megaprojects thread
post them all
fictional.. anything
megaprojects thread
post them all
fictional.. anything
>Not political
> trumps' wall
> not politicall
fuck off subhuman
There was a tweet I think a few days ago, that he wants to use illegal immigrants in gulags to build the wall
That's retarded. These people don't understand the energy loss incurred by transmitting power over long distances.
This wouldnt work for 2 reasons:
The angle of the collectors are way too high
The second i will explain in german because my english isnt good enough:
Die Länge der Mauer würde zwar dazu führen, dass man eine große Menge Elektrizität herstellt was aber wiederum durch die Länge zu Problemen mit der Spannung und Transport der Ladung führen würde.
Man müsste Speicherkraftwerke bauen alle paar Kilometer um sie dann von dort weiterzuführen
Google Translate is your friend.
The length of the wall would lead to a large amount of electricity, but this would lead to problems with the voltage and transport of the charge.
One would have to build storage plants every few kilometers to carry them from there.'
From my shit german. Q you just saying there would be powerloss in those cables
My German is non-existant so I hope this question makes sense: Why can't such devices be built every few kilometers?
Lefties will be conflicted. One the one hand they hate the wall, on the other they love solar.
It would be better just to hire proper crews with construction vehicles.
Obviously, since that would be a boost to your economy too.
But Trump said that Mexico will pay for it one way or an other
>Leaving solar panels around for Mexicans to fuck with
fuck this shit, destroying our entire maritime industry just so some fuck can make it easier for Jamal to come and fuck him in the ass
>Using train for travel in the 21 century
>Not enjoying the view
>Solar panels in the desert
A dust storm would like to have a word with you
better if it uses maglev tech in a vacuum tube
>nazi project
I love this idea, but unfortunately it's just asking for Mexicans to throw stones/shoot at it.
>Idea guy the thread
>No through at all put into logistics, costs, materials, and maintenance
This is pretty genius in all fairness.
This was the best megaproject, that and draining doggerland. I would vote for this.
More land.
Limitless clean power.
Chance to civilise africa.
What's not to like?
This is fucking retarded
>completely fucking destroying europe for no reason at all
just why
Well it would be prohibitively expensive.
But the wall could still be used partially as sun collectors on the other hand there is no reason why it should be on the wall. You can simply put them on in the desert close to cities instead with less loss.
Yeah nevermind how theres probably not enough material in the world to make even 10% of the solar cells required for that coverage. Or the cost of those rare materials. Or how Mexicans upset with the U.S. will damage them constantly, forcing extremely high maintenance costs.
Or, we use the energy to power an electric fence right in front of the wall to toast all the beaners who try to cross?
We really should send these ideas to the president somehow. I kinda like that solar energy idea.
Oh fuck. First of all the whole tourism industry and the climate would change for Europe. Second of all you would have the shitskins directly at your doorstep. Atleast now there is a chance that they drown which leads to plenty of people not willing to take the risk.
Doggerland is much better than this.
Also you forget that Africa can not be civilized. Unless you remove all the blacks.
>German architect Herman Sörgel
>German architect
Thats why
because theyre cucked
That's what ideas are you retarded faggot
Oh, I don't know, maybe because all those cities near the coast that have huge economies dependent on seafood?
The harbors that they have to move?
Or maybe because this idea was from some senile old man?
That new land that gets revealed won't be of much use anyway, it'll just be sand. Very infertile.
You apparently can civilize them if you are not a white cuck whose whole existence relies on giving them free shit because they are black.
Chinese are onto something big
Ideas and dreams are silly and pointless without practicality and application.
Mount tazers that can extend out if unlicensed personal approach or motion triggered machine guns every 100 feet.
Might as well go all out at this point.
Yeah you can fuck right off with that shit our coast is the best part of this fucking country, and you want to ruin it to make it so niggers can come to Europe more easily?
Lol. I suggested Trump do this with the solar panels when I first heard about the wall.
Africa has a major demand in IQ due to its low surplus. Can't we just dump all illegals into Africa, and that way increase its supply of IQ, and decrease its demand of it.
That way we won't have to deal with illegal aliens, and africa won't have to deal with low IQ?
>designed by a nordcuck
why am i not surprised?
Hey, how about we drain the Channel while we're at it? Wouldn't you like to be connected to the continent properly?
KeK has spoken
>Mount Tesla Coils that can fry any beaner border hoppers Soviet style
What ever happened to that supposed trump wall train leak? It had some acronym name, he was allegedly going to unveil it before the debates but I guess it was bullshit the entire time
anyone have the pic?
Run distribution wires above it acting as an electric fence
You could also build one of these walls. With a waterdam attached.
