Why do Americans hate the idea of free healthcare?
>Live in the UK
>Better health quality
>Goverment spends less money per citizen than the US
>No one dying in the streets cause too poor
Why do Americans hate the idea of free healthcare?
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It's obviously not "free healthcare"
Paid for by taxes. Higher taxes means less discretionary income.
Get the fuck out retard.
The increases taxes will be less money than you spend on healthcare so in the end you'll save money.
Have you seen (((free))) the healthcare vets get?
>No one dying in the streets cause too poor
Now where did you get this silly idea?
My family doctor had to sell his clinic to afford the software that was mandatory for the "free healthcare." The software cost 100k USD and, according to him, only makes things more complicated with no real benefit. My premiums also went up and AFAIK it is now cheaper for me to simply not be on healthcare and take the fine than to pay the monthly premium.
muh health care is FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
.... Really Do you Really think your getting free shipping? Someone is paying for it.
How about them wait times. You never have been sick have you.
Sorry sir, but you aren't a nigger so you don't get that "free" heart. dialysis For live !!!
>Goverment spends less money per citizen than the US
yeah ok sure
>No one dying in the streets cause too poor
this is all that happens in shitty places like Detroit and Chicago, and anyplace that has homeless people.
>free healthcare
It's not free. Taxes are pretty fucking high in EU, partially because of that.
Honestly, I think Japan is the only country that does healthcare well. Basically there's this cheap government insurance that competes with private insurance so the overall price is pretty low and everybody has healthcare. And on top of that there's heavy focus on personal health too.
>japan is the only nation that does healthcare well
>Japan has a debt-to-GDP ratio of 220%
>Japan does healthcare well
>All this great healthcare and no one is taking advantage of it to have babies for free
Okei dokei
I agree with free healthcare, provided it covers specific things:
You are a legal citizen, get unlucky and get a disease that requires thousands of dollars in treatment? Everyone chips in (and pretty much everyone would agree to chip in, they might be the next to get it after all).
You are an illegal alien, or you are a fat piece of shit, or you smoke day and night and your bad choices make you sick? Fuck off, its your own problem, and this is coming from a smoker.
If we did that small adjustment in the meaning of healthcare and I believe everyone would be for it.
>Live in the UK
>Forced to pay for a health service run by beauraucrats and PC girls
>People come from abroad just to get treatment for free
>Have to spend 6 hours waiting for a doctor
>No-one speaks English as all the English nurses and doctors went private
>Endless money-pit
>have to pay extortionate fees for non-shit health care because MUH NHS
It's shit lad. It's so shit, here's an article by a surgeon
My grandmother was just put on an 8 month waiting list to see a neurologist. We paid for private. She's paid into it her entire life, now when she needs it most she can't even access it.
Anyone got evidence that the US doesn't have the worst waiting time? Cause that's what washingtonpost.com
I've been watching brilliantly funny young doctors get increasingly more frustrated and then angry and political over the NHS the last few years. It's really fucked and medicare is heading that way too. It just cant handle the strain and for some reason people who had no healthcare until they got here now need a doctor for every fucking thing. They are running it into the ground.
>How about them wait times
I'm not defending "free" healthcare but this is a lie.
but in US niggers are poor
it's good when niggers die
>No-one speaks English as all the English nurses and doctors went private
I wouldn't trade for your system because it's riddled with problems and corruption. But the NHS has not been a success story here for a lot of people, especially not since we went full retard with open borders. I now have to pay for healthcare twice over just to make sure I don't get fucked over like my grandmother was and end up having to pay out of pocket.
Personally I'm partial to Singapore's system.
post facts not stories
Too many spics and niggers
it's still theft
>How about them wait times
Honestly pretty good when you actually need it
>found out I had testicular cancer
>less than a week later I was missing a nut and was high as fuck on post-surgery pain killers
>Too many spics and niggers
>60% white flag
So you don't believe there should be a police force?
"Free" Healthcare really only works when you have a decent population who aren't going to abuse the system
It could never work in the US
I hate the idea of it because I'm in excellent health and earning a ton of money; ergo, "free" healthcare just means I subsidize the healthcare of worthless people, who I would rather did die in the streets.
There's a downside too, if you earn anything over about $15k, 20% of that goes straight to the government. Doesn't sound like a lot but I sure notice it (they take it straight from my employer lel)
Oh, that poor (((someones)))
>this bullshit
People won't get hearth surgery just because you pay them for it. One of the reasons why universal healthcare works is that it's a subsidy that by definition people will try to avoid
No I'm a minarchist there should be a basic framework, roads, laws, essential services like police and fire department, military. Anything else you should get the fuck off my property and get your hand out of my wallet.
Did you enjoy your bar mitzvah?
In Europe niggas and lazy hispanic are minority, that's why free healthcare works.
>government spends
I can't even
You're not a miniarchist then.
