 5.5 million people can understand.
Just got home from a week in Copenhagen, barely saw any mudslimes feels like there are more in my hometown of Århus.
I did stick to central copenhagen though so that might be why.
Why would we fight our brothers?
You mean muslim supremacy
vi var konger
danmark er ikke danmark uden skåneland
Its a meme country. They are the same socialist scum as Sweden.
I live in Odense, and here I don't think it's that bad, unless you go to Vollsmose, of course
Nordvest so im pretty fucked.
We elect Nye Borgerlige.
thats how we become great again
Hopefully they will actually have the balls to do something, unlike pussywhipped DF
snabba på lite boromir, giv os vores ler, fjern kebab fra præmisserne, skåne er dansk ler, karl gustav pulede den store satan og lagde et æg, dette æg klækkede og roskildetraktaten blev fodt
>Have you been redpilling your community?
No, my RL friends cannot see reason and will forever be cucked.
just started studying medicine
seems pretty redpilled besides the fact it's 2/3 chicks. I however am astonished at the amount of alcohol and promiscuity that is being pushed. I wonder if (((they))) are behind it
i doubt it but anything (literally anything) is better than our current situation
I'm doing media studies, and it's pretty blue. The stuff that we're learning is redpilled, though, and I want to use it to get inside and fix the Danish media
You will make Denmark soar to the highest highs if you fucking vote for me.
who are you
Only if it's you, Pernille.
Whats the fucking point? You nihilist shitstain.
It actually fucking means are you, on some uniqueness meter are way fucking higher, than some Chinalese.
Im moving to New Hampshire - I wanna live with liberty lovers. I can't take much more of the boring Danish non-existing intellectual diversity. Also, America might have a chance now.
>Week in Copenhagen
>Barely any Muslims
....U wot?
Time will tell, get ready for a intergalactic 10D shitstorms.
Also you will be able to identify me, because of my degeneracy. When you see me, you'll laugh and think this is that polack.
Good choice, Denmark is getting poorer and poorer. Industry shrinking, education lacking, no real border control, and we have to fight over a job in fucking Netto/McDonalds.
Does anyone know what DF has accomplished since they became the biggest blue party?
I'm fucking pissed I wasted 20 minutes of my life voting for that controlled opposition bullshit.
>W-we reduced the refugee salary by 5%
>and we have to fight over a job in fucking Netto/McDonalds.
This is actually the worst. I've been looking for a job for about 3 years now, to supplement my education, but it's fucking impossible. Even shit jobs are hard to get.
DF also just has a larger flaw in their mentality.
Their mentality as far as I can analyse is quite simple. Get some power but not GOV power and then bitch about gov.
They haven't done shit. They fucked up by being too big pussies to take control
Fjerner kvinders stemmeret.
Nej kvinder er bare promiskuose af natur. Og jeg tvivler seriost på at det er Red-pill. I betragtning af at jeg til stadighed skal forklare læger, psykologer, journalister osv. at kvinder ikke engang kan bygge et simpelt hus eller spille en fodboldkamp og det fortsætter
On a more serious political note.
We need more Danes on pol or create our own danePol.
I could definitely use a meme-merc group.
Thank you Denmark for giving us LEGO, Lars Ulrich
, and Danish pastries.
>How do we make Denmark great again?
Get rid of Jante Law.
What is it that makes Denmark so much better that the rest of the Scandinavian countries? I only know one Dane properly and he is one of the most redpilled, in-PC blokes I've ever met.
Jantelov, look it up, helps us danes be more based but it also, sadly, keeps us too grounded.
The Swedes and Germans are genetically closer to each other then swedes and danes. Norway and Denmark resemble eachother and finns are unique in all of Europe, genetically that is. Maybe thats an aswer
I have a theory that the king of Denmark during WW2 secretly agreed to let the nazis occupy Denmark because he knew that (((the allied))) was planning to invade Denmark to gain access to both Norway and Germany. Luckily, Hitler saved us from ending up like neo-Germany as a puppet, rather we are now more right wing oriented and generally much better off socially. Hitler actually called Denmark the pinnacle of his vision for a volksgemainschaft.
The Royal Danish guards actually practice much of the same military drill exercises still today, with the exact same gestures as the Nazis had. I was in the guard some years ago and there were definitely nazi vibes.
whats a NEET from Sweden going to do about that.
Yes because a woman will save Denmark...Get real. Btw I signed the petition to let them run and i will vote for them. But it will change nothing. A woman and women in general will do absolutely nothing to keep a civilisation together .
If I remember correctly, the germans invaded and had cut the telephone connection to Sealand. Which ment that the Jutlanders didnt recieve the orders to stand down, cause germans were comming.
