£10 says he chooses himself
oh man can't wait for all the liberal tears and hundreds of outrage articles about how his nomination is not fit for the position.
He knows running the country isn't like a reality TV show or a game show, right? Why does he constantly do that? Why not just announce it?
It will be Hillary. Feel the Hilldog. Arf. Arf.
>Why not just announce it?
He just did.
Democrats committing mass suicide
Still butthurt she lost? Don't worry, time heals all wounds.
pls be this
I though he said it would be announced Thursday? I wonder what made him bump it up two days.
$10 says this is the next thing the left protests
>He knows running the country isn't like a reality TV show
How cute it is to be 12 years old and that innocently naive.
Trey Gowdy.
He will choose Ted Cruz
stop bringing it up. I have to tweet 'refugees tongue my anus' twelve times per minute to make up for it cause Lord Justin demands it. along with the foreskins. and White children molestation.
Hopefully this guy wants to gas the kikes
literally this
>I, Donald Trump, have elected myself to serve on the supreme court.
>Of course I can do both jobs at once. There's no conflict.
>I know more about the law than our GARBAGE top judges. Believe me, I am one of the smartest people in the world who has ever lived, no doubt. I know all about the law.
They forced his hand with that federal court blocking the immigration thing. I was wondering when he was going to do this, it's the logical response.
>He knows running the country isn't like a reality TV show or a game show, right?
It worked fine for obongo. Comedians instead of news. Fake news instead of comedians. And things like that.
If he nominated a lefty then this will confirm his status as god king, and
Blow out the liberals FOREVER
I love how his voice is engraved in my mind
It's because a federal judge blocked his immigration order. Not only will having a conservative Supreme Court help overturn that, it'll also give the lefties something else to be mad about so they forget about it once it does end up overturned.
That would be a waste. Better to pick someone very young so we have a conservative court for a long time.
was rato even on the shortlist?
What would be the biggest meme announcement that would shock even Sup Forums?
Jeb? Cruz? Sanders? Obama?
I'm ready Donald
I hope it's Cruz. You know your sacred cows roe vs. Wade and gay marrige? It's time for a Texas barbecue
This picture makes me so happy and I don't know why
I hope it's Putin.
I'd be so down with the Cruz Missle
I agree, fellow channer!
My name is Logan Rehard
I am his future nomination, keep an ear open, more to come at 8 pm
Trey Gowdy LES GO BOIZ
Fingers crossed for Judge Judy
(((Erik Erickson))) said he spoke with Cruz and supposedly he was offered, but he turned it down
>Senate must confirm Ted "Soaring" Cruz! Man denied his bench! Sad!
Stefan Molyneux would be the philosopher's choice.
Pick someone young.
We need to hold the court.
Its going off rumors Ted would support Donald if he was given SC spot.
Cruz is more useful in the senate desu senpai
Cruz actually said he didn't want the job. It would mean he'd have to leave the senate. There are plenty of other qualified people who can fill the position.
Just another thought, that would support everything else Cruz has been doing for his 2020 run.
He'll choose Sup Forums. Trips decide the verdicts.
not an argument.
>it's literally impossible to make jokes about your own candidate
Ok then
Because there will probably be a press conference and shit like that.
Is hilldog dead yet?
Democrats will never approve his SCOTUS nominee, especially after his first attempt at unfurling Das Hakenkreuz failed spectacularly.
Being president may not be enough work for him. I used to think it was a really tough job, but Trump has accomplished an entire term's worth of an agenda in like a week and a half.
In all serious though it'll probably be some literally who Republican like his VP pick
Ted Cruz would be an infinitely better choice than Gorsuch. Both are similar ideology, yet Cruz is so much younger and has a proven Constitutional record in the Senate.
People are too sensitive. I love Trump but believe me folks, there's a lot of material there, let me tell you.
> judge famous for illegal affirmative action
He does not follow the law.
>damned if he does. damned if he doesn't
If he announced the pick with zero heads up the media and libtards would throw a metric shit ton shit fit.
would Gowdy do it?
stay tuned, folks
haha yeah it's easy being in charge if you just sign everything as an executive order without consulting any outside bodies at all and still fuck everything up anyway
Дoнaльд, a гдe мoи дeлeгaты?
The vacancy, Dahnald.
This is who I'm hoping for, even though I don't think Cruz would do it
>he's religious and conservative, which would infinitely chap liberal asses
>it'd cuck him out of ever running for president
I would love it very much if Cruz got the Nomination, the SC repealing Roe v. Wade and Gay Marriage would be huge news for everyone else who lives in a wester country!
>new news every day
Vox is right, Trump has decimated the loop.
fire #cruzmissile
imba he'll chose a young person so the court stays conservative for decades
I hope he gets the opportunity to select three more!
Who is the idiot on the HWNDU camera!!?
The Dems shot themselves in the foot by abolishing the filibuster. If they try to block the nomination they're going to get nuked. The only reason the concept of the filibuster has survived so long is because both parties mutually agreed to respect it. But now that the Dems have killed that tradition, they aren't going to be able to use it anymore.
>everyone who disagrees with me is being paid to do so
seems like a healthy attitude to me. what could possibly go wrong?
Sup Forums did this with the JIDF and then SRS (despite the fact that the JIDF is one guy in his basement and there wasn't any evidence SRS even cared), and now it's CTR. Confirmation biases gonna confirmation bias.
supreme court is far more historic role than being a senator
if he said that rato just unironically think's he can be president in 2024.. kek
Did reddit and the furfags go away after Saturday?
Are there any betting odds on this?
He'll nominate Hillary Clinton just to fuck with people.
>Trump renominates Garland.
>House Republicans who are too far left to help serve the Overton window shift get blown the fuck out irreparably
>shifts media scrutiny to these obviously weakly principled old cuckballs like McConnell and McCain
>midterm elections go to more "alternative" republican nominees
>modern crusades
>says the lawless dog
He'll actually nominate Sam Hyde
Fuck row v wade. We need to attack at the source and get rid of the 19th ammendment.
Haha I agree how funny would it be if he made Bernie Sanders his VP and then just resigned haha that'd be so great Bernie would be president
>blocked his immigration order
Lmao, it wasn't even blocked. Read about it boyo.
it's gonna be some political elite or wall street guy or what ever.
DRUMPF CONNED US ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How butthurt would libs be if it was Judge Jeanine Pirro? She's a strong woman.
Supreme Court filibuster is still there and Repukes know all too well that they have a 1-termer on their hands. There's simply no way they're handing the next Democrat unchallenged Scotus picks.
>no guns if you're on the terror watchlist
>gay cakes
>affirmative action
>covering up Benghazi
>not loving America
>making Gowdy rowdy
>tfw he chooses Joe Arpaio
not to be racist or anything.
he'll nominate the guy who voices Fat Albert.
That's all Obama did, more or less. Congress really only has the ability to freeze postal workers salaries for a few days every now and again (i.e. government shutdowns) nowadays.
You are 70 years of live under anglo-funded bolshevism too short to tell me about the law, nigger.
Neil Gorsuch
Thomas Hardiman
William Pryor
Raymond Gruender
Allison Eid
Steven Colloton
Dianne Sykes
But actually was there ever a problem with Garland?
He's white? And I hear he was an okay compromise pick sorta with positive stances on gun freedoms, etc.
He did put our boy Ted "he was right" Kaczynski in jail though...
He will pick himself because he's a dictator.
fpbp britbong bringing in the bantz
how butthurt would the left be if he nominated Hitler. We'd have sjw screeching for weeks.
Fuck I hope this