>she got 3,000,000 more votes than Drumpf in 2016
>she's running again in 2020
How scared are Drumpfkins right now?
>she got 3,000,000 more votes than Drumpf in 2016
>she's running again in 2020
How scared are Drumpfkins right now?
Not gonna happen
California is leaving the Union by 2020
...there is a high probability that she will not even be alive.
>election ended almost 3 months ago
>still posting muh popular vote memes
Oh sweetie, don't you realise that this was a strategic loss so that Hillary will win in a landslide in 2020 after Drumpfy has damaged the country and a Republican will never be president again.
2008 was just warm-up and 2016 was just extra training. Hillary is ready to be president.
>strategic loss
Lmao push this meme
She owes alot of monies to some countries
She won't live to see 2020
>ready to be president
>needing 3 tries to do it
>Hillary will live till 2020
>trump required very little to become president
>clinton took three tries
>there are people who actually believe this
>there are people who think Hillary will run again even though she said this was her last attempt
She's as good as dead, unless she has a couple of spare billions to pay off her debt to probably the most fucked up investors one can find.
Hillary will be too old and too sick to run.
The bants will be too high energy for her.
Dems will never-again field a white establishment candidate, they need the magical Obama voters.
The economic cycle alone means voters will believe Trumpenfuhrer saved them, even if he didnt.
Trumpenfuhrer will extend political terms to 8 years.
What is she doing now, i wonder...
Hillary dies in 2018 of syphillis
Not happening Pajeet.
>she's running again in 2020
It's like you want Trump to win the reelection or something.
Poo in the loo pajeet
>wins california by 5 million votes
>only gets 3 million more popular votes
Cry harder faggot, Trump Won.
>be pajeet
>dont poo in the loo
Please run her! Hahahahahahaha! Hahahahahahaha! Hahahahahahaha!
No, not Hillibeast! We are BTFO, right! Hahahahahahaha! Hahahahahahaha! Hahahahahahaha!
I'll actually donate to her campaign if you run her! Hahahahahahaha! Hahahahahahaha! Hahahahahahaha!
>Drumpf lost by 3 million votes + votes from people around the world
>Drumpf won
Top kek. Drumpfkins are retarded low IQ niggers lmao
Be pajeet. Think I have an opinion
Considering how good of a job he's doing so far, and the fact that she already lost considerably the first time, she would stand no chance. Not to mention she'll have a seizure & die before then.
But all that set aside..............FAKE NEWS
Kill yourself before i do it for you faggot.
Fucking kek
I can't wait for the epic memery. Hopefully she ups her game and presents a minor challenge next time.
In 2016, Hillary Clinton could not remember that she needed to win the majority of states, not the majority of people. This is something she remembered when she ran for president in 2008, and something she knew well when she helped her husband run (and win) in 1992 and 1996. If her memory is that bad in 2015-2016 during her run for president, how is Hillary going to even remember to swallow water in 2020. Sheet. That woman will be dead and buried by then. She will just forget how to breath and her heart will forget how to beat.
proof she's running in 2020?
I truly hope soo, it would be an automatic win for Drumpf
your memes are indian sidewalk
>people who voted for Trump will vote again because he has fulfilled more promises than any other president in recent history, and he has done during his first week
>centrists (majority of people) will vote for Trump because they will see the country saved before their eyes
Kek, Hillary will be lucky to get 20%. Remember: SJWs & leftists seem many because they shout a lot. In actuality the average person will vote according to his interests, and by 2020 it will be apparent who works for his interests after all.
Oh wow, wouldja look at that. Ivestigators say that there were at least 3M illegal votes in the election.
30 Years of training then losing to a 1st time senator nigger and a reality show host with bad combover who picked politics as a hobby.
>Hillary fails at campaigning three times
>guy who brags about grabbing women by the pussy and has no political background runs once and beats her
Not very. She can win majority again and lose a second time like the literal cuck she is.
President of D-block at the federal pen maybe.
Stop shitposting you disgusting smelly ugly poonigger
All you Drumpf posters need to quit tricking the democrats into nominating the controlled oppostition nominee again. You did it once we arent falling for it again.
>amerifats would rather have literally anyone else than Hillary Clinton as president
really makes you think
I've seen you spam this thread about 5 times now.
