Several people dead and injured after terror attack on a restaurant
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please be a white man
Oh man, monday already?
>terrorist attack
Someone post the nip explaining poop in the kitchen screencap.
>dead roaches
No one cares.
>this will be blamed on Trump
>gun attack
What are gun laws like in Turkey?
Muslim here, with a message for you Islamophobic people.
The West created this mess.
It was you who divided up the land.
It was you who put in the puppet governments.
It was you who built the oil wells on Muslim holy lands.
It was you who allowed the Jews to exterminate and enslave the Palestinians.
It was you who played geopolitical games with Iraq and Iran during their war.
It was you who gave Saddam chemical weapons.
It was you who caused the Ayatollah to come into power in Iran.
It was you who created the Mujaheddin, Osama Bin Laden, and Al Qaeda.
It was you who killed 1 million children with your economic sanctions on Iraq.
It was you who, with your gluttonous oil consumption, gave power to Saudi Arabia and turned a blind eye to their funding of Wahhabi extremism.
It was you who abused the Arab world so much that they felt they had to attack your soil on 9/11.
It was you who started an endless massacre across all of Afghanistan in retaliation against a small group that lived there.
It was you who invaded Iraq unprovoked, destroyed it's infrastructure, massacred it's people, and left it in shambles in your wake.
It was you who covertly ignited civil wars in Libya and Syria because it suited your geopolitical interests, only to let the bloodbaths stagnate when your goals failed.
It was you who not only caused ISIS to exist, but allowed them to grow like a cancer unchecked.
It was you who destroyed the lives of millions of Arabs and forced them to leave their homeland.
You are the cause of all of this. Still you go ahead and blame us for all these tragic incidents. I'm not easily triggered but shit like this makes me really mad.
When there is poop in the toilet, you're surprised because it should be on the kitchen table for you to eat.
>who created this mess
The middle east is ground zero for war and religious zealotry
Kill yourself
>all this salt
why don't you just enjoy life or something
do we need to fight this 'terror' character and does he know Sup Forums the hacker?
Nice pasta.
if its in turkey its gotta be 20+ dead for me to care.
>reddit spacing
Im sorry you have to go back
Thanks nip
>Dead roaches in Instabul
yesss we got god tier happening by country ratio in 2017 already.
step it up westernfags. im looking for france to contribute more.
>It was you who abused the Arab world so much that they felt they had to attack your soil on 9/11.
nice b8
this is hardly news worthy
probably mafia shoot out
It was you who posted all this bullshit
on a Monday! during tea-time!
I wonder if turkey is on the ban list.
back to cuckit faggot
oh no, not turks.
Good. Slowly one by one
>terror attack on a restaurant
Cool down, it was just food poisoning
>I personally did all these things.
It's been a good long life lads.
Even if it were true, it is because you fucks need some civilization .
The west is trying to save you incestbred idiots from yourselves. You should be thankful!
isn't thanksgiving over. why do people celebrate terror giving in turkey. no factory birds to eat in that shit hole! sad!
Please no
>Some reports claim that the shooter targeted a person who had killed his father a decade ago.
wtf batman, I thought you don't use guns?
Turks are white so...yeah...
>The west is trying to save you incestbred idiots from yourselves.
The West should just give up on subhumans, we can't fix our problems and theirs too
Gassing them all would be a much easier way to sort the problem out and rebuilding the land into something great
>It was you who built the oil wells on Muslim holy lands.
stopped reading here
Saudi is shit all without its oil and the government likes it more than anyone else
the west isn't responsible for that shit. this is a shitpost
who cares about subhumans?
Nice. Saved.
There isnt even a need to gas them. Just stop any aid to them. Just stop getting them in our countries.
If some SJW wants to help them let them go there and fix their problems there instead of making the problem bigger.
They will eventually kill them each other.
If industries invested in finding new sources of energy we wouldnt even need all their oil/fuel export.
I went against my previous post and read the whole thing
>can only sustain a population in a shit country with aid
>put sanctions
>country falls to shit because it shouldn't have as many people as it does
>this was YOUR fault
>you abused us so much we felt like we NEEDED to attack you! it's your fault we hijacked your planes
literally sympathizing with terrorists? you have an American flag. the ban didn't come fast enough and now we have you, our own home grown terrorist, sympathizing with radicals and a whole two steps away from allahu akbar.
you sound like a bitch
thats right, instead of all that shit, ahmeds should have been nuked
>Muslim here
stopped reading right there desu
pic related should be used for roach "happenings"
nobody gives a fuck about you achmed
fixed v2
I wonder how many Turkish bros, and any other bros, we have lost in terrorist attacks. Would be pretty fucking ironic for a Sup Forumsack to die in a happening.
you are missing USA at bottom section, else its p fine. turkey israel and saudis cant fire a single bullet without american confirmation
>Sup Forumsack to die in a happening
You must leave your house to die in a happening. This seems unlikely.
fixed v3
>inb4 roach
Thanks for the adjustment
nty curry muhammed pajeet
Right in the ass. Without vaseline. Western cucks B T F O !
To quote Japanaon
"If there's shit in my toilet I dont care it belongs there. However if there's shit on my kitchen table there's a serious problem"
Slimes killing slimes I don't give a fuck.
t. cocksucker Ahmed
>Iran, Syria, Hezbollah heroes
>Palestinians cancer
Hey buddy got some news for ya...
what's the kill count? 50+ or waste of time.
