ITT: Let's hate and laugh at Trump and his fan base
Anti Trump
here a present for you
you cant stop Trump. You can't even be relevent spaincuck. Look how non-White you are.
>people still think trump can win the election
it's over, trump is never going to recover
Spanish people are scared that Trump rise the bans on arabs and include spain on the list?
President* Trump
You just can't stump the Trump!
*President Trump
t. marxist leftypol spaintard
t. john miller
Dude, when they start sing "my eyes have seeing", my mind just start to think in this music.
follow the yellow stream Sup Forums!
>Be 2020
>Clinton: 163
8 more years cuck
>Plot twist
>Diane Reynolds: 163
>1 post by this ID
But that's what the rest of Sup Forums is for?
CTR still thinks Hillary can win the election
go ahead, it doesn't faze me
Too bad Franco didn't got your grandparents.
How about we see who can find the dumbest Trump comment on pol at the moment. Post them below
[Autistic screeching]
Pinochet? At least Spain is a respectable country and not a fuckhole for the USA lol
You right now, OP
from your own article? "After much diplomatic to-ing and fro-ing, the Americans have finally decided to do the decent thing and clear up their atomic mess once and for all.
Under the deal finalised by the Secretary of State John Kerry, the United States will now have to remove the remaining soil."