And on random interwalls just release the water into mexico and flush the illegals away . KEK
No they are not. China can also not control the hordes. They tried to several times to protect their investments but it failed.
Soviet palace was just as insane and cool. I kinda wish that both of them were actually build, just to show it is possible
Is that Lenin doing a sieg heil?
Does Space Elevator still post here?
Perfect. It can discharge excess energy. 2 birds one stone. I see bigly things in your future Croatia.
i remember that it was called BEST i don't remember what the letters stood for though
was probably fake
I try not to.
This would be cool if only all of Africa would be wiped out and replaced with european humans.
Don't they need to be able to revolve to get any worthwhile energy? Every solar panel I've seen is able to be moved, at least to some degree, exactly for this reason.
>5% off electricity consumption
Wow. It's like those insurance or energy adverts that tell you by jumping through hoops you can save an entire £30 a year.
Military fags I got a question.
If military is in charge of defending a border, how will they do it? Wall sounds like waste of money. Why can't military defend it? They're the best for jobs like this right?
I do large scale solar design and I will expand this ideas legitimacy. It actually can work, voltage drop can be avoided in a couple different ways, but you will need a substation every mile or so but the loop feed medium voltage distribution can go above the wall acting as an electric fence.
This is a great idea and fuck Mexico that power is ours if we build it.
Does the US grid interconnect with Mexican grid even? It would be with the Texas interconnect
Wouldn't it just be cheaper to annex mexico and make a smaller on their southern border?
>let's drain the Mediterranean and destroy every nation with coasts there (as well as Europe's climate as a whole) to give its water to the Africans
I'm not surprised it was made by a German
> (OP)
>Wow. It's like those insurance or energy adverts that tell you by jumping through hoops you can save an entire £30 a year.
But it pays for itself in only 5 short generations. What's the catch and where can I buy one?
And what if mexico builds a new wall infront of yours to shadow your wall, to cut it from energy?
5% of a whole nation's energy consumption is fucking enormous. Too bad it wouldn't be possible to build it because it would need more rare earths than we produce in ten years
angle?, if it follows the sun then it wont do that well as a wall
youd be better making it the longest rollercoaster (it runs on the side of the wall so there is a wall, and a deadly speedy object running on it)
How the hell do you think the military would defend the border m8?
But that's considered "inhumane" and "against UN conventions" and "breaking international law"
its easy to hide from sentries at night, and having a full patrol every kilometer with full night vision and etc would easily cost more over time than a wall would
sentries can also be bribed and otherwise corrupted
the megaproject part is very nice, but what the others said, would connect africa even more, and thats not technically a good thing
>angle?, if it follows the sun then it wont do that well as a wall
This. The angle triggers the fuck out of me also.
That design is in now way efficient. What a stupid picture.
We just import pajeets to shit all over it.
top kek
If they want to spend the money, we'll just reveal our wall to be a facade and laugh at their wasted resources
chink radio telescop
5% would be the best case scenario though. If it was a guaranteed 5% and in any way could be built then it might be worth looking into. The energy it would take to build would be more than the energy they would save. It's pretty much like says. I agree with you though it's completely impractical and almost impossible to do in any meaningful way. I can't believe the posts in this thread and no one has made any implications yet, the same implications things like this always come down
>Mexican intellectuals
Very simple yet elegant solution.
Wow $320M per year for the small one time installation fee of several trillion dollars. What a great idea!
we will sell ad space on the wall. donate 500 dollars to the project and get a brick with your name and a personal message in both english and spanish
Ever hear about the project called the Atlantropa project?
Google it
in spite of yuros being triggered by the image like fagots, building that dam will be necessary 100 years from now, due to rising sea levels
And don't forget about the several quadrillion disposal fees to recover all those tonnes of gallium, lutetium and other horribly toxic elements needed to build this thousands miles long row of solar panels, that would need constant maintenance too! What a fucking great deal!
check the thread first, my dear african gentelman
Maybe, but there is no need to drain it to irrigate Africa to fill some Kraut's dream of destroying Europe once and for all through an ecological disaster
>Not knowing what dogger bank is
Does anyone know some good software that I could design a wall on?
Ok, here is a plan
1. USA invading Mexico
2. Destroying everything and everybody, bomb cities into the ashes, turning it's population into 0.
3. Creating new state, called "Neo-Mexico state", which will be autonomous white nationalist state under USA protection.
This plan will not only solve mexicans problem, but will also save some money because war with mexico is cheaper than wall.
He showing way to communism. Every Lenin monument ever doing this gesture.
I hope this is still in the works, it looks awesome
Or they could sell it to Pence Corp on the American side and use its power to fix all the faggots