Really makes those synapses fire up!
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Have sex dweeb
Oh look this thread again.jpg
>Trump has all the leftists craving for more Muslim bans
>since 95
>Iraq - 0
>Somalia - 0
Why should I believe this fucking obvious bullshit without a source?
oh look this jackass again.png
Agreed, they should be banned too. It's very kind of leftists to draw this oversight to the President's attention so he can comprehensively keep America safe and their ongoing support of an expansion of his travel ban is very encouraging.
9/11 highjackers were mostly Saudis, the king of Saudi Arabia was whisked away the dauy of the attacks, Wahabism started in SA. And yet, we still suck their dicks for oil. You should pop a red pill at some point senpai
Somali OSU student. Not to mention non-terrorist crimes
Those numbers are a lie.
Because those countries directly share background reports with the US state department
I didn't know iraqis and somalians outsourced their soldiers from richer arab countries.
Citation needed
He used Barack's SparkNotes on muslim countries where Terror happens currently.
>iraq 0
>somalia 0
>libya 0
Pakistan & Afganistan arent isnt on the list yet we send soliders to die there and they were harboring Osama bin Laden
why are Drumptards are so dense?
>throw sand at the eyes of the masses while keeping your game on
Notice how the OP uses the category "killed by their /citizens/?"
Devious, ain't it.
Seems like the ban is working.
He won't because that's where he has business interests :^)
The San Bernadino shooting involved a syrian refugee. Your meme stats are made up.
>Those word manipulations, too devious for goyim writers...
soldiers are still citizens
they should've used "civilians"
what if the citizens are carrying ak's
Obama's administration picked the countries for the ban. Not Trump.
yeah, we know that's a graphic that leftists are sharing.
Trouble is, right wings (and moderates) like facts.
Ahd the trouble is, the acts that name these countries, Obama signed into law but didn't enforce. The ban list is named in two laws, one that fully describes the specific travel restrictions from those countries, and the other law is how much money will be appropriated to restrict travel from those countries. I think you're capable to read through them yourself and find the specific sections.
Trump's EO merely enforces these laws that Obama signed (and didn't enforce). That's why it could happen so fast, only 7 days after Trump was in office. It's a genius move, Trump added NOTHING to the extant laws. Just an EO to enforce it immediately.
Dont we love our media that they don't report the whole truth? And let the weak-minded believe lies?
>somalians have killed 0
totally accurate statistic im sure
>Libya killed 0 Americans
What the fuck was situation in Benghazi then?