Friendly reminder that if Trump gets impeached, you're stuck with Mike "like the cock, get the shock" Pence for 4 years. If you had a hard time coping with Trump's policies, then you'll surely fall in love with Pence's religious fundamentalism. Also, Pence will be 100% more difficult to impeach. Let that sink in.
It may be a bit far fetched but better safe than sorry so I'll say (((KUTTNER))).
A: Trump isn't going to get impeached, the deposed establishment leftists are just butthurt.
B: Still better than Clinton.
I'm half Jewish but ya I mean .. The jews really need to be purged there is no way that we can live together. They are the most subversive and disgusting people. I was adopted and raised by a conservative family, my dad is red pilled as fuck and I'm thankful every day that my biological family of Hammersteins didn't get to keep me, holy shit.
says the increasingly nervous shill fort he umpteenth time...
if obama couldn't be impeached then how can trump?
Trump will not be impeached, according to my numbers
>Huffingthepaint mattering
Just like how Trump had a 0% chance of winning the election, right?
I do wonder what the big fad will be in 2020. Right now it's SJW.
>daily articles about how they don't know what impeachment is or how it works
>he'll never win primaries
>he'll never win the presidency
>he'll never hold his promises
>he'll be impeached it's inevitable
>he'll never colonize space
>he'll never conquer the a'hgz
Can't wait
The days of degeneracy are numbered
lol this level of desperation
> The inevitability of copy pasta
Thread already exists, slowfag.
Is Pence really that bad? I know he has some pretty significant religious beliefs but everything I've read about him paints him as being pretty fair and moderate. "Live and let live, even if I don't agree with it" type stuff.
They will call you a race mixing kike and kill you too
I figure they will but they must get through a significant number of 5.56 rounds first. Long live the 2nd amendment.
Obama's first major act in office wasn't to shit on American ideals.
>hur dur, hur dur dur
I'm literally closing the window after this, I could not give a fuck.
one week in and we're already on box three. Let's see how things go.
Can someone provide some of those images about Trump's term that were going around during the election campaign? The ones with "he will never win the primaries, he will never win the election, there will be no wall" etc, and a YOU ARE HERE marker.
I need to check where we are atm
> Impeachment coming soon!
I love the concern trolling the media does to the Left. Guaranteed clicks. At least Jill Stein was smart enough to troll for money. Keep selling the hate, MSM. Never change and die quickly.
If one media outlet can step up and just tell the news--facts without bias--it would skyrocket to No.1.