All this protest is destroying my morale. Are they actually winning? What will this all amount to?
All this protest is destroying my morale. Are they actually winning? What will this all amount to?
Spoiler: MOLOCH wins in the Trump Timeline
If anything this will gain Trump more support. People are tired of these special snowflakes and political correctness and is part of why Trump won.
Look, this is all building up to the next civil war, which is all according to plan. Just sit back for now and take up a gun when the time comes.
It's beneficial to all this.
Nah riot cops will come in and everyone will just whip out their phones with a dumb smile on their face. Maybe like 3 people will set a fire, and a bunch of emotional tumblr girls will get arrested.
Agreed, basic natural selection. Look at who's on the left, look at who stands on the right, and the winner is clear. All the leftie idiots will win their Darwin award sooner or later, I could only dream for it to be in the hands of their best friends Sharia muslims, sadly the American nation and its actual people will have to suffice.
The protests will actually have the opposite effect, they will increase the number of red-pilled individuals, make them angry enough to act and eventually lead to the Great Cleansing that will MAGA.
It's a very small percentage of people protesting. Notice how the """"""""""Woman's"""""""""" March was half men to make it look like more. Yeah, sure, men can fight for that cause too, but half the people cheering during Trump's inauguration were women too. Calling it a "Woman's" March is fake bullshit.
The protests are a bunch of generic white libtards who push the women in hijabs out front for the cameras.
Best case scenario:. Needed discussion on important topics by the American people.
Worst case scenario: civil unrest.
So most likely civil unrest. Noone is winning.
>What will this all amount to?
Impeachment my friend, sweet sweet peachy impeachment ;)
Yeah, because a small group of spurgs making commercial air travel worse than it already is going to win the vast bulk of Americans to their side?
Check out the media montage of the day: "chaos".
Yes in deed children, Chaos. As Kek would have it. In fact, they need to try more harder. Bigger airport protests with more violence!
Where is Black Bloc and Antifa?
>Impeachment my friend, sweet sweet peachy impeachment ;)
Oh look a Merkel retard! Fuck off. You and your country. Get fucked by shitskins, shithead
Reminder to join the National Party lad.
When will it be safe/convenient again for me to travel to the US?
(how much longer is this bs going to last before it inevitably fizzles out)
I want to buy lots of US-made shit that I can't import.
They're not winning, we're just not fighting back because we already won
They are fucking toddlers and the longer they keep inconveniencing people the more will hate them or be forced to join us
yeah. wow. caps lock is cruise control for cool.
No, They are not winning. Remember the more they chimp out the more working class hates them and progressive democrates. Because they are the pillar of your country not some faggy artist or feminists blogger or overpaid out of touch actress. Which means its 8 years of Trump unless jews take him out or crash the markets blaming it all on him and 2020 election will be ran on "he destroyed the economy and his hitler" slogan.
>giving a serious reply to a concern trolling faggot
Look. The protests are small. Most people are like, "oh there's a Muslim ban? Ok. Whatever."
>not feeling the doubt
>not wanting to circlejerk with Sup Forums buddies until it feels better
Protests mean two things, Jack and Shit, and Jack just left town.
If they want shit to change they should have organized and gotten out the vote. Protesting a republican administration is a waste of time, they don't care.
You know thats like 90% of Sup Forums threads right now. CTR Shills, concern trolls and faggots that want to derail everything. Replying to them is okey because it creates the discussion about the topic and those cunty OPs will start thread and run.
>1 post by his ID
>"The resistance to Trump is growing!"
>says increasingly nervous (((media)))
You are being gaslit.