Give it a rest Pajeet.
can you be dead and be president at the same time?
Is it going to be a challenge for Her-> to run the campaign from federal prison?
I love when people use this line
It doesn't occur to them that people vote based upon the system in place.
I know dozens of people that didn't bother voting in California because it wouldn't matter
Burn in hell witch.
Not really. Trump and Obama (the candidate) were unstoppable force. Nobody could beat them. Hillary was very unlucky. Hillary would've destroyed McCain or Jeb!
Anything who thinks le Drumpf is president is deluded as shit. Hilary was the real winner. She's pulling the strings and making all the decisions. Trump's merely a puppet.
Not remotely.
BACK TO >>>\t/umblr
Whats your IQ?
Cuz she be dead before 2020
I heard she got 5 million more votes than Trump, and not even in California.
Yeah, yeah... I heard that just recently. Maybe she got like 6 million more votes even. Sky's the limit.
Hillary is a cuck
hillary literally got 6 gorillion more votes than le drumpf
0% scared because we will have national voter ID and theres nothing you can do about it.
She can't even win her primaries again.
As a democrat i'm pretty scared because the fucking bitch is an un-electable black hole where a human beings soul used to be who lost to her own ego TWICE
Link that she is?
She won't even get the nomination
Hillary wanted to let Drumpf win in 2016 and she still got more votes than him.
She wanted to let him win so to challenger herself so she can fix the mess he is already creating and lead America to a future of tolerance and prosperity
not scared at all cause the satanic witch will die this year.
6 million of her voters will be deported though.
If she really is I weep for the democratic party
What happens if she dies after being nominated by the DNC but before the vote?
Better question would be how bad will Hillary feel when she loses the popular vote in 2020.
Even if Trump doesen't re-run in 2020 Clinton will be BTFO by any other good candidate. She can still lose with dignity if she gives up now.
Actually you can.
you lost get over it
she'll be dead by 2020
Strategic self-cuckolding
DNC would put forward another candidate. If they didn't, it would be a republican vs independent race
>here she comes again
I don't know why that's so fucking funny but it is
btfo shill scum
Did he seriously just shit in the street, then proceed to trip in his own shit? Roflmao
Hows india treating you?
God this is the saddest thing I've ever read. How is she going to keep viewers to a TV show when during her Campaign their internal memos even admitted Hillary has so charisma and her public speaking actually makes her polls go down rofl.
So little charisma
It would be the final nail in the Clinton legacy.
I am guessing the DNC would not put their fingers on the scale for her this time around.
The primaries would attract more than the collection of literally whos they ran last time.
This time the gloves would be off to the point she would be the first to drop from the primaries.
So not scared.
Her TV show would be targeted at educated city dwellers, not dumbass trailer trash. Considering she got over 50% of the vote, she would do just fine.
Wasted digits.
She will fight until the end, that's who she is. That doesn't mean a win
That's what you get for not using the designated street.
There is zero chance of her getting the nomination. Hillary literally had one job, and she blew it.
Even worse, the Clinton Machine has pretty much suppressed all of our back bench talent in its scorched earth effort to control the DNC.
Since the popular vote numbers are so important to the left they need to help make California's electoral votes be doled out proportionally not winner take all.
If you thought Bernie was old, Clinton will be 73 by 2020. If she wins, she'll be 77 at the end of her first term, 83 at the end of her second. Add that to her public fainting/pneumonia, multiple recurring blood clots in her brain, anti-seizure glasses, coughing fits, high risk of Arteriosclerosis (stroke and heart failure), lack of public appearances, and suggestions of Parkinson's by multiple doctors, I'd be surprised if she's even alive by 2020.
Hillary has parkinson's disease. That's why she's so much away from public:
They drugged her up for debates where you can see how meds are wearing off at the end and how she's having troubles to answer quickly.
It also explains her seizures and specially 911-collapse where she was seen shaking in the van. That was not just "overheating" or "pneumonia". Also her weird behaviour and creepy "laugh" are obvious signs.
95% of parkinson's patients develop personality changes. Uncontrolled parkinson's rage is also common. Hillary is well know for her ill-temper. They also have troubles making logical decisions.
There's no cure for parkinson's disease, it will only get worse. She will be shaking wreck at 2020.