>"Darkness is good," says Bannon, "Dick Cheney. Darth Vader. Satan. That's power. It only helps us when they get it wrong. When they're blind to who we are and what we're doing."
What did he mean by this?
>"Darkness is good," says Bannon, "Dick Cheney. Darth Vader. Satan. That's power. It only helps us when they get it wrong. When they're blind to who we are and what we're doing."
What did he mean by this?
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wait so bannon is a satanist as well?
i fuckin love this guy
"Darkness is good" = BLACKED.
>What did he mean by this?
He wants to save Judaeo-Christian society
He's saying Star Wars was a bitchin' flick.
I love this post-modern age we live in.
It's amazing to me that there isn't a particular instance or happening in the course of this election cycle to which the media could have responded differently or candidacy to have honed their attacks that would've stopped Trump and his administration. The guy is just the guerilla incendiary sabotage mutineer nobody saw coming.
>Lenin wanted to destroy the state, and that’s my goal too. I want to bring everything crashing down, and destroy all of today’s establishment.
-Steve Bannon
Name a greater timeline to be a part of.
sweet just like my animu
he's getting his revenge
I pity the fool who doesn't surrender to darkness.
So is Bannon sort of like a satanist gone rogue turning against the other cannibal pedophile elite?
Using the powers of evil for good and what not?
something like that, I guess they should of thought twice about killing brietbart
And Andrew's.
You fucking autists he wants to look like "the bad guy" he's not a satanist
Evil turns on itself. Interesting.
So the Trump admin is in accordance with 777. 7 is the number between divine infinity 8 and worldly selfishness 6.
"Coincidentally?" Trump's inauguration coincided with 777 in his life in terms of dates and other factors of time.
So this really is the push up the proverbial sine wave, we're just in the neutral stage right now I suppose, but pure good is to come soon.
that just the candian's guess, I said
>something like that
because of the rouge part
>reads evola
>recognises the imperial empire did nothing wrong
>is now Trump's number 1 goy
Shit lads, there's potential here
>be leftist
>begin campaign against Steve Bannon
>millions of people who didnt know who he was suddenly love Bannon
>Daily reminderd that: Kek (also Keku, Kekui) is the deification of the concept of primordial darkness
No, Kek brings the light through chaos.
You're thinking of another deity.
The light in occulted belief is truth. And look how much truth we've uncovered already?
Elite cannibalism and pedophilia, extreme corruption in politics, jewish interference and blood libel, satanic organizations littering American and indeed western society, institutionalized rape and murder of children.
The pandora's box of truth has been opened, and once the normies fully grasp how badly they've been duped and abused they will be forced to polarize to pure good against evil. A kind of knee jerk reaction to being fed all the evil at once.
He's not wrong. We need a crash, followed by a purge, then we'll get a reset.
Those alarmist progressive articles make him seem cool as fuck desu.
Bannon is legitimately weird.
We chose the glorious leader route instead. Worked for Germany
never believe dow 20k
He's taking over. This is your king now. Liberals, feel free to kill yourselves.
For your sake I hope history doesn't repeat itself.
You've had 3 already.
>Kennedy. Shot dead
>Regan. Tried but he was to much man to die from a pussy bullet
>Trump. To be seen.
Keep him safe burger the world needs him more then they know.
Trump doent have a Bush for VP.
>"Darkness is good"
Patrician taste
Pence is insurance policy.
Pence would be 100 times harsher on the left than Trump could ever aspire to be.
Lincoln, Garfield, and McKinley were killed in office too.
But much older. Regan is troubling because it was recent enough and honestly our security measures now don't seem so different. With how despised Trump is by some and the recent murder of the Russia/Turkey ambassador by a security guard, I do worry a bit.
You can say we have better screening for secret service or something, but I do truly believe that there could very easily be someone within the secret service wanting to take him out.
It means he is a very bad man who should be nowhere near the White House. He's the real president.
>>"Darkness is good," says Bannon, "Dick Cheney. Darth Vader. Satan. That's power. It only helps us when they get it wrong. When they're blind to who we are and what we're doing."
t. coldsteel the chief strategist
>What did he mean by this?
Putting America, and our culture first.
bannon is Sup Forums personified
the more I hear about this guy the more I like him
just think about what he has achieved in just a year or two.
he went from owning basically a conspiracy site that no one gave a shit about to holding one of the most powerful positions in the world with no qualifications . You have to be amazed at that.
He basically took his little conspiracy site and made it more important and influential than all of the mainstream media is because they have exclusivity on Trump now, the most powerful man of all.
It's really amazing. This guy is like the Littlefinger from the game of thrones
So is Ryan.
Jesus Christ. I never knew that.
Trump kept his private security detail. I'm not sure he even uses the Secret Service.
The worst part is a large vocal minority would applaud the killer and petetion relentlessly for his release.
>no qualifications
he was an officer in the U.S. Navy, for one thing
No, he uses the secret service plenty. I don't think his private security is suddenly allowed to be in high level government areas.
Don't know what you all so happy about but I personally do not like what I read.
I really really hope we did not memed something as evil as Hillary into office. Not that we had a chance but if this was a choose your poison option it would suck.
a front to appear religious when its just a mind controlling tool
What pol thinks will happen
I mean, lets be honest, he didn't get it because of that. There are hundreds of more qualified men. He got it because he's Steve "I'm gonna rape the democratic party to death" Bannon.
He was also in (((((GOLDMAN SACHS))))) and had a financial stake in (((((SEINFELD)))))
And under his leadership, Breitbart sucked off (((((MILO))))) and other establishment kikes.
He was just a regular neocon
if he pisses off the controlled opposition types like yourself he must be doing something good
Edgy. I bet he also idolizes joker from TDK.
>when you're such a defeatist that even when you're winning you're still whining and sperging out with parenthesis
the guy literally pulled his kid out of a school because they were to many jew kids in it
it will. numbers be praised.
Trump = Tassadar
Bannon = Zeratul
amirite guys?
What's the sauce on this/
Bannon is unironically the savior of the West.
>joker from TDK
Bannon confirmed for pleb?
I would have said Trump = Artanis
Bannon = Alarak
checked and confirmed
Kek has spoken
He doesn't piss me off you sad cunt, just makes me hesitant to hail him as a God. He's been part of the system. Hopefully his time there has made him despise it, but I'll wait and see.
Being wary of something doesn't instantly make somebody in opposition to that thing. Grow up.
None of what I said was wrong. The fact he did that is good, but there's plenty of bad about him too.
Words are easy, actions are not. We'll see. Hopefully he'll come out good.
how can chaos be a ladder?
>did jew shit
Sup Forums was right again
>"Darkness is good," says Bannon
>Those alarmist progressive articles make him seem cool as fuck desu.
Yeah, it's like when Glenn Beck tried to demonize Aleksandr Dugin and made him look like a total badass!
"And I have admired nationalist movements throughout the world, have said repeatedly strong nations make great neighbors. I've also said repeatedly that the ethno-nationalist movement, prominent in Europe, will change over time. I've never been a supporter of ethno-nationalism."
Wew lad
does he actually talk about evola?
Thats some god-tier blackpilled shit!
>how can chaos be a ladder?
only in one way: if you're the one causing it.
GoT spoiler:
that's true for Got, Littlefinger literally is behind all of it
>being an echospammer
Tell me about how Trump is a Zionist clone and TRS is a secret data mining foreskin collection front
but chaos is not one way