Trump Oversees First Military Operation

Trumps first military operation went ahead today in Yemen.

Body count so far tallied at 30 civilians, the youngest an 8 year old girl and 1 dead US commando. 3 other troops injured.


its fine when Obama does it.

We have to take out their families.

>Trump is leading troops in person
Can you be a more based president? WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

>dead Middle Eastern civilians
Where's the news, though?

If they didn't use their children as human shields, then this wouldn't be a problem.

Suddenly the left cares about this after 8 years of Obama doing the exact same thing. The only difference is for 8 years the media would call this collateral damage and never bring up who actually died.

We have to take out their families.

Considering most of us want his to nuke hell holes like Yemen... a few dead is not on the list of concerns.

Not bad

Lmao nobody talks about King Nigger's ops in Yemen but the second Trump is in charge they're all over it

drump killing women and children... lol cant make this shit up

>still planed under obongo

if you are going to count every kill, you are going to be extremely busy. We plan to kill them all.

>30 """""""""""civilians"""""""""""


Obama averaged over 70 air strikes daily on middle eastern countries in 2016 alone. over 26,000 in the one year. Obama pretty much created ISIS. you don't have 70 bombs a day dropped on your country and go "fuck they're good people"


>Body count so far tallied at 30 civilians, the youngest an 8 year old girl

I didn't know Trump was a military general

Needs to work on his KD ratio

Suddenly the left hates war

Oy vey!

We have been pussyfooting this war for years we either win it or leave

Anyone who runs is a Jihadi; Anyone who stands is a well disciplined Jihadi.

False. Half the replies in this thread and every other thread are nothing but "But what about obama/hillary" I'm sick of fucking hearing that. It's a cop out and shows no critical thought.

Take responsibility for your president and stop moving the goalposts. And backwards at that. Obama isn't president anymore. Hillary never will be. I want to hear your thoughts on Trump. Not "whataboutisms."

I heard Trump was at the drone's controls himself from the White House. I heard he had Barron teach him "how to play those videogames where you kill terrorists like battlefield and call of duty"

I didn't know Obama was one either till I came to Sup Forums

You mean the way Obama did with abandon for eight years of silence from the left?


>8 year old

14 dead terrorists though. Sad about the US commando, then again casualties are to be expected as these terrorists base themselves in family residences which makes them hard to clear.

Huh guess we should absolve our friend Stalin of 20 million deaths aswell because he never held the gun. :) or barack because he wasn't at the controls.

Probably the only sensible unbiased reply in this thread. Never thought I'd agree with a brit on the subject of acceptable civilian casualties.

Okay, I disagree with what Trump is doing and I want us to fully pull out of ALL our bombing campaigns. We are one of the only countries in the world actively killing people and I want that to stop. It's not fair to the people who have to raise families in these regions of the world we have absolutely decimated. It's atrocious and it makes me sick what is happening.

No, it's literally what-aboutisms. You faggots love equivalencies.

this, the media need to be arrested

Anyone else worried about Trump? I voted for the guy, but I am starting to regret that.
I think Hillary Clinton was probably the better choice for the long term stability for our nation. #TrumpRemorse

>30 civilians
No, fake news.
Some civies were killed, but they were the wives and children of the terrorists. They got killed in the firefight.

I'm not saying bombing Yemen is a good thing but the MSM's doible standards are funny nonetheless

Yemen is a disaster because of Obama

Time to withdraw and tell Saudi Arabia to eat shit and die

They said the same thing about the IRA when they shot at protestors.


You have to take out their families.

Only 30? Hopefully next time they'll go for a high score.

Boring. Call me when he has bombed at least 5 hospitals like Obongo.

I'm only disappointed they didn't get 31.

What do you people think eradication of radical Islam calls for? Sandniggas gotta die yo.


Today? That was early yesterday.

>Giving out about civilians getting caught in the crossfire
And you call yourself Irish. War is war. If you are not fully devoted to victory at the start then you will be destroyed by your moral superiors.

>Navy Seals
nothing of value was lost

>Nora Al-Awlaki, the daughter of lecturer and al-Qaeda sympathiser Anwar al-Awlaki who was killed in an airstrike in 2011, was one of those who lost their lives, her grandfather Nasser said
> al-Qaeda sympathiser
Where are the civilians? I dont see any

It's only week 2. We can get those numbers up, just be patient.

let yemen alone you fucking americans pigs

hadi is a nigger
also the saudis

>Body count so far tallied at 30 civilians, the youngest an 8 year old girl
Pretty good score, but I hope they increase it next time.

Oh no, not the Houthis.

He literally said he would do this before the election. No one should be surprised by this.

>i am sick
sorry pol doesnt care about your feelings sweet potatoe.

>Trump takes office
>suddenly the media wants to talk about Yemen

This is a true, for forgotten necessity of occupation and lethal missions targeting an otherwise neutral people.

>implying you know a fucking thing about what happens in the middle east

>broken English
>thinks pig is an insult
>German flag

this, a potatoe with common sense

>Trump said he's gonna exterminate radical islamic terrorism
>proceeds to exterminate radical islamic terrorism
>people are surprised


that gif is scary, it reminds me of HIV popping of cells and the host cant do nothing.


>not talking about terrorists killed or captured
>not talking about Intel gathered from a raid

Its nice to see that nothing changes about liberals. No matter what happens they want to defend teh people that wish to kill them.

>but terrorism recruitment

News Flash, people dont like you. They will never like you. They would kill you were you stand for not being them. But that's ok stand back and let Merica protect you from harm.

If the youngest is an 8 year old girl I'd say aim lower

They're literally calling anyone not officially part of a nation's army a "civilian". Can't even call the Independent "fake news" anymore, they've crossed into "terrorist propaganda" now.

>14+2 Terrorists dead
>Only one American death, unrelated to the operation itself


CTR shill kys

>1 dead US commando
fucking noob , git gud

fuck Islam and fuck brown people

Doesn't the IRA blow up schoolbuses?

IRA were infiltrated by secret government institutes like MI6. Just like the CIA creates false flags all the time to serve their own interest the Brits pull the same shit(Britain is basically a Rothschild possession anyways).

>nothing of value
>one American life
I'd say we got screwed on that deal. 1 American is not worth 14 Arabs. Trump making bad deals and it's only been a week! He lied! #CantStopLosing

Fuck off ginger fag.

Do you next remember the first 4 years of Obama's presidency where everything bad was blamed on Bush?