What does Sup Forums think of Singapore?
What does Sup Forums think of Singapore?
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>graffiti a wall
>get caned
No thanks.
Its a soulless place. It has no narrative other than "successful capitalists" whatsoever.
>Do degenerate activities
>not be caned
Then don't grafitti walls
It's that simple
>brazil is shit
>wonders why
I'm fine with almost everything except the no-gunz.
And you guys need a big boomer fleet otherwise you're going to get raped soon.
Ultra based chinks are based
Absolutely fucking beautiful nation state
He knew what he was doing, sadly Singapore is fast becoming a liberal shithole from what Ive heard.
Throwing shit on walls is normal monkey-business
Go and graffiti your boyfriend's asshole instead. That's legal.
Oh yeah, with his death the libs are slowly taking over. Whining about muh free speech and muh wage gap between rich and poor.
>He doesn't like art
Do you have an idea of what it's like for intellectuals like me to listen to your barbarian complaints?
It's nothing but pathetic.
>Brazillian intellectuals
Dont you have a corruption scandal to investigate?
How is this art again? And why couldn't this have been a painting or a drawing?
>You can beat your maid
>You should steriliza your maid
It's fun because they are rich, "open to immigrants", but they don't allow these immigrants to reproduce. I don't know how the left don't do a scandal with it.
Best chinks and pajeets in the world.
>not sterilizing your genetically inferior third-world-shithole maid to prevent her shit genes from overpopulating and "culturally enriching" your country
Is this the face of lefty/pol/? Or ShareBlue?
Literally fascism.
And Taiwan?
I know literally nothing about Singapore.
It's meant to bother the ruling class, and I think it does its job rather effectively.
Malaysian, i think.
>bother the ruling class
>as they watch the huemonkeys harvest eachother for ivory in their ivory towers
>muh ruling class
Hello commie! Ready for the day of the rope?
Taiwan is chink too. They're decent but suck at planning and really need foreign investment to make then not-stuck in the 1980's (ie. something that will never happen)
it sux
I was not complaining. Actually, it's a very good solution. You have cheap workforce and they will never become a majority. There isn't a minimum wage in Singapore too, there is a maximum wage for foreigners.
Clean, safe and boring as fuck. Not a place worth living or even visiting.
Oh good. Nice to hear that not all hues are retarded.
Thanks to all the stupid Bangladeshi and Burmese immigrants Singapore essentially has a stupidly cheap labor force that handles blue collar jobs while the natives take over the more intellectually oriented and complex occupations.
It looks based but it's not killing its Muslims so I'm not sure.
Wtf I love Singapore now.
>damage someone's property
>waa waa why do you punish me
I have a Chinese-Singaporean gf and I just spent the last 3 days travelling around her relatives houses getting money thrown at me in some red envelopes or something.
Have I accidentally become a gigolo, or do you do this to everyone?
i think it's pretty alright.. getting more xenophobic as years go by though..
I'm from here. faggot. the tiny island is on track to become a liberal shithole. you know it and I know it, we all know it. no amount of Lee Kuan Yew spawns can stop it. we are literally fucked. first world country with third world fucks.
>Ready for the day of the rope?
You tell me :^)
These immigrants have the right to retire in Singapore, so they can come back to their countries when they are old? Even with a private pension administrator?
Are you a han?
Singapore was a fucking extremely pooor country 100 years ago and now is one of the richest. I believe west should kill its sensibilities and become more like Singapore. Don't care for others.
THAT WILL TEACH THEM!!!!!!!1!!!!111one
That's because the muzzie HQ is right next door. We're waiting for their shit country to collapse before the DEUS VULT.
If you're a foreigner you should be fucking glad that you're getting the red packets. It means that your gf's family accepts you as a member and consider you as a part of the family. Most whites (assuming you're white) are rejected and generally are either forced to break up or disowned.
That's because of the internet, the lib media is getting to them.
How are you in Singapore and you're not aware of the New Year.
An awful, soulless place utterly bankrupt of personality, feel or humanity.
