Are Slavs an invasive species on Germanic soil?
Are Slavs an invasive species on Germanic soil?
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Idk Germany seemed like the invasive species on Russian soil.
They were eradicated rightfully so.
Germans are invasive species on Roman land
Go back to the steppe, Hun.
You Caucasians are an invasive species to Neanderthal soil
Do norwegian girls look like this?
Yes. All ethnic groups should live in their homelands
Slavs are to Germanic people what Orcs are to the Elves, a twisted parody.
no. Germans are.
Original place of Slavs was on the east side of Rhine river. Then Germans came and there was a big fight between slavic tribes and german tribes. Slavs won, Germans invited Slavic chieftains to a feast. but it was betrayal, Germans have this in their blood, something they have in common with jews. They killed all the chieftains and slavs were forced to ran away.
No. Next question.
>worried about german soil
as if it wasn't too late...
>dat junk in the trunk
If only she was more tanned.
I'm a huge Russist and fan of East-West Slavic unity, but that's simply not true. Even Romans recorded those lands as Germanic inhabited. Not likely current borders will ever be changed, but at least we must kick out everything foreign from out respective nations
Polish immigrant detected.
Germanics have invaded more soil than any other white people in Europe.
cool story bro.
But never happened.
Night of the long knives was between Anglos & Welsh. No Slavs affected.
go back to turkey ali.
No. Germans are invasive cancer on our soil. Glad many of those scum got removed after WWII
Germanic people need lebensraum
>It's okay when we do it
Nice D&C thread faggot.
Arent you glad our people were running them over with trucks before september 39' ?
Typical animals
Post more kraut butts.
Anyone notice it's always the mongrel colonials who bring up Divide & Conquer when us Europeans are trying to have serious discussion.
No, post slav butts.
So accurate
t. result of multicentury rapebabing
Why not both?
Yes it's either:
Euromutts with no identity (Americans, Australians)
Turkish/Mongol rape babies (Romania, Serbia etc)
>Serious discussion
How do you justify not killing yourself commie lovimg subhuman?
(((USSR))) cuckposted IRL. Circus (Russian: Циpк; translit. Tsirk) is a 1936 Soviet melodramatic comedy musical film.
Orlova plays an American circus artist who, after giving birth to a black baby (played by James Lloydovich Patterson), immediately becomes a victim of racism and is forced to stay in the circus, but finds refuge, love and happiness in the USSR. Her black son is embraced by friendly (((Soviet))) people.
>Soviet Jewnion was so ((((((((based)))))))
Soviets were the first to came up with making IR relationship films and importing nigges en masse
Go adopt a nigger
Because it's 1936
R1a was in Europe before R1b, so no, it's the other way around
You are USA/France/Italy tier cucked
>Turkish/Mongol rape babies (Romania, Serbia etc)
fake facts. 3.5 niggers is nothing.
Objectively speaking only 10% of your country shouldn't be sterilized. There are still some excellent genes out there swimming in a sea of shit
Am I the only one with a new goal in life after seeing that pic?
Get the fuck out with your weak baits.
Fun fact. Making propaganda films about interracial adoption IN 1936, funding (((Civil Rights))) in the US, funding and arming Mandela terrorists, funding anti-racist anti-colonialist groups in Europe is everything. Fuck yourself to death, untermensch
R1a is not only found in Slavs, between 20 to 30% of Norwegian men have the Y-DNA haplogroup.
LOOK WHO IS CROWING THERE, GUYS. A MIGHTY SWISS HEN. Go away, a fucking Russophobic CTR cuck.
Have you been raped by some Bulgarian rapefugee?
Slavs are invasive species on fingoloid soil.
So we're Neanderthals?
Germanic people need lebensraum to bring more refugees in.
Go suck some nigger dick, animal
looks like my ass. you wanna see?
it's the opposite
Indeed, but we share a common ancestor alot later than with R1b
wew lad
Buts it's not Germanics who bring them over. It's Jews and Meds, which is literally the same, hostile to real Europeans, negroid shit
Italy, "Greeks" and Spanshits are the ones who fishes them out. For the last 30 years
Germans are the worst, right after slavs
dunno, but i might be an invasive species in her soil
become an invasive species in her soil?
If all Slavs gave up their land what would Germanic people do with it?
Germanic people have no kids and are dying out, so there is no need for extra space.
