Poland is white

German here.

I can confirm that Poland is still >99% white (no mudslimes and no nigs).
The only time I saw shitskins in Poland was on some "bazar" (aka Polenmarkt) right after the border.
But these were german shitskins.
(I was there just for the lulz, the cigarettes there are of course not cheaper than the cigarettes in a normal supermarket, but Germans are loving the Polenmarkt.)

So I hope you're enjoying your white country, my polish friends.

btw. driving is so much fun in Poland.
You drive 130 km/h (speed limit 90 km/h) on a bumpy country road but cars still overtake you.

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>You drive 130 km/h (speed limit 90 km/h) on a bumpy country road but cars still overtake you.
>driving is so much fun in Poland

Gypsy confirmed. Do me a favor and stay in pooland, will you?

Road users endengering lives of themeselves and others isn't exactly a thing to brag about

>You drive 130 km/h (speed limit 90 km/h) on a bumpy country road but cars still overtake you.

Lmao. People drive like they don't want to live.

>You drive 130 km/h (speed limit 90 km/h) on a bumpy country road but cars still overtake you.
This is why I love poland
reminds me of shitholes so much
white people deserve to live in shithole like in poland

>So I hope you're enjoying your white country, my polish friends.
You could to, make sure to vote only for politicians that can learn new words, like: "fuck off, we are full"

Poland is 99% Polish

But Polish are only like 70% White on their own and 30% Mongol.

Still better than modern Germany.

I would like to disagree but i have seen too many people with mongolian features. Not 30% tho

>But Polish are only like 70% White on their own and 30% Mongol.
You're retarded.

Only asians you will see in Poland are vietnamese selling stuff on markets.

You're shithole too, we're literally at the same level, gdp wise

>German here.

Yeah right, you are one of those Poles who is obsessed with Western politics.

is poland an anarcho capitalist paradise?

it used to be in the 90s

Yes, that's why we are sending so many missionaries to the UK, to spread our superior ways

Sort of, you by ancap you mean not giving much fucks about the laws

Fuck off you slavic subhuman. Youre on the same level as an arab, dont forget it.

He may not be german, but sweden you really should not speak up.

it seems you've taken the mongolian thing very personally

I once bought a polbro a pizza for dinner.

Those ebun trips wont save your slavic ass from my mighty mongolian benis of hate.

You're just a ballsack


i love that. niggers are so scare in poland that we list them in wiki

He's a national hero, took out leftist whores and faggots, plus one jewess

This is the most known Nig in Germany.


Exactly, burn the coal, pay the toll. And these bitches paid allright.

>tfw Poles are not your best friends
>they are actual Steppe brothers