Does Sup Forums hate jews just to be edgy? Redpill me on jews, folks
Does Sup Forums hate jews just to be edgy? Redpill me on jews, folks
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they own the media, education, and the banks. they hate white people and are behind the rapefugee "crisis" they are flooding our countries with shit skins to make us minorities in our own homelands.
I don't think anyone here hates the Jews.
It's just the the reddit, leftist and CTR shills that are trying to divide up the Trump supporters.
This board has always been pro Jews.
Lurk moar
I don't hate any group of people. I like to look at people on an individual basis. That's not to say I am unaware of the zionists who have pushed for wars in the ME and the leftist jews who push for mass immigration and constantly spread the marxist propaganda.
I hate American Jews. Israeli Jews don't activate my almonds.
Have a look at all the troubles of the world from the US being pushed into conflicts that are in Israels favour to the indoctrination of youth into rejecting history and patriotism and at the root you'll find a low-life rat faced kike.
The only good kike is a dead one. The saddest thing about the holocaust is that it never happened.
It's less about hating them and more about realising that they are competition.
Racism shouldn't be about hating other races it should be about realising that you are competing with them and that your team should be the ones to win.
not here though
you can't talk shit about the kikes anymore without calling the horde of trump fanatics to shit on you because he sold his daughter to the zog machine
they were the best trolls ever ,
when the paharaon was his owner , you would not find finest cattle around , strong , smart , beautiful and full of tricks , they were so close to becoming a angel citizens , but then one autims hijack them , took them to the desert and made them suffer for 40 years , them i dont know how they ruin it , now they are rat faced , whit no love in their hearts and traitors ,
i even hear that they were expecting a 2 messiah to help them , this guy just appear on earth saw them and reject them , their onw messiah reject them , you know that you scrubb up when a litgh being is rejecting you , i have seen litgh beings worried about ants and other insects and this pure love beings reject them .
i do fell sorry for them , they are almost like lost kids , missguiden by some snakes the pharisees or the false pharaons , who belived that money and lies are all there is , loosing the love of life and the love for their brothers , they have forgoten the path of the golden tricksters , whic trolls out of love his brothers in order to make them better.
I only started hating jews after I finally realized how much they hate me.
Was one of those hooray israel evangelicals for a long time before that... jews takr their shekels and their sons blood for wars but hate them even more because of how they have a whole culture built around hating/rejecting/ murdering Jesus
Read "portnoys complaint" by a famous and acclaimed jewish novelist about jews. This was the final nail in the coffin in terms of making me hate them.
Plus this article:
Which can redpill you instantly
>1 post by this ID
If you replace the Jews with "Insane leftists" then the jewish conspiracy makes a lot more sense.
Jews (people of GOlD *aka gold) withheld this knowledge from us by making money our one true god. They trapped us in the black cube
Kek has set us free
They are God chosen trolls. If you get butthurt, you immediately become their shabbos goy.
i hate leftist jews
does it make me a poltard?
this guy get it.
Harettz is your left-wing newspaper right? Those jews are fuckin insane. They put out an article saying they want to stand in solidarity with muslims after Trump's travel ban. Standing in solidarity with the people who want to kill them. You need to gas them all Israel.
>jews lived in my city since long time. >they created a ghetto.
>they all worked tailors and metal artisans.
>we found they sold secretley prostitutes and enslaved whores.
>omg bad reputation
>based president deport 'em all.
They are smarter because their religion and culture teaches them how to live life better than other cultures.
They manipulate and rule other nations because they are smart and other people are stupid.
Other people hate them because of that.
The end.
every newspaper is leftist here
haaretz is the islamist one
nobody here trusts jews. Their religion is literally 'Scumbag, the religion.' Everyone nods and chuckles to themselves when jews start threads like "Hey goyim, why don't you like us," Or the perennial favorite "Hey goyim, I'm a Jew ples AMA," and they clasp their handbags tighter with the knowledge that comes from life experience re: the JQ.
The Times of Israel is not so bad.
Trump election finished me on "conservative" jews.
As soon as we had a real chance to take back our society and rebuild a demographically stablr america all the "conservative" jews turned on trump and used underhanded means to support Hillary... a woman they had spent most of their careers hating.
I decided then that blood is thicker than water and in the end jews will side with jews and that means opposing christian civilization and working for it's downfall.
Jonah goldberf, krauthammer, ben shapiro, kristol, podhoretz... on and on and on.
They all turned on us and showed what they were really about when all the chips were on the table.
I still support israel in the sense that I think it should exist as a religious/ethnostate for jews. But I want all of them out of Christendom becauss they've shown themselves to be nothing more than termites in our civilization.
the jews are historic parasites.
they are scatered all over the world.
they hiv of societies.
Thats thier nature.
Based solzhenitsyn
Jews are behind everything. The problem is that the good ones are very rare.
>pick one
If you look at Talmud, it's literally like Sup Forums archived, where each rabbi explains what is "redpilled" and "pol approved". It's the biggest and the oldest shitposting archive. Deal with it, Jews created modern civilization and they are trolling it every day. Those who will not be trolled, would enter the kingdom of God.
There is just a streak in them of self-preservation and enrichment, which manifests itself in constant scheming and interfering. I get where they are coming from when they do it, but it hurts them as well. Like, the Jews in the media are all pro-diversity and immigration because they want society to be more tolerant of them but they always go too far. Look at Schultz in Germany- he is motivated purely by Jewish interest and being a politician is just a tool to do it. They are motivated because they have a cause but they are slippery and duplicitous and serve another master. Not all of them, but some
but the difference is they lost the way ,
we troll out of love for our brothers ,
they do it out of love for the seckels.
I don't get it
anybody can post here. maybe jew haters are more prolific posters than non jew haters, giving a false impression.
Coincidence intensifies.
Not a fan