Slavs die out as well, but at least are not constantly butthurt about lebensraum.
praise kek
we deserve to be annihilated
Are you a grill?
>Objectively speaking only 10% of your country shouldn't be sterilized
To be fair, that can be said of the whole world.
we are all white,leave the slavs alone you divide and counquer jew cunt
kys anglo kike vermin
top kek, looks like the invasive species is more successful in darwinian sense and even has a bit of a germanicidal effect
Obviously. Without Slavs Germany would be a superpower.
Name literally one thing Slavs ate good for.
German jews are the most jewy jews. And that's no coincidence.
Slavs baffle me.
Why do they exist? Why wasn't there stern and decisive opposition to their spread?
What the actual fuck was going on in the late 1st millenium that allowed what was originally the tiniest tribe in Europe restricted to a remote corner of the Pripet marshes to expand so wide and far?
It wasn't "Slavic superiority" because if it was then they would have expanded earlier from the marshes, right? They were after all slaves to all after their spread so superiority can be forgotten.
It's all so baffling.
They invade Japanese vidya too.
hello chong
Me too. Looks like a nice place to go hiking.
It's a complicated question, since both Germanic and Slavic people used to be migrating tribals. Once they settled, though, the Germannic people encroached on Slavic lands, technically eliminating pommeranian Slavs.
Prussia is part of Russian family. Poolacks are not even real slavs.
That pretty much explains all the answers.
Berlin school of history is utter bullshit. Ignoring Danube basin civilisations and north coast of Black Sea as first craddles of civilisation,
total bullshit and logistically impossible narrative of massive migrations of whole peoples...
Not to mention the utter nonsense of "east Germanic tribes" who just happen to coincide with later Slavic homelands, in addition to linguistic connectios of later proto-Slavic and antiquity "east Germanic".
To prove my point, take a look at the swampy, small and remote area that proto-Slavs occupied by mid-6th century. One century later, half of Europe is Slavic, with Slavs EVIDENCED in present day Holstein, Brandenburg, Austria, Carinthia, east Bavaria, all the way south to Peloponnesos, and to Ladoga north east. If you don't believe, take a look at Wends, Obodrites, Sorbs, Limes Sorabicus, Great Moravia and Frankish marches.
Total bullshit, simply impossible from logistical and demographic point.
Jokes on you, most of our jews were killed off in WW2, unlike yours. I mean is there even a Brit alive who do not have at least one Jewish ancestor?
dont worry, czechs are 100% germanic vikings
Newsflash: the official history version is total bullshit.
We know from migrations of ancient tribes that there is a definite cut-off point for migration sizes and numbers due to logistical problems, finding fodder, food and water over long distances.
To further prove my point, the largest Celtic oppida was located in the area of.... Roman termed Germania.
Great point, I had also noticed this and agree with you on all points
Where there are Russians... prevalence of AIDS is Africa-tier.
Maybe you'll prefer a Slavic butt
A rational person would therefore conclude that the postulate implying Slavic inferiority is wrong.
>Why wasn't there stern and decisive opposition to their spread?
There was. It was crushed.
That doesn't explain why all Slavic languages are more closely related than Swedish and German are.
Only rapid expansion can explain it.
Slavs are the proof that EVOLUTION ISN'T REAL
Unless they aren't. Czechmate.
The white nigger, a peculiar subspecies of the classical nigger. Known for its love of vodka and otherwise disgusting behavior.
Present day official German and Swedish are not historical. North German language was far more similar to Swedish during Hansa times.
Slavic languages were reformed, artificially to an extreme degree, Serbo-Croat case being the most obvious.
Polish is very different from Croatian, I can better understand old medieval Polish than their present one.
The reason is that almost all Slavic languages are descended from Old Church Slavonic which was spread by Byzantine missionaries along with Glagollic later Cyrillic script.
when did I talk about Slavs? It's Polish, Serbroaches and Russian idiots who always make this huge maps about their states. I see context of survival of European people as Germanic, Slavic, Baltic struggle against Jewish, Balkanshit and Mediterranean mongrelised vermin
>dying out
No. It's a different breeding strategy. We literally need less people in Europe.
I'm Pomeranian, technically.
Am I German or Polish?
I can never get a straight answer.
i have grown tired of that pic. kindly stop posting it.
You are American.
user, you're a dog. Why are you on the internet.
you have to go back to asia, why don't you want to address this, mongrel?