Are anime girls giving men unrealistic expectations for women and ruining male and female relationships?
Are anime girls giving men unrealistic expectations for women and ruining male and female relationships?
>animefags in relationships
>Are anime girls giving men unrealistic expectations for women and ruining male and female relationships?
Not really, there's a lot of NTR material out there and it's pretty much what you're expected to find your wife doing.
I just want a nice boipucci to fuck. Preferably from Sup Forums
No women are turning into feminist bitches so they don't want to deal with real women at all.
>Men are still required to assume all fiscal responsibility for children, even if they're not their own
>Women have a higher standard of looks for men than men do for women
>Implying anime girls are the ones ruining relationships
Most men would marry anyone as long as they were virgin and not fat.
1. Yes but so does every other escapist entertainment
2. No, that's cultural marxism
Who cares? In 20 years down the line, 3D women will be rendered obsolete with custom-made sex bots in the form of your 2D waifu with artificial wombs.
>getting out competed by a cartoon that can't even speak English
Only a woman could be so awful
I'm a recovering animefag and there is a girl in one of my college group projects I want to ask out, but I still can't help but notice she isn't as perfect as anime girls.
Waiting for this thread to die. Nothing will stop me from being a weeb.
how many scales does a nigga need?
yes and if you watch anime you should neck yourself
No they're providing comfort and escapism to fucking losers.
Most of the reason people like anime girls is because they're written with lots of traits that make men feel less insecure about their looks, shyness or general lack of masculinity by making the girls shy, stupid, childlike, helpless and a lot of the time by making them initiate with the man instead of the other way.
just stop eating fatty
>making the girls shy, stupid, childlike, helpless
Fucking gay, I bet that kind of girl wouldn't even step on my dick
fpbp all porn and masturbation is degenerate and you should stop.
>making the girls shy, stupid, childlike, helpless
Just like women are supposed to be, and were in the past. Men aren't attracted to masculine, "intelligent" womyn. If you don't like cute, girly feminine women, you're probably a faggot.
Straight up porn does this, not only anime.
>by making the girls shy, stupid, childlike, helpless
but the only animu girls that turn me on are confident, lusty dominating ones that bully and snuff beta men
>tfw a 1000 year old loli will never ram a stick down your urethra
>making the girls shy, stupid, childlike, helpless
It's almost like you want a "strong" women with a feminine penis, Aussy.
>>Women have a higher standard of looks for men than men do for women
wat? ha virgin detected
the only unrealistic thing here is me getting sauce on that pic
3D women have been brainwashed, no wonder men seek escapism elsewhere.
If you get real women expectations from a cartoon, then you should kill yourselves.
Mayo Chiki you dummy. Get bogpilled.
if anime is wrong i don't want to be right
for what it's worth, i know a couple 3d women who are actually pretty cute. a lot of them seem to try to go against their own nature though, I don't get it
>implying a red pilled man expects anything good from a modern white woman
already there bog brother
what if they're just confused and embarrassed when you ask them to step on your dick, like they have no clue why you'd enjoy something like that
real girls just can't compete
Powerful picture.
Praise Bog
Women have had an unrealistic image of reality since disney came out. My expectation of women is nothing, im not that big of a weeb but so far right now id rather spend my time with a waifu