I feel like this type of thing only works if you have a fairly homogenous society. When you have classes and demographics that are in a cold war over assigning government burdens to each other and government benefits to themselves, its an obvious non-starter.
Of course people don't get surgery just for shits a giggles, but a lot of people will go to the doctor for a belly ache, or some slight nausea. It's the little shit that adds up
Because handing an industry a blank check signed 'taxpayers' is totally the way to get cost and waste under control
Yes but they could be symptoms of a larger issue like cancer.
We have niggers
That's why
We're a pretty nice country if you factor out 50% of the population.
Once the niggers are gone we will automate jobs and will have a futuristic whitetopia with low levels of crime and a universal health care system that can be easily implemented and will not drain our precious resources.
There's no such thing as a free lunch.
If healthcare is only offered to those who can pay for it, we can keep out people who can't afford it, which keeps costs down.
Not free I had a extreme case but one worth noting. During the Bush administration I had insurance but 4 years into Obama and I could not longer afford it or the government run program problem was it wasn't free.
correct, nationalized heathcare is the disease and its users wealth redistributing cancer, meanwhile pharma, healthcare employee mob and medical suppliers laugh at you
you're right I guess I'm just a libertarian then
>Euros fly to the US for healthcare
>but somehow US healthcare is worse
I'm sure there's no reason they fly here right?
What is a minarchist?
Why do Euroshits believe Doctors should be forced to provide their services through government instead of through private enterprise?
Because, when you run out of government money, doctors will steal your newborns, declare them dead and sell them to rich old foreigners for adoption or worse, like they did here.
>The increases taxes will be less money than you spend on healthcare
It's not free you mong.
>Pay tax on it
>Several months waiting time
>Practitioners bounce you around as there is no incentive for them to treat you
>Private is expensive in order to compete with 'free' healthcare
>Lower standard of education required for foreign staff
>Deficit spending by the government to get this obvious nonviable, vote bating machine to keep going
>Grandchildren will have higher taxes and will likely never be able to retire to pay for this debt
>Several months waiting time
This doesn't happen and you know it.
there are plenty of private hospitals and clinics in Europe, problem is you cannot opt out of paying for nationalized healthcare unless you intend to live by black market
its very simple once you understand that America is of the rich, by the rich, and for the rich, where wealth is virtue and poverty is a crime.
The rich dont need government health insurance and dont want to pay taxes to provide it to others, and since they control the congress who writes the tax laws, there is no way to implement a taxation policy to support it.
It is a symptom of how economic inequality inevitably leads to collapse of society, when the top 0.1% control the laws and can prevent themselves being taxed fairly. The only way to prevent this is to prevent extreme economic inequality in the first place which was the point of the 90% top marginal rate after FDR, but Reagan declared war on the New Deal and its been downhill ever since. America is toast.
>This doesn't happen and you know it
inexperienced lad/lass detected
go have a non-emergency condition and read up on your patient "rights"
You have to wait at least a month to see a GP.
I can tell you why they hate it without being American, because I fucking hate that I am taxed to keep obese people alive in hospital who don't stop fucking eating, I am taxed so dumb cunts who smoke can keep smoking and getting cancer treatments off my money. Fuck you, you humongous faggot fuck.
What I mean is at least 2 weeks waiting time for an appointment unless someone cancels and several months before diagnosis and treatment.
It's the sacred cow that no one is allowed to criticize.
yes, and when the media is controlled by evil bastards like Murdoch who profit off increasing the class war and social divisions, then there is no way for sane health policies
>Better health quality
You have no idea. People die on waiting lists in the UK just to see a specialist. I've known people that cancelled 3 month long trips at the last minute because a spot finally opened in their physician's schedule. Our healthcare isn't cost effective but we had life saving procedures and treatments available to everyone for decades that the UK wouldn't dream of attempting. It's only because the issues has been so politicized recently that we are worrying about healthcare debt at all.
someday that will be you, retard. i hate being taxed for all the dumb faggots who get HPV throat cancer from eating pussy.
>someday that will be you
I love this intergenerational theft meme, sounds almost as retarded as euro-style social security
>>No one dying in the streets cause too poor
Implying this is a good thing.
>No one dying in the streets cause too poor
i live in north england, there is a disgusting ammount of homeless people. the leading cause for death for my age group in this area is scuicide
also the health care is generally pretty shit. its allright if you are getting a broken bone fixed or something but if you have something rare or a chronic disease then basicly fuck you
>60% white country
>free health care
Kek, pick one.
>i live in north england, there is a disgusting ammount of homeless people.
This is bullshit. With the very generous benefits the only people who are homeless are those who choose to be, or those who pretend to be to beg. Trust me, I have several welfare claimants in my family.
I've met Euros and Canucks that came here for healthcare. I don't give a fuck what the Washingtonpost says lmao. They're a far left virtual commie rag and my personal experience tells me otherwise.
