What are the pros and cons of Calexit?
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What are the pros and cons of Calexit?
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is2.Sup Forums.org/pol/1485785413149.webm
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feds own 46% of the land in california. there will never be a calexit
How did that happen ?
They should have called it CaLeave. It sounds like Cali and doesn't sound stupid like Calexit
How about CalGTFO!
there dosent seem to be anything EPA-ish in cali ? is there ?
iirc, nixon invented the epa. california made it communist.
America would be losing a state with one of the top 10 GDPs in the world and the exit would probably prompt complete Balkanization that would threaten global security.
aaaaaaaaaaaand, they'd stop getting tax revenues from the rest of the country. WIN!!!
"America would be losing a state with one of the top 10 GDPs in the world"
...so why do they bleed the fed for hands outs then ?
>being this new
>not greentexting
>mfw love anyway
Because it's a liberal shithole filled with terrible people and absurd amounts of government waste. It doesn't change the fact that it would be awful for the economy and global stability.
What's with all these Calexit threads lately?
It's never going to happen, we've been over this.
But wouldn't it be fun for them to go away forever?
I'm not usually in favor of secession but I will vote for any ballot initiative that has it. Because I want to see them try. Figure out how they're going to stop federal funding, return or take federal land, keep the red parts of the state from staying with the union, force us military personnel and equipment off their bases, and raise an army to defend it.
Not to mention the fact that the rest of the countries Democrats would never allow it because it diminishes their power in the house of reps and in the electoral college. It would lead to Republican presidents for the next few decades and a near permanent Republican house.
I want to see them try and then laugh at them when it all goes horribly wrong because they never think more than one step ahead.
Cartels instantly take over. California becomes a sect of Mexico.
>Local lawmakers
>Stable economy
>More voice for conservative Californians (who are ignored by the US electoral system)
>More push for enviromentalism in the UN
>B-But libtards live there!
Yeah there should be a vote desu. It will also lead to other independent nations
The US has military bases in plenty of other foreign countries. Why not cuckifornia?
And that's why it'll never happen. As the strongest western power, the U.S is the primary vector for western interests. Losing that would be unacceptable to elites. It's not even good for liberals either. The U.S is the primary vector for spreading liberalism abroad. A blow to American power would drastically cut its allure outside the west. It's would be smarter to try and win the next election instead of just giving up.
>Calexit pro: Republicans eternal presidency. White births become majority. The most liberal cancer vanishes.
>Calexit con: There is another Canada/Sweden on the planet.
Cut off the cancerous limb.
It would probably be an awful idea, but I have to admit I secretly find the idea of Cascadia incredibly appealing.
>>More push for enviromentalism in the UN
You're clearly from cuckifornia. This post is why you should 1) secede and 2) sink into the ocean.
> Shaking of the Earth
> Splitting of the ridges
> Roaring of the Sea
> Increased fish habitat
Democrat living in Texas here.
Pls don't do it guys. We need your EVs. The fascists will have the country if you leave. They already do but they'll have it forever if California leaves the union.
Are you from British Columbia/Yukon? Because I go to BC a lot to visit cousins.
Without doubt imperial god emperor will successfully negotiate a military base on this land.
waste of $ if it falls into the sea ... and it will
Yeah I'm from BC
It surely would, but the more we talk about it, the more we'll wish for the impossible.
Nothing is impossible for a GOD EMPEROR!! PROSTRATE YOURSELF PEON!!
>What are the pros of Calexit?
>"Calexit con: There is another Canada/Sweden on the planet."
well said senpai
>still learning to greentxt.
that's ook newfriend.
i think you meant to say it like this:
>"Calexit con
There is another Canada/Sweden on the planet."
This is priceless coming from a country that has little towns of sharia law popping up like dandelions all over the countryside.
>Arizona Bay when???