I do not study medicin but I have had a few courses at Panum.
We had one lecturer who spend one of his presentations talking about how "negre" are completely overrepresented in cases of encephalopathy and how it is relatively common to see signs of brain deterioration in immigrants coming from africa.
This was of course not at all part of our curriculum.
We don't think as progressively
Are you haven trouble learning danish achmed?
What city do you live in? 3 years is abysmal.
The problem with nye borgerlige though, is that they do not crush the SJW/PC agenda. I know it is hard to do, especially if you want to be taken serious.
It will just be so more glorious when I do it then
Not anymore, Scania is Swedish and Norway is independent.
Sweden is Somalia
My wife is Danish and very against Islam and non-whites in Europe. My Danish sucks, it's a weird language to learn for a native English speaker, but I like it when my wife says things in Danish during sex. I'll get better once I move there.
How do we create more jobs?
I'm doing good my Nordic brother, it's getting a little chilly here in the Nordic state of California.
No idea. There are too many qualified people here. There's no reason not to do a BA nowadays, which means that it's useless, and thus you are forced to do a KA too, if you want any hope of getting a job.
Where are you moving to senpai?
Came over from England myself in 2000, loving it here.
Instilling entrepreneurship into our children, longterm.
Immediate and long term jobs = legalize.
i redpill people automatically when there's a discussion about immigrants, because leftists have no arguments against my facts.
They nearly always leave the discussion (Not out of rage/defeat) in silence.
have photos of wife?
Stop being a degenerate it's not a healthy way of living.
A classic.
Leftists never have any arguments to back their claims up, because what they spout they read off of some misinformed/manipulative Facebook post
Wow, please contain your fucking jewry man.
Absolutely right.
I have a plan though
whats wrong, shlomo wants see too Scandinavian tities
yeah or it's "#notallimmigrants" or other emotional bullshit completely ignoring general trends/averages
Left wing people are retarded by fucking logic dude.
They want all kinds of freedoms but never talk about the consequences.
Danish tits are for danish people, but shekel von Shoah
People from non-western countries actually make me so angry. I grew up with a lot of them because I went to a ghetto school, and they were almost all criminal and hated the country
Meanwhile at uni I got into a lot of groups of international students from western countries, and they were all very nice, respectful and loved our country.
hej odensebro
yeah? well tell that to your Muslim immigrants
I originally wasn't a big fan, but the place has grown on me. I still prefer Aalborg, though.
Denmark is more white then Israel is jewish.
Gotta agree with the parasite on this. Danish women are whores and we would be better off importing new teenage virgins from eastern europe
>Eastern-European women
That's just disgusting. With their asiatic faces and perpetually wet hair.
I'll take celibacy over either.
well, if that's true (i bet you wouldn't say wrong shit on your country) then its good, atleast Denmark is Scandinavian country who have yet fell for liberals and African arabs
Women can be decent leaders, margaret thatcher was alright, why cant pernille be the same
We have a rightwing government right now, but it doesn't really matter because they haven't got the balls to get anything done
>rather we are now more right wing oriented
Being more right winged than Sweden means nothing, we have a disgusting amount of gibs and too many people taking advantage of them,
>Danish women are whores
>tfw still can't get any
Odensebroer represent
I know that feel
There will probably be one when election is near. There's not enough stuff going on in Denmark for a memewar to start.
>I'll take celibacy over either.
Then we import from south africa and argentina and where ever else there are white poor women :)
The fact is that men have both the danish x and y chromosome. If a danish man breeds on a forign girl, he will pass on the genetic legacy. If a danish woman breeds on a forign man, the danish y-chromosome gets lost.
Well, people seem to get more and more redpilled on all the Danish fora. You see more redpills on Facebook and Nationen, for example
so no free goverment funded shit for sand niggers/ overally accepting their demands for mosques and shit? that is still pretty ok, better than germany
....Just shut up, Anders.
It's because the SJW aren't as big of a problem here... Yet
>Norway and Denmark resemble eachother
They're both absent, oh wait there you are
>so no free goverment funded shit for sand niggers/ overally accepting their demands for mosques and shit?
That's a stretch. Our PM is a fucking cuck who bows down to Merkel
Well you write it yourself. Women can be DECENT leaders. Our country is getting invaded and our nation is falling apart. Do we need a Great leader, or a decent one?
Besides, she might want to stop the invasion, but she still wants her female priviliege. Just to make it clear, this invasion would not be happening, if women could not vote.
The difference between what men vote and what women vote is litteraly the difference between a closed and open border
ah feck, so how is that a "right" wing?
Please enlighten us with your plan.
And stop using those fucking hearts
election when please