This triggers the Leaf

How much would this cost in Leafistan?

Other urls found in this thread:

>sq ft

$6 gorillion

>When I have enough saved to buy this house right out but not even enough for a down payment here

15x to 20x.

If urban =500k+
If rural. >250k

>Caribou, Maine

I've been there many times, used to live in the area. There's a reason the price is so cheap, trust me.

can i have a doggo?


Leafs are buying up US property.. I got two houses and a plot in Florida for. Under $50k six years ago :)


Expensive housing is a sign of desirability. Basic economics.

American housing is cheap because nobody wants to live there other than rural and suburban retards, whereas city people want to live in Canada.

dem cheap houses, i could afford to buy 1.5 of those a year and i'm literally earning peasant levels of money


Might as well be Canada. They say aboot and have moose. Fuck Maine.

>1250 sq ft

>4 beds, 2 baths

That must be very cramped, not much yard space either. It's also in bumfuck Maine. On the plus side, with the taxes, insurance and mortgage, you would be looking at only a couple hundred dollars a month.

>Fuck Maine


>Expensive housing is a sign of desirability.
Then why are the prices so high in London, Britfag?

nigger neighbourhood?


Because London is desirable as fuck, regardless of your personal opinion. The nice areas are filled with Frogs, Aussies and Americlaps. The muslim shitholes are out to the east.

>Roof looks like it will need to be re-done
>if those windows aren't pointing south it will be a vary drafty house leading to higher heating cost
>at least $100 needs to go into landscaping
>plants growing on side suggest possible foundation cracks
>cracks led to basement flooding if it has one

I wouldn't buy it but that's just me

Someone posted this before.

It's a piece of shit in the middle of nowhere

there's only 3 things that matter about real estate, Location, location, location.


Damn. I payed 220k for my house in texas. It was likely in much better shape than that but still.

Square footage is size of house. Acreage is the size of the land it sits on.

that's dirt cheap even by your standards
you can find cheap run downed shacks in small towns here as well
it's the city housing that bring the average up

might have flip potential depending on the area

Every trailer park here has a fucking Canadian flag.


Give me one

pretty close I think. houses are fucking crazy

supply and command

> population: 500,535
> 72% white -> lot's of white suburbs/neighbourhoods
> from wiki: Lexington has one of the nation's most stable economies. Lexington describes itself as having "a fortified economy, strong in manufacturing, technology and entrepreneurial support, benefiting from a diverse, balanced business base".[33] The Lexington Metro Area had an unemployment rate of 3.7% in August 2015, lower than many cities of similar size.[34]

As a european, I am jealous

If you don't like hot weather yet don't wanna live amongst blacks.

It may be small but it's fucking perfect as a starter home. pay off in 10-15 year. Sell it for 100k minimum and just use that fresh cash +savings to buy a nice villa

My 2,500 sf townhouse was $420,000.
Granted, the full finished basement and garage doesn't count towards the total square footage, but I am still slightly triggered.

It's literally a shack made of plywood in the middle of nowhere. Of course it's cheap. And it's not worth even that measly amount of money.

Con-fucking-gratulations, burger.

Hicks and white trash. Not much around in the way of "entertainment". Very comfy terrain. Not much better than flying through the woods of Maine/New Hampshire on a snowmobile after fresh snow. Wouldn't recommend it if you can't make your own fun.

desu that is triggering as fuck

We live in the middle of nowhere and pay insane prices for housing. Even outside of the major cities housing is still so expensive.

Yet you can buy a house in the middle of the USA for literally nothing. Anyone could afford a down payment on that.


We have moose but we sure as fuck don't say aboot

Mainer here, the only reason that house is going to be that cheap is because you are literally in the middle of fucking nowhere up in the Northern boonies. Have fun driving 2-4 hours to get your grocery shopping done

>There's a reason the price is so cheap
0.0% African American population

I am confused.

Florida property


leafistan lol

>Mainer here, the only reason that house is going to be that cheap is because you are literally in the middle of fucking nowhere up in the Northern boonies. Have fun driving 2-4 hours to get to the closes nigger.

Fixed that for you.

You started it.

houses in the middle of nowhere in Canada still go for 100k easily

>Have fun driving 2-4 hours to get to the closes nigger.
>Fixed that for you.
this.. its nice living in an area where you don't even have to lock your doors or take the keys out of your car

Where is it though. Houses tend to be way more expensive in places people actually want to live. Weird right?