Delet this thread.
>another roachfest
how is this even news?
fuck what the...
>I'm not easily triggered but shit like this makes me really mad.
someone arrest this madman
Mainstream media writer here, how do I spin this so Trump is responsible?
Hey buddy I think you got the wrong thread. /Islam/ general is two blocks down.
Just blame the AfD and Höcke for it
Who could be responsible for this terrible attack?
-Grey Wolves
-Organized crime
Taking all bets
I don't mean to be an asshole, but that happens all the time down there. No one cares
Heh I remember that post
>Muslim here
kek say no
>sorry nigger
>it was you who fucked a 9 year old girl
Oh wait... no that was Muhammad PBUH
>it was you who bury people to their necks and throw stones at them until they are dead
Oh shit, no hold up, that's the muzzies. Feck
>it was you who throw gay people off of buildings
DAMMIT, shit.
>it was you who strap bombs to yourselves and blow yourself up for Allah
>etc etc etc
Muslims not taking any responsibility for their own actions?
>allow foreign fighters to pour through your border into syria for years
>allow wounded IS fighters to cross back into turkey for treatment
>start bombing them
yeah, that was always going to work out well.
>implying turkroaches do not secretly support ISIS
Did Santa come back for round 2??
"It was you who divided up the land"
- Muslims have been killing each other off for ages - even before 'big bad usa' was founded. Oh by the way, muslims in Africa have systematically surpressed and killed jews, christians and atheists for ages, thinning out their populations up to the point where other muslims are the only majority of people left to kill (ofc this doesn't hinder groups of religious muslims to continue riding through african villages to look for leftover christians/jews/atheists to behead in the name of muhammad)
" "
yup, "the west" decided to do those things. Or more accurately, a few government politicians. You see, the thing with comparing "the west" and "muslims" is , that "the west" in itself is a geographical location with a vast diversity of ideological views (there is a shitload of people who dislike the governtments support of later-to-become-terroirst groups in the middle east), whereas all people viewing themselves als "muslim" have to adhere to the Quran, which can (and regulary is) easily interpreted to allow for opression and violence against nonbelievers. I would say that people of different strands of islam are ideologically far more similar to each other than people of "the west".
"(...) gave power to saudi arabia and turned a..."
true again, but this "saudi arabia" sympathy is pretty much limited to few politicians (who profit from it) and muslim immigrants from Saudi Arabia. Ask your everyday nonmuslim "westener", and you will not get a favorable view auf saudis' actions AT ALL. Ask a western Muslim wether he sympathizes with islamic terrorism, and you will get much higher percentages that condone it.
"(...) they felt they hat to attack your soil on 9/11"
If someone thinks they have murder civilians over the actions of a few government officials, then they are miserable human beings, plain and simple. I certainly do not defend the eactive killing of middle eastern civilians by "the wests" forces.
it was trump
Spurdo here, wid a mesage :DD for yu idslamobobig peebl.
Da memes benis :DDddd crated dis mezz lol xDD.
Id wad yu who dibidedd ub da lands. fugg :DDDDD
Id wad yu who but in da pubbet gubberments lol.
Id wad yu who build da benis xD oil wels on Muslib hooly landz.
Id wad yu who allow da Jooz xDDDDdd hologost was lie to egsterbinate ad enslaev da Balesdins.
Id wad yu who blayed geobolidigal gaems :DDDDd wid Irag an Iran durig deir warz. xDDD
Id wad yu who gabe Sabdam chemigal webons. shiddd :DDDdddd
Id wad yu who gaused da Ayadollah to gome into bower in Iran. xDDD
Id wad yu who created da Mujjahebedin, Osaba Bin Laden, an Alb Qaeda. fug xD
Id wad yu who kil o fugg xDDD 1 miblion chidren wid yur egonomig sangtons on Iragg :DDD benis.
Id wad yu who, wid yur glubttonos oil gonsumbtion, gabe powr to Saudi Arbabia fugg :DDDDDDDDd an turnd a blind eye to deir funding ob Wahabbi egstrebism.
Id wad yu who abuzed de Arab wurld so benis xD much thad dey felbt dey had do attack yur soil on 9/11. shidd nevr forged dog bles meriga :DDDDdddd
Id wad yu who starded an endles massacore across all ob Abfganistan in redaliaton againsd a small benis xDDDD group thad livd dere.
Id wad yu who invabed Irag unbroboked, destroyd it's inbrasdructure, massagred it's peepl, and lebt it in shables in yur wage. xDDDDdddd
Id wad yu who coberdly ignided cibil warz in Libya and Suyria shiddd begaus id suided yur geobolitigal interest fugg :DDDDD, only do led da bloodbafs o fug xDD stagnade when yur goalz failededd xDDD.
Id wad yu who nodd only causd ISIS to egsist, bud allowd them do grow like a cancer xD thred gabe me cancer lol xDDDDD unchegged.
Id wad yu who debstroyed da libes of millionds fug :DDDDddd of Arab an force dem to leeve deir hobeland. xDDdd benis
Yu are da gause of all ob dis. Still yu go ahead an blambe us fur all dese tragig o fug :DD incidenbts. I'm not eazily triggeredd o fug triggerd lol like justic warior xD but shid like dis make me real mad.
That's a flag you don't see often. I once ordered Opium from your country.