Populated by egotistical and vain snobs with an alarming fixation on money and the status they feel that comes with it.
I dread arriving there and celebrate leaving.
hey dude, can you list me some prominent examples of how our country is slowly becoming liberal.. pretty much forgot a lot of things that happened in the previous year
Did you not hear Lee Hsien Long's bullshit about muh malaysian president? Clearly lib as fuck. The guy is ruining the country as we speak.
The ruling class doesn't care about your vandalism. They make just as much money.
Know nothing of their politics other than that its a free market, lovely airport (Changi), nice clean country!
heard of pink dot? all the fucking homos are in concerted effort to repeal the homo law. there's nothing you can do about it.
Hello antifa, enjoy getting socked on camera.
Lee Kuan Yew is objectively the most competent leader in modern history.
The only reason Singapore isn't democratic is that Lee was so much more competent than anyone else that he couldn't justify giving up power.
Now that he's dead, Singapore's going to go to shit because of a lack of accountability. But it was good while it lasted.
>LKY personally throws people who say curry stinks on Facebook into jail
>Lee Jr says Malay pm
>liberal shithole
We've always been polticially correct. Remember racial harmony day?
Lee's greatest ability was finding good people. He found good people to do all the real work - housing, foreign investment, education, military. He mostly handled legal policy and foreign affairs.
Rightful Malaysian clay
What do you think of Amos yee OP
His trial is supposed to be today
That shit's mostly to create a facade to hold off the libs in the West and to pacify the malays and the pajeets though. I highly doubt any Chinese in the country truly believe that they are on the same tier as the muzzies and the pooinloos.
Disgusting degenerate who deserves to be shot against the wall.
Local Chinese, Malays and Indians are alright
It's the foreign talent that is making this place crowded
That's what good leaders do: hire competent people to cover for their deficiencies, learn when to defer, avoid and stamp out corruption, and try not to fuck things up. Lee did all that exceptionally.
attention seeking """""anarchist""""""
Does Singapore need lebensraum?
I fucked a chick from Singapore. I was her first American.
Would bang again / 10
Pls Chinese are in the middle
Official race rankings are
Mainland China
Singaporean Chinese
It's legally required that all GRCs or something have representatives from every race. We have a council of minorities with legal powers.
Face it, we're multicultural authoritarian.
Whether the PAP continues to he competent depends on whether they can find good people, it's not necessarily going to shit with Lee
Foreigners literally do nothing wrong.
>mainland china
This desu, I'd take a white man over a mudslime any day.
Only issue is that mudslimes in the past were relegated to second class jobs. Now the whites are taking over the top ranking occupations while the chinese who once did those are now pushed down to second rank. There needs to be an equal mix if we want to shut the anti-White tards up.
>the natives take over the more intellectually oriented and complex occupations meme.
>muh locals don't want jobs (medium) hardship meme
Wow it's like modern Western society:
>Jews are ruling class
>Whites are upper tier
>Asians middle
>the rest are lowest
We're more similar than we think.
there used to be videos on YT of polish couple in Singapore, for some reason they deleted them, anyway the way I see it Singapore is like Manhatan, nobody has kids there, only working people with 1 kid at most
pic related is the polish woman who lived there, she made her face look more asian with makeup
>Whether the PAP continues to he competent depends on whether they can find good people, it's not necessarily going to shit with Lee
I just think that it's extraordinarily unlikely that you will ever have someone in charge who is nearly as competent as Lee Kuan Yew. Consider that Singapore is the *only* first world authoritarian state that doesn't have a shitload of cash-resources. With anyone else you guys would have ended up like Chiang Kai Shek era Taiwan.
The chances are that unless you guys get really lucky, the chances are that you're going to end up like pretty much every other authoritarian state that hasn't been blessed with a fuckton of oil.
Pls let's not pretend all the top students arent foreigners from China or India. I also never see Indians in bottom of classes.
>whites in high ranking positions
Where? I only know of one white guy is chairman of one of the stock regulators. The CBD is filled with expats from the banks.
dude you got trump to unfuck your shit. hang on burgerbro
Also what kind of jobs do all you Singy anons have? Are you all rich?