As someone living in a country with (((free))) healthcare I can honestly say that I can't wait for it to be privatized. The system doesn't work and never will and even if you fine the odd example of it not failing as quite as hard it would still never be as efficient as the free market in providing the best quality of service for the lowest price.
Stop giving the eternal wave of immigrants hand outs
Post more of her.
'With the very generous benefits'
have you ever been on benefits?
'people who are homeless are those who choose to be'
have you ever sat down and talked to a homeless person? you sound like a faggot from a decently well off area saying that poverty isnt THAT bad
No it won't because I live a healthy lifestyle and don't fuck my body up. I also don't want nor expect to be taken care of outside my own means you stupid cunt.
country with the "best healthcare" here
it's shit and making us more poor than ever
that's why we have shitty apartment
How do you know how much I spend on health care? Pretty sure that's a violation of HIPAA for you to know that information. Enjoy getting raped in federal prison for 20 years, fag.
>have you ever been on benefits?
Two relatives on them for about 20 years.
One used them to buy a house, now owns house outright all paid for by benefits!! Still gets same amount so spends it on luxuries.
Other lives in free council house, and gets everything paid for him.
So yes, pretty knowledgeable about it.
Our healthcare system is awful and so is the ever growing cost.
i think its alright
instead of having to spend thousands at once for a shitty surgery at a private hospital, i spend it overtime and can go in an out whenever for a quick fix
frogs always think they have the "best" everything
the best healthcare is UK
> I can't wait for it to be privatized
So you want to be milked to hell and back just because you have a chest infection? Piss off mate. Unless government regulates the private healthcare to avoid bullshit like paying 50 quid for doc's signature on bill or report.
200 quid for an appointment. Then the tests, whether they are necessary or not necessary. Then another 200 for a follow-up. And if the shit that was prescribed to you is not working, another 200. And this is just the most basic thing.
Unless regulated, you will have them wriggling out of every situation or charging enormous premiums.
The problems with NHS are mismanagement and fraud/embezzlement, and too many fucking managers.
Also, fuck off, tory cocksucker.
>the best healthcare is UK
Yours must be really shit if ours it the best.
>The problems with NHS are mismanagement and fraud/embezzlement, and too many fucking managers.
No the problem is treating the millions who have paid nothing into the system, while neglecting those who worked and paid for decades.
Typical left wing traitor bullshit.
UK lowlives literally call the ambulance and claim sickness just to get a ride down to the hospital.
Welfare societies require a high degree of trust, great work ethic, low corruption and a overall homogenous society. You will see Sweden failing pretty hard soon because all of these things plummeting.
>better health quality
I can't believe you would actually go so far as to portray the European Union was white. You have no respect or consideration for European minorities.
Fuck off, shitlord!
All healthcare research happens in the US, eurofags have been leeching off us for years.
>No one dying in the streets cause too poor
Yes they die in the waiting rooms. Look up average wait time. Healthcare in USA is much higher quality than in canada or UK.
>All healthcare research happens in the US, eurofags have been leeching off us for years.
Yeah, thanks for all those expensive drugs that dont work.
Overhaul the system, cull 50% of management staff, triage/injury priority, plug loopholes and enforce protocols so that no funds can be drained via fraud.
>treating the millions who have paid nothing into the system
>neglecting those who worked and paid for decades
Also, i dont support any of the parties. All of them are retarded.
I suppose it is only in a twisted mind of a right-winger that a centrist is a lefty.
>My family doctor had to sell his clinic to afford the software that was mandatory for the "free healthcare." The software cost 100k USD and, according to him, only makes things more complicated with no real benefit.
Now, you instantly realize why so many (((volunteers))) who seem somewhat well-housed to keep shilling for Obamacare.
Also why Obama did it in the first place. If he never do much charity during his time as a professor, what makes retards think he will start doing so as president.
>Why do Americans hate the idea of free healthcare?
Cultural differences.
Government provided universal healthcare only works when the culture is one that supports and functions with such a thing. There is too much lolbertarian taint in US culture to allow it to function without abuse and sabotage.
What is health tourism.
No I don't waste of money and whores to the goverment. 3%
Did you even do anything about this guy? No you didn't
>bringing scapeniggers into this
I've been to a doctor maybe 4 times in my 25 years. In total I've spent maybe $1000 (medication/tax included), now as I get older my health might start to slip, but I expect that to be around 60+yo. Why the fuck should I be paying for freeloading assholes who get sick from sharing needles, wallowing in their own filth and other scum of the likes? You must really enjoy being kept in check and having 0 options when you want to leave the country to travel, or ya know, eat...
>European Union
>anything but white
Fuck off. Minorities at this point are native European ethnic groups.
Europe is multicultural enough as it is. No thank you, fuck off, we are full.