What happens here?
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absolutely fuck all
Gneas le caora
Speak the queens english dog.
vey av sex wiv ve sheep init
You visit your parents there often then?
Breathtaking scenery.
nah m8 oim a fackin brummie roight
>Beautiful women
>Non-degenerate culture
>People who share 50% of DNA with Donald Trump
Over representation
how many seats do they get?
Christian party got more votes than the lib dems. Kek, they are okay in my book.
Trumps mother was born there
*Fookin bromaay
We should get refugees sent there so his mothers birthplace is ruined :)
Their one seat represents 21,000 people, the national average is one seat represents 70,000 people
So it's like 3.5 seats, it's why the SNP got so many seats even though getting less votes than UKIP and the Lib Dems
fptp is buggered but without it we would just have snp-lab-libdem-green coalitions until the end of time.
>no trees
biggest one is the isle of Lewis and Harris, then below that theres north Uist, South Uist and Barra. (And a couple of very small ones like Benbecula, which really are desolate)
The big one close to the mainland is the isle of Skye.
The road signs etc are in Galic, although basically everyone speaks English - in the town of Stornoway, its probably half and half Galic and English speakers.
Btw, Irish Galic and Scots galic are basically the same language. Go to google translate if you don't believe me
The islands are OK, the weather is pretty poor - the wind chill and the rain is usually i'd say about 15% + worse than it is on the mainland on any given day. There's a decent amount of industry up there, and quite big fishing boats and stuff.
Lewis was pretty 50/50 on Scottish independence - a lot of people up there are patriotic, anti-Brits (like the Irish are) but then there are those who do well out of being in the UK for whatever reason.
Interestingly, there's no pork farming up there - and actually, very little pork farming anywhere in the Highlands and islands of Scotland, providing further evidence to the theory that the Scots are one of the tribes of Israel : en.m.wikipedia.org
All in all the islands are nice countryside basically, the Calanis stones are older than Stonehenge are very impressive, and I have roots there so I enjoy going occasionally.
How about you?
Tried, they hate it. Disrespectful, stinking bastard mudslimes. It's heavenly.
Also, yes, Mary Ann McLeod is Donald Trump's mother, born near Stornoway in 1912.
Donald-John is a VERY lewis style name. Everyone's names are based off basically the same 4 or 5 names ; Donald, John, Murdoch, Neil, Stuart, Kenneth. So to tell one John apart from another, middle names come into the fray ; Johneil and Donaljohn.
surprised they didn't sue for enviromental racism.
It's a nice bunch of islands, full of moors and bogs and a bunch of standing stones. Other than tourism the economy is pretty fucked though, just a whole bunch of abandoned tenant farms and some fishing.
Sad story - after WW1 a whole bunch of soldiers were returning home to the islands on a ship. It sailed during bad weather and went down with 200 lives, just a mile from Stornoway harbor.
are the farms for sale?
Looks comfy.
Lots of lowkey racist people, it's beautiful, I holiday in Skye frequently.
I'm sure you can find some fantastically cheap ones, but don't think about turning a profit farming. Quite a few B&Bs though.
This thread needs more American. You're welcome.
Nice digits.
That's why you need a qt ginger waifu to snuggle up to.
They are fat, eat fish, and spend their whole lives surrounded by old Gaellic people
Us scots should really do more about our language. Fucking shameful
Child abuse.
I have family there who live in Tong (where Trump's mother was born) I visit a few months every year. Not much happens other than fishing, sheep farming, peat mining and alcoholism. It's pretty scenic though.
Don't ruin this for me...
Sounds comfy. Do they happen to be surrounded by old Gaelic people in pubs and taverns? Do old Gaelic people smoke pipes?
Are there town festivals and things? Singing and dancing and whatnot?
Trumps People.
MacLeod's of Lewis.
Some probably do and there's always bound to be a ceilidh or two happening in Stornoway.
Do people still identifty with the whole clan thing? or is it just a case of everybody googles their clan finds the tartan and crest then moves on?
Correct, they actually have ceilidhs in that part of the world
I'm not sure if it's an authentic part of their traditions or not.
the older people do it more, but you have to understand many of the clans were at each others' throats for centuries and don't exactly like each other.
This has been a good thread, nice to know some scots continue their culture and traditions.
So used to yobs drunk of bucksfast in tracksuits screaming about indpendence.
That sounds nice 2bh. I'd love to visit that area, hell even live there on a small farm or something (except I like muh freedom lol).
I'd love to live somewhere like pic related and pretend I'm an NPC villager or farmer in an old school RPG.
Resistance to the Protestant degeneracy that took hold five hundred years ago.
More pretty pictures plz?
Dem columnar basalts... Scotland is basically the birthplace of modern Geology.
>So used to yobs drunk of bucksfast in tracksuits screaming about indpendence.
Be fair. We're not all Catholic.
Those are the heartlands of the Free Presbyterian Kirk, you Muslim-loving cocksucker.
That's okay, Jesus forgives you anyway.
I expected them to be pagan desu, they speak the old language and still have all of thier standing stones.
Is the entire place christian?
The faults of FPTP lie with the electorate and how fucking stupid and cucked they are.
Why are Scots such nice and courteous people, while the English are mostly rude fuckin cunts who still think all Germans are Nazis? When will the English finally "get over it"? I know I'm generalizing, but my opinion stems from having been to small and big cities in both countries (Glasgow/Stirling/Edinburgh, London/Brighton/Eastbourne). What gives?
most lowland "scots" are massive cucks and love your gibmedats and your rapefugees.
They dont give a shit about you.
What goes on here?
I've been hearing good things about it with regards to their rejection of the SNP.
They are polling very badly so the snp cut the council budget and gave it to glasgow.
how thats legal I dont know but it's pretty likely it will go blue.
bare in mind the scottish torys are led by a dyke and are left wing.