>Australian Traffic Light
>Having 3 lights
Why the hell do you guys need so many lights? In America we have one.
>Australian Traffic Light
>Having 3 lights
Why the hell do you guys need so many lights? In America we have one.
Other urls found in this thread:
you guys have 3 lights too
are u tryin 2 trik me agin?
You Also have 3 burger. Go outside some more.
Light is about to go red, prepare to stop if you're further away or step on the gas and hope you don't get a ticket if you've just hit it.
Chinese people can't see well user
Running yellows is a terrible idea. Your depth perception is thrown off from light to light. Yellow means stop
Yellow means speed up faggot
>Going towards green light at 60 kph
>5m from line
>light goes yellow
>cars behind me
You slam the breaks here and you get in an accident.
Yellow ACTUALLY means you have to stop if you can. If you speed up you can still be fined as if you ran a red.
>>Yellow means speed up
And T-bone the car turning across you because they thought you would stop
>yellow means stop
Get off the road you faggot
american "men" everyone
What if I'm in the middle of an intersection and I see yellow?
Stop in the middle of the intersection and get boned from every angle like I'm ur mum?
If your country doesn't have pic related traffic light sequence you should probably kill yourself
If it's yellow, there shouldn't be a car going across. If it's immediately yellow to red, there still shouldn't be a car there. There's nothing wrong with passing through on yellow.
We have those in more populated areas, although I don't understand why they have four sets of lights/
The yellow light separates the men from the boys. You gotta know when to speed up and when to stop if you're too far away.
Guess they'll die for not paying attention then. The car turning onto a road doesn't have the right of way. The driver going through the yellow would not be at fault.
Why the fuck do you need a "get ready" light? If you are driving two tonnes of steel you should already be "ready" and paying fucking attention to the lights.
>there are cucks in this thread right now that stop for yellow
Funny that you use this photo, cos this is the traffic light I nearly got run over at as a kid cos some dickhead ran a red.
In a manual car you have to find your biting point, you wouldn't understand
Dark times, friend.
REEEEEEEEE stop fucking arguing and being stupid. Let me educate on the law.
Now this is QLD, but I would imagine all states are the same, if not very similar.
>Yellow means STOP if you can SAFELY do so, and not "speed up gotta make it"
Also if you wanted to turn across the intersection, but there's heaps of straight through traffic, you can actually enter the intersection and wait until the light turns yellow or even red and then make your turn.
If you're already past the line when the light turns red you're not running a red light.
That place looks like a dump.
Is this a meme?
No it means stop if you're a slow gay cunt
I drive a manual car and I don't need to have retarded cuck traffic lights telling me to get ready, I am ready.
Here in México we have flashing green, then yellow, then red.
People usually speed up in yellow here, so they now speed up in flashing green and stop at yellow lol.
kek good one britain
It means stop if you don't want a peace officer or safety camera adding you to the monthly quota
I drive a manual, I don't need a warning light to get ready
Separating the weak from the strong friend
Starting amber increases throughput.
Enjoy your slow as fuck inferior traffic lights, I'll enjoy the guy in front knowing exactly when the light is turning green.
Funny how 98% of Americans drive auto yet burgers on Sup Forums all claim to drive manual, pure coincidence I'm sure.
Your opinion is irrelevant, because amber warning lights improve traffic flow because people are ready for the green. abstracts.aetransport.org
Underrated post
What we really need is countdown timers on traffic lights so you can see from a distance if you should prepare to stop.
>not going to work when lights only flash yellow
>not getting off work when lights only flash yellow
If you go to work at night, and work all day, you never have to deal with traffic lights.
Why do American lights do that? A computer runs everything so what's the point?
>tfw too intelligent to notice when the lights are going to change
It's called watching the other set of cars slow down giving you an indicator when you should get ready
and at night, you can see the all the traffic lights change
Gotta admit, this is where America has it figured out. Apparently we in Australia can't be trusted to cope with lights that switch to flashing at night.
If the light turned green immediately it would not matter
And right turn on red (which would be left turn on red here) is also another great.
What isn't great is 4 way stops. We have one around here and it's the most pants on head retarded thing ever. Roundabouts are infinitely superior and more efficient.
If you take a quick look at changing lights (coming from behind a corner, big vehicle in front had blocked lights), you can tell whether it's changing to be green or red thanks to that yellow on "get ready".
When there's hardly any traffic, there's no need for a 2-3 minute timed cycle. Flashing red lights are treated like stop signs. Flashing yellow and you just drive through.
>He doesn't have flashing yellow turn lights
Some guy did a study on how useful traffic lights actually are here a few years ago. He think we should get rid of them.
Go outside.
No, people speed up because they're trying to make the light before it goes red. Ideally you prepare to stop.
No that's incredibly dangerous due to people skirting yellow lights.
If you really want to know, watch cross traffic and cross lights
Is it really a timed cycle?
At most of the lights I use often it works like this:
There is a "dominate" road which is always green by default. So like the main road. Then when a car approaches from the lesser road, it triggers a sensor or something and begins the process of turning that direction green, then switching back after.
I also believe it counts cars, as if it's just me it'll turn back quickly, but if there's a couple of cars it'll last longer.
There's also a main road around here with a semibusy road joining it on one side from a shopping centre. And a smaller residential street on the other side. The cars coming out of the shopping centre road will 9/10 times turn left or right onto the main road, so they'll get arrows and/or regular greens, but the smaller residential road will never itself turn green unless there is a car there, and be skipped in the cycle.
So yeah I thought lights were all controlled with sensors and shit these days rather than a timer system.
I'm talking about a count down timer showing how much green you have left.
Only major arterial roads get sensors and priority in Murica. Standard traffic lights that are littered in normal streets are timed.
Germany has this shit too, here we only have yellow lights to indicate you should stop and wait. I prefer the last system.
Unless you are in a really populated area (like on route 1&9) then no traffic lights are based on timers giving the major road the advantage in order to not back it up.
When I was in the UK, that "get ready" malarkey hurt my sides.
This. If the red/yellow "get ready" eats into the GREEN FUCKING GO CUNT time, then what's the point?
Have a road like this close to my work. Fucking makes me late all the time. I've made it a habit to get out and push the cross walk button so that the light will change for pedestrians and for me.