Maybe, I have nothing against hardworking banglas it's the prc I have issue with,
Local Indians are more bros than the mainland Indians.
There's no Jews here that I know of. Whites aren't really upper tier across the board, we just get a lot of rich expats from the foreign banks working here. They're non existent in government.
Why would you work in a construction site next to shitskins when you could be working in a better job with higher pay next to chinks?
Rather, it's not that the natives don't want labor jobs, it's that a): the natives don't really need the labor jobs and b): the natives have better options to choose from.
That is some uncanny valley shit.
>top students mean that they must be better
>what is academic cherrypicking aka the single thing that the dogeaters and shitstreeters are good at
I am a psychologist, earning 4k a month. I hang out here cause my patients told me about this place a few years ago
Checked and keked
you must have no friends.. or barely..
cause youre a poor bogan. we dont need your kind around if you cant contribute.
Going to start uni, statistically I'll be earning ~40k within six months of finishing.
My family are millionaires. 1 in 10 Singaporeans are. Both parents work six figure jobs so it's not hard, but we're not filthy rich. My father's friend's wife earned 500k in a month doing a merger.
>picking up gum stuck to roads
>beating children with sticks when they don't get perfect math scores
>shooting targets so they can be prepared when the indonesians invade
>not having sex
you know, the regular stuff.
Keep aping the arabs Jungle muslimonkey. You guys have no pride in your own race or history.
>not practically everything in Singapore
Government scholarship, earn six figures by thirty. It sure helps
40k? Damn bro what are you studying?
a lower-mid class yalam mudslime, still studying tho
>gpa 3.0 aerospace diploma
>not interested in uni
what do
The average degree pay is 3.5k, why are you surprised? Comp eng
Yes. We need Malaysian clay, and a slave population of native austronesian slaves who will do the mundane tasks and leave us to do the more important work like expanding our Venetian empire.
Oh I thought you meant 40k a month lol
Not my point. My point is that you're trying to compare the mainlanders and foreign Indians who are literally cherrypicked for the best of the best to the general population of the country. Well no shit, of course the pajeets and mainlanders are gonna come out on top.
I'm completely ok with this. Remove mudslime when?
>not interested in uni
Kek, they don't want you either.
I don't know, what do you want to do? If you don't want to make money in Singapore your options are very limited. Maybe you can become an entrepreneur or something.
Thats why we need our bases in straya to train our airforce so we can eventually invade and enslave our stupid austronesian abbo neighbours for clay and lebensrum.
If I knew Singapore didn't have such strict drug laws I'd assume you were high
>480k a year
>tfw id JUST
i'm fucked aren't i
I like how you think
>implying our military is competent to launch a full scale invasion and fight off primitive-like guerillas
does that building look like ruling class to you?
Waiting for malaysia to implode, civil war between KL and Johore. Then we march and take it for free.
Each singapore family to receive 2 malaysian girls each as fuckslaves or maids as spoils of war. Castrate or kill all surviving malaysian men scum.
It is quite based. My mother went there one year for college and enjoyed it; I haven't gone but the criminal code is what dreams are made of.
>going to all that effort to complain
We just make snide comments to each other about thr government
Poor people shouldn't be singing
Ugliest women on earth. Waaaay too many loitering Indians with their shoes off as well
Breddy gud.
I went and traveled there.
My only criticism is that they don't have a lot of nature reserves or YUGE national parks or something.
Did befriend a monkey in Pulau Ubin, shit was so cash.
Other than that, the city looks amazing at night, and their public transport makes Sydney look like crap desu.
Oh and the Street food is pretty decent.
Simple solution is to make NS more tough and more prone to building a proper armed force.
Plus, if we take Malaysia first, what the fuck will they do? Try to rob our military camps?
Malaysia is literally heading down the racewar route. Once the monkeys start slaughtering each other it'll be free land.
>ugliest women
Can't disagree. All of our girls have no t&a