4 hours? It isn't that bad. One cool thing, I do have a few relatives who have groceries DELIVERED (last I checked) on a bi weekly basis. They also live a bit out of the way. Amazon, for real.

It doesn't replicate having civilization around you but if you have money + look for houses in the boonies you probably DIDN'T want company, anyways. Internet is making big, remote homes like this very livable.

Shit cheap even shithole standards

Probably needs a ton of work , and 1+ hours away from a store


Hey, you can still buy a house for $500 in Detroit if you want to live with niggers.

lol at the braindead burger.

This triggers the burger :)

Why must you taunt us? We helped meme Trump into office for you.

caribou, me looks to be in the middle of nowhere.

>nigger neighborhood

Is Windsor a shithole like Detroit?

Sometimes it's nice to go to the gym and see awkward qts sidle up to where you're working out at. Jews haven't figured out a way to take that from me.

Buying property outright in the US is difficult.

>here are all these state taxes
>also federal taxes
>you have to join the homeowners association
>all of these have legal fees
>also property tax
>your insurance is through the roof because it flooded once in 1972

It's never that cheap.

And that is? Don't tell me it's cold weather, that I can handle.

>0.01% Hispanic
Literally one guy

no it isn't.. even some niggers have done it.

>mother bought her house 70k 23 years ago
>it's now worth 340k

>she has nothing saved for retirement

>state taxes
>federal taxes
>property tax

as if we don't have that exact same shit over here

>you have to join the homeowners association
No, you fuck off to somewhere else if the HA is in anyway involved.

Those kikes can eat a dick.

My parents just sold their 1000sqft house in London for £980,000. It was bought in 2012 for £395,000

THIS X100. CARABOO HAS FUCKING NOTHING THERE. THERES A SCHOOL, a movie theater and like...thats it. I took advamced science nasa classes there. Honestly really smart people though

reminder these prices are from 7 years ago, everything is probably 1 million more than it was when this was made

Literally add a zero to that number. No joke. There's a3 bedroom house in my city of 60k people going for $600,000 right now.

It'd be cheaper in Québec and you'd have much more acres

>at least $100 needs to go into landscaping
Fucking hell, slow down big spender

Jesus christ

Around 130k.

what was the name of the saudi gentleman that bought it?

That's not enough bro. I think you need to move out and get a job.

>caribou, maine
>population 8,000

gee I fucking wonder OP

I'm finding equivalent houses for 40 grands

>reminder these prices are from 7 years ago, everything is probably 1 million more than it was when this was made

Okay so honestly, we know China is responsible for this bullshit - but why does any canadians still live there?

Unless you own your home already, why the fuck would you accept these living costs?

>but why does any canadians still live there?
i go to school here

900/month (all inclusive) to live in a chinese family's basement

But I have moved out.

Do you live in the doggo boiling room?

It has "nice" weather for Canada, meaning it only rains six months a year instead of snowing. There's been a mass exodus of locals over the past several years. I know, I'm one.

last year there was a dog i could hear running around upstairs...

Right on bud, keep up the good work.

Vancouver here.

> $800,000-$1,000,000 if urban.
> $400,000-$600,000 in the valley 45min away

This triggers everyone

20.000KM=10000 Euro

who wants to live in a muslim balkan country?


It's pretty much in Serbia you fucking idiot.

bosnia is serbian clay, you better go back to turkey

There are houses bigger than mine that are literally 1 dollar in Detroit

But....something tells me there's a catch.

Like catch syphilis, catch aids, catch a bullet.

OK Mehmet. Have fun in your 87%

>hicks and white trash
>read:Nigger territory
No wonder it's so cheap, it most likely got repro'd and now they are tying to get it paid off

>$1.5 million in Hongcouver
>$1 million in Toronto
>$750k in most urban areas
>$500k suburban Hongcouver or suburban Toronto
>$250k everywhere else

The true redpill is learning French and moving to Quebec

sounds heavenly, but what do people do for a living there? Live on welfare? How can you even afford to pay property taxes?

nova scotia

Enjoy your depressed post industrial economy and raging opiate epidemic OP

>a 3 - 5 room house in North America


>and 90% of them are just wood boards. Not a single brick in them kek

Oh noes, strong winds a brewin!

>there goes a million dollars


> 1500 sqft
> small

Umm pick one