Why is Sup Forums into this HWNDU thing? Does Sup Forums like reality tv?
Why is Sup Forums into this HWNDU thing? Does Sup Forums like reality tv?
It's a raid, just like the bogpill retards. People realized how powerful Sup Forums is after Trumps election
It's reddit
it's just something else for us to win.
tell me about bjorn
why does he look like he's smelling a stinky poopy?
It's reddit libtard shills trying to do their whole leftypol raid thing. Unfortunately for them they're easy to spot because they're plebs.
It has that something that makes it so damn addictive. But I have yet to discover what that thing is.
>just like the bogpill retard
It's a bunch of Sup Forumsacks fucking with libtards on their faggy protest livestream
Had some good laughs from it
tfw i know "he will not divide us" in sign language now
Sup Forums is being raided non-stop by faggots. Its been especially bad this election cycle and after.
I bet this chick won't last long, no fucking stamina
diy spontaneous gurella art breaking the usual programming.
unite the anons
Anyone have paper getting shut down by the cops when he tried to play his music? I think it was after furfag
>rothschilds bow to the Bogdanoffs
>rumored to be in contact with aliens
>rumoured to possess psychic abilities
>control france with an iron fist
>own castles and banks all over the world
>direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
>will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)
>Controls the British crown
>keeps the metric system down
>keeps Atlantis off the maps
>keeps the martians under wraps
>holds back the electric car
>keeps Steve Gutenberg a star
>own basically every DNA editing research facility on Earth
>first designer babies will be Bogdanoff Babies.
>both brothers said to have 200+ IQ
>ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon the Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
>These are the Bogdanoff twins
>They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world
>You likely have Bogdabots inside you right now
>The Bogdanoffs are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Catholic Church
>They learned fluent French in under a week
Viral marketing.
This is probably the Google advertising project we heard about during Trump's campaign, that would be aimed at de-radicalizing the "alt-right"
There are several people singing about love and peace on the stream at all times. It gets constant coverage here. Redditards visit and get bluepilled. It's a perfect plan for (((jewgle)))
jimmy van bramer who spoke at the rally yesterday read a book to a group of children with the mayor of new york called "secret pizza party"
>Why is Sup Forums into this HWNDU thing? Does Sup Forums like reality tv?
post your best bjorn pics
i came
>Another fucking day of normies their cultist chanting.
Don't think I'm in lads.
björn is considered a national hero here, he's been gifted 3 of our largest bulls
he has been pretty commited using his poker face for hours
bjorn's a pedophile kek
>bogpill retards
Looks like we have someone in need of a quick rundown on them.
It's like she's doing the macarena
Stop posting old /hwndu/ memes you retards.
That's how these fucking threads fill up so fast.
It's being shilled hard here because it's a George Soros funded psyop
The purpose is to expose Sup Forums users to the mindless bran washed HWNDU chanting
I won't watch it at all
i watched it for one night
most of the time there will only be normalfags there
the rest of the time there will be edgy reddit retards who are far worse than listening to someone say "he will not divide us" over and over
and the last trickling percent are anons who made it worth watching
anons are probably gonna move on soon though, they're not in it for the attention and probably won't show up in the first place
it's also startling how the average intelligence of the he will not divide us generals is vastly inferior to the rest of pol, it's very noticable, maybe they're all redditpeople
If I don't stop posting, will you die?
Threads die without memes
Will /ourguys/ ever return?
invasion of redditors/normies
go home nazi ,you will not divide us
They're the Sup Forums and Sup Forums cross section of Sup Forums
The kids of Sup Forums like it, the 14-18 demographic, let them enjoy it, no harm.
I don't really agree.
What you call "people singing about love and peace" is literally just people acting the way they need to in a polite society.
Like what the fuck do you expect? What the fuck do you want?
Were you hoping for some faggot in a mask to show up and start fist fighting the people around them while screaming nigger over and over?
They can't fucking do that because they're being recorded and also because that doesn't accomplish anything. You don't redpill cultists by getting down on their level and showing the world that you're a retarded asshat. What works with regards to communicating here on Sup Forums does not work elsewhere.
Here I can call you a retarded faggot and mean it while nobody gives a shit, so I do.
But out in the goddamn real world if you seriously think people can/should pull that, you're a complete dipshit.
Agnes is no meme, she is /ourwaifu/
It would be extremely painful
You're big guy
pls tell me she's right wing so i can fap to this
No, Agnes is libtard
That's fine, a woman's opinion on politics is just 100% feelings anyway. Once she gets a right wing husbando, she'll be a Nazi waifu in no time.
Her lips are amazing.
For you
She is a weak liberal, She is in her teens and seems confused.
She needs some redpills to turn her over
Post your favourite photos so far
I can fap to this afterall
This man looks like he has the 100% Norwegian phenotype. Can a Norsk confirm?
Stop masturbating
Sup Forums is all shitskins, shitskins watching shitskins on a lib stream
haha, no
I'll take pro-white shitskins over cucked Leftist whites any day, user.
I'm more anglo than you, Mehmet.
Damn, was really hoping this retarded guy was going to blow himself and all of these idiots up.
it's fucking boring
>giving them your DNA
NSA now has your DNA
>reality tv
scripted actors paid to act is if they are unaware of being filmed
libtards gettting trolled by us.
cognitive functions of the pinoy are very poor it seems.
>implying they wouldn't be able to get it in a pinch if they wanted it anyway.
yeah, i don't really get these fucks complaining about hwndu. it's entertainment for us that's created by us. we're not watching libs shouting hwndu, we're watching us fuck with them.
i'd much rather have another hwndu thread than another god damn "POL BTFO" thread.
this is the problem
Guys, go to /r/twoXchromosome. You know what to do.
More waifu to the rest then