Germanban will be released at Twitter tomorrow:
What does this even mean? Trump saving Germany too? google translate was somewhat unclear
please make it happen drumpf
>banning Germans unless AfD wins
That seems like an entirely reasonable and unbiased reporting of what I'm sure are ironclad facts.
What does this mean? I don't speak shitskin language
and here comes the autistic Schluchtenscheißer ruining everything
I ran the post through a Syrian to English translator but it still came out as jibberish.
I don't speak Arabic
This is not a real news source. Don't be fooled
Try turkish.
Fake News. Why are you so stupid ? Never rely on a single source.
From what I understand, it says "According to Merkel, Trump wants to extend the ban to Germany"
Trump is angry that Merkel lectured him at phone. He thinks she didn't learned her lesson. Germany would be no save country anymore. So germans will be banned from the US. Not forever - maybe until Afd wins. Will be released at Twitter tomorrow.
Its fake you stupid nigger.
The ban is only for "Germans" who have also a passport in the already banned muslim countries.
I hope this is real faggot. Enjoy getting buttfucked by Muhammad's.
The same applies to any country. Its also for Canadians/British people with dual citizenship. The news are stupid.
I hope the Afd part of the quote is real. Also merkel wanting to hang up lmao.
Hahaha, if only. Not that I don't like the US, but this would be a fucking slap in the face of our politicians and I like that.
who else hates germany more than any other country?
Only Anglos like you.
Read the text again stupid nigger.
He is talking about "German citizen" in general. The double passport leecher are already banned.
It doesn't count towards those with Dual British citizenship, he revoked it yesterday, I don't really agree with it though desu because most terrorists are home-grown.
I guess he'll be alerted of suspects prior though
Find another source. You cant because its not real.
Oh ok I see. Well he needs to bann all of them permanently anyway.
all of my grandparents were from nazi germany :^)
Says the Anglo.
so you grew up overseas and still ended up as a self hating german
>autistic screeching
>autriac screeching
Trump acknowledges that the "refugees" are mostly economic migrants and terrorists taking advantage of the Syria refugee hype. He says that we should not import that into the US due to the crime and uncertainty it's brought into Germany. Hopefully he does this and it brings attention to the problem in Germany and other European countries
The poor man's infowars, so credible :^)
Could also be Somalian. I can't make head nor tail of it myself.
Not an anglo hanz and we hate you too.
it is, look at the domain it has NEWS writen in it.
Sorry Hanz ibn Mohammed. I forgot you no longer get know what possessing your own heritage or fighting for your own people is like.
I should have been more sensitive.
this. get fucked hans, self loathing pos.
He's banning the Krauts:
>"Germany has become an unsafe country," Trump says. "We can not import this uncertainty into the US, so a ban on entry is also a right decision for Germans."
>However, an entry ban for Germany does not have to last forever, according to the US administration. If the AfD came to the government in the coming Bundestag election, it would be possible to think about easing the ban.
Ha, toppest of keks, IF that is true. Everyone is going to lose their fucking shit here.
How come ireland has gotten rekt for centuries when they are so fervent in their fight for their own heritage?
Ireland has gotten rekt for centuries.
If your people were as fervent in their fight for independence as you seem to think that would not be the case.
It sounds too good to be true.
Fuck you hiroshimoot, don't tell me my post is spam and allow it to come though then
This will finally wake up the germans.
Oh, Kek, please make it happen.
>Ireland has gotten rekt for centuries.
We rekt you too, Hans
Not even once, perfidious scum, we kicked you off the continent and you had to go crying to america for help like a lil bitch
We should have nerve gassed you after we had air superiority.
Merkel is more or less going to shit herself now. She single handedly killed Germany and Trump has finally called it out.
And we should have killed your thousands of soldiers we had encircled, Hitler was way too nice to you.
>reminder that your parliament was about to give up until churchill held a speech in which he called them all pussies so they decided to wait a bit longer
>reminder that if a couple of days pearl harbour wouldn't have happened and the USA wouldn't have entered the war it could have ended then and there.
Fucking Churchill
>If the AfD came to the government in the coming Bundestag election, it would be possible to think about easing the ban.
Wait, this doesn't look bad. (((Implanted))) AfD propaganda, perhaps? What's (((their))) endgame?
>And we should have killed your thousands of soldiers we had encircled
But you didn't because you're shite at war.
