If you would just let them in as they wish, then no funny stuff will happen. You have been warned!
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if you kill your enemies, they win!
If you ban them, they win.
Their very existence is funny. Of course funny stuff will happen.
Just go home and fix up your own country, man. We are full as it is. Just look at our obesity rates.
Do they really not understand them doing more violence is just proving Trump's point even more?
If they fight us we win.
>Muslim Ban
First indication of Fake News.
>Let them in or they will get mad and become terrorists.
Hey John, we might as well invite Bill to the Super Bowl party otherwise he will firebomb your house.
Uh, okay.
>more persecution of muslims
>which is exactly what they want
what's the problem then?
You guys don't understand what they're trying to do
By repeating this mantra of "do something against them and you'll cause terrorism" they are creating an inevitable self fulfilling prophecy.
Of course their will be another attack, but if it comes after their """warning""" and after action against muslims, then they can go, "look see we told you so!"
Evidence of this exists with the Canadian shooting. They are all chomping at the bit to pin it as inspired by trump.
After their race is circulated, you'll see narratives about how it's because of Trump's action and """islamaphobia""". The response will be taking in more invaders
so not letting in some people that happen to be muslim will make peaceful muslims attack us?
They don't sound that peaceful to me then, fuck them all
I kind of wonder, if 9/11 happened today/now, what would the media response be?
Would we be told that it had nothing to do with Islam, that we were entirely at fault for it, that Muslims have no agency? Just thinking about it saddens me for what the current state of the West has become.
let them attack more so the moderates and independents fully support trump and then the liberals totally lose control.
if muslims go out all not only do we get to btfo mudslimes but also it destroys liberals and muh peaceful religion.
isis isn't attacking enough cause they're cowards and know trump is about to drop the hammer on them.
how did that work out for france and germany?
If you kill yourselves your enemies will have nobody to kill. You win!
yes look at the example of ger...
If you destroy your enemies they win and you lose
NY Times
>Spends 1.5 years calling Trump thinskinned
>Suddenly he tells SOME muslims to fuck off for 3 months and the left are trying to say that terrorist attacks will now be justified
I am fucking tired of this shit thank god there isn't a single piece of liberal media in my cunt.
Kek they could nuke Los Angeles and liberals would argue that it only was one Muslim that set off the bomb
Show ze titten.
Showing them compassion and kindness doesn't make them attack us any LESS. Quite the opposite, then they'll just say that westerners are weak and they think that gives them permission to walk all over us in their tribal mindset. The only difference is how many of them you'll have living close to you. And prefer less than more.
t. Swedish expat.
"Let us in your country or we will kill you"
You retards don't realize he is still playing 4d chess.
You provoke and demean muslims until one of them snaps and kills a bunch of people, then bam, instant justification for an even harder crackdown, which leads to more attacks, which leads to another crackdown, ect. ect.
Trump knows the majority hates him, but if we get attacked the people will have to rally behind him like they did with bush back in 2001. So he and Bannon will make a terrorist attack happen for their own benefit.
I meant cunt as in ''country'' u silly germanon eks de :DDDDD
this user gets it
You're damned if you do, you're damned if you don't. If Trump had let things carry on as they were people were gonna get jihad-ed anyway, at least banning the shitty countries keeps the worse rapefugees out,
I've seen libs on kikebook say this. As if that's reason to let them in, by threatening violence.
Now imagine if they were entrenched in America.
The Independent is a spam site.
Haha oh wow xddd. That was a funny and silly typo, my magyar friend.
Totally worth an upvote haha
Good. Let them hand us the rope.
This, literally went bankrupt a few years ago. Got bought out and converted into clickbait.
Tell us whats your point?
Should be stay pasive about a hatefull religion that has goverment backing?
The Islamist litarally believe that if they act like the prophet dictated they will gain the same status as europe, its a fucking joke!
So everyone that does not act like the prophet has to be punished.
Muslims attack you wether you treat them nicely or not, I think the history of the 21st century so far proves that
My point is that people should see it for what it is
Leftists are all about creating the environment where people will inevitably make themselves look bad
It should be seen and countered
(((They've))) been pushing this narrative forever and it has never made sense.
I don't get why Sup Forums thinks the war on terror is simply about physical actions and not a propaganda battle as well.
>hey we should let these kind peaceful people in or else they might try and kill us
Just go to Canada. They love Muslims no matter what they do.
See: Quebec
>i don't understand how to win a battle of ideologies
same reason the Japs eventually realized you can't just go around murdering/torturing Christians, it just turns them into martyrs. They went after the religious leaders instead and broke them into preaching against God
I'm starting to get the idea that islam isn't a religion of peace at all
We should start a campaign to let people know that you should be nice to white people or they'll kill you.
"Guys, the Jews just didn't let the Nazis into their hearts and homes enough."
"If you're not nice to white supremacists, there'll be more white terrorism!"
I don't think it matters, honestly.
>then no funny stuff will happen
This is an authentic German. How's AfD doing?
Finally, they get something partially correct.
Let's be honest. Most of us here aren't worried about terrorists attacks. We're not pants-shitting cowards like democrats. We know TSA is all security theatre. We know 2000 killed in a terrorist act is nothing compared to how many people die every die from doing stupid shit while drunk in this country.
We really just don't want to turn into fucking Germany. It's a slippery slope. And screaming "terror! 9/11! think of the children!" is like the only thing democrats understand.
Yes, we're really at this point. Thanks liberals. We really get how peaceful muslims are now.
>Dumb libshits believe that you will only create terrorism if you repeatedly call Muslims terrorists
>Dumb libshits don't see any problems if they repeatedly call white people Nazis
First they got offended on behalf of cultures they don't belong to. Now they're making threats for them.
It's literal terrorism. They're promoting fear (threatening retribution, and then following through) for political purposes (Islam in the West).
Next time someone says something along the lines, "Don't say anything mean or they'll blow you up!" treat it as a threat. Because that's what it is.
We're on it don't worry.
it amuses me that people write this arent living in there Islamic utopia right now as it exists in this world.
You watch your fucking mouth, Sven
It's brilliant, you have to admit that. Win-win situation for them. Lose-Lose situation for us.
>implying we don't want sectarian violence to escalate
>The independent
also how is the rape forcast for today friendo?
>implying they wouldn't betray us regardless
Ding ding ding you have the correct answer. I'm not putting my folks in danger to prove a point fuck that. No people no problem. Just ask the no go Muslim zones & Ghettos, Rich Suburbs what they think about outsiders.
I guess Germany and France better prepare their asses then.
>we are making our enemies angry with us, lets lay down our weapons and have them take over our homeland
So what you're saying is that not letting Muslims into our country is causing them to use violence? That doesn't sound like someone I want in the country. Someone who resorts to violence in the modern era when things don't go their way.
>let us in and we'll still commit terrorism
>don't and itll be worse
KEK they can fuck off. Another attack happens here and it'll get worse for them. I'm waiting for that actually