Oh how the mighty have fallen. R-r-rule Brittania :'(
post credible source, what is this shit
It's likely fake news created to disinform. Maybe they're trying to rattle merkel's cage a bit with a hypothetical. Hard to know. I
please be real
i want to see the butthurt of media
Seems fake af
nigger we kicked you off the continent, so obviously you're worse
Contrary to you we just didn't want to kill white people, brits never had any problems with that because you're entirely selfish assholes though.
sage and hide, nothing to see here
(incredibly lame fake too)
mfw both my daughter's married Irishmen. My grandson is a Seamus. He has posters of Gerry Adams on his wall.
I guess you won.
We fought every generation until we won.
We won against the greatest empire man has ever know. Today the Brits and us are allies, they're our closest and most trusted ally next to the US.
You've been BTFO twice by Europe, and now overrun by a band of unarmed, half starved, low IQ rapists.
Keep trying hanz.
Kek, normie humor is so cute.
How would that affect AfD if it were true?
>We fought every generation until we won.
>we won
Ireland is still divided you idiot, wha tthe fuck have you won?
>We won
No you didn't.
Do the irish seriously delude themselves into thinking that they won anything after literal centuries of british rape?
At least you done your part and had white children m8; we're all in it together at this stage anyway; European ethnic violence can begin following the elimination of Islam.
That is a German satire site much like our Onion. FAKE
Haven't you heard?
Germany kind of dislikes Merkel now.. and their choice of replacement is the EU jew that is even worse when it comes to immigration.
They are completely fucked in the head.
Yes, continue talking down to the Irish you cuckmasters of Europe. Hope no family members were raped over New Years
He couldn't ban Germans . Too important for business. Must be fake news
Nice dodge there, but you ignored the main part of my post.
What made you think you've won? Ireland is divided, is it not?
I'm sure he meant
>tanned germans
Hopefully Trump brings us civic nationalism and we import more niggers into our country! Based Trump! God bless Israel!
Yes, verily my heart aches for the North.
There's a reason for the division; the people there mostly identify as British: it's a different culture. Think of Kosovo and Serbia and you have a rough comparison.
We won the rest of Ireland: the majority catholic and legitimately Irish part of it.
But believe what you want Hans, we're still 98% white ;)
Nigga, even Sup Forums is a more credible source
>tfw i know libcucks studying abroad/vacationing in Germany right now
Dublin is like Somalia 2.0 gtfo Mcfaggot
That's a Sup Forums meme. I go to college there and it's by far majority white. Not that Dublin was ever a part of Ireland anyway.
Cute, so Germany won WW2 because the former parts of Germany don't have Germans left in them?
Pretty weak logic there, potatonigger.
You were colonized.
stay away Fenian. papist monkeys are not wanted
Cool, germany has fake news sites too.
Just another piece of fake news.
However, mfw if it were really true.
Do it, faggot!
Colonized in the same manner as much of the rest of the world for sure. But I really don't care, we maintained our culture and our people and have a large international diaspora.
Plus there is definitely a sincere Irish tribalism, even apolitical people here will give dirty looks to the groups of blacks running around the unis making noise. In Australia all Irish people group together, it's something that a lot of Europe has lost.
You lost your culture, and it's going to get worse and worse as the New Germans get to work having babies. RIP Hans.
Can do. Mercy thing, I dig it.
Ahahhaha Please be true
>: Ireland convicting immigrants.jpg
Why would you be proud of that? lel
> and have a large international diaspora.
You're talking to a German #1 white ethnic group in the only good parts of america
>Plus there is definitely a sincere Irish tribalism, even apolitical people here will give dirty looks to the groups of blacks running around the unis making noise.
>implying that that's special
>You lost your culture,
Nigger you don't know what you're talking about.
Also, the anglos cucked your culture centuries ago, wearing some funny costumes for funny dance does not mean you retained your culture.
Your entire fucking language nearly died out and only survived due to television shows dubbed in it.
In all fairness to Trump, Merkel sounds like to old annoying dyke everyone will get annoyed at within 5 min of a phone conversation. Everything about her makes me want to murder her.
Based Trump.
Please make it happen.
And you don't even live here. How do you think we feel? And now Jewschulz is her official opponent!
>We maintained our culture
And lost your language
Based trump
yes please fucking ban germans from entering USA we are fucked and the "new germans" will FUCK YOU UP TOO
>Germany is not considered a European country anymore
trade partner #3 at it again. we don't need anything we couldn't compensate, america needs luxury goods though