Trump's move to ban muslims created more terrorists in America than ISIS could ever dream of. Literally as I'm typing this muslims all over America are starting to look at the flag with disdain, disappointment and anger. The more you ignore and persecute muslims, the more they will turn against you, the more they will fight against you. You have done an extremely stupid thing.
America is fucked
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if you kill your enemies they win logic.
get fucked moron.
>starting to
How many new terrorists were created? I wanna see.
>Deport muslim
>They become terrorists
>Let them stay
>They multiply and implement sharia
Thanks for reminding us all to REMOVE KEBAB
This move was a Honeypot. 6D Backgammon
Obvious bait.. it'll show the world their true colours too.. I like Trump for this.. it'll hurt but by god it will work..
I hope Putin liberates your noncountry one day soon. And by liberate I mean invade it and recivil it.
Canada already said they'd take them. I'm sure they'll be much happier there.
Great, many hate America anyway.
I've been called horrendous shit by Americans here, I don't chant "death to america".
Watch, as greatest ally Ben Shapiro explains.
Let's be honest, Sup Forums doesn't give a shit about terrorism. It's all about stopping shitskins from coming to your country.
>The more you ignore and persecute muslims, the more they will turn against you, the more they will fight against you
Good. May we swiftly get a complete muslim ban.
Hmmmm, Publix chicken tender sub.
Literally the perfect reason not to let them in your country.
Gr8 b8 m9. Have a (((you))).
We are at war with these fuckers you retard
Watch us turn in this win ahead of schedule and under budget, pleb
Oh look, it's yet another Muslim making terrorist threats
>"Do as we say or we will become violent and kill you!!"
Fuck your cursed evil religion
Orly? Then there will be a race war and they'll be cleansed?
>if you do anything to offend certain group of people they instantly turn into barbarians out for blood of innocents
Thats an argument for making this ban bigger in scale and without timelimit? Or for all-out genocide?
If they can't gain entry how can they be terrorists?
>I've been called horrendous shit by Americans here
Where, why, what?
Lol imagine how bad it's going to be for the europoors when they have to do what we're doing with noguns.
I'll kill every sandnigger I see
>Trump's move to ban muslims created more terrorists
whats your analysis on obama exponentially increasing drone strikes?
Good let the world see how vile your kind are so we can eradicate you once and for all.
it creates opposition, it doesnt create terrorists... it reduces terrorists since they know they will be smitten HARD
but theyll sure become anti trump activists and definitely vote for his opposition (unless they are VERY anti extremist islam)
I would say that someone who is willing to go over the edge over some "mean words" and media sensationalism wasn't very moderate to begin with.
Malala is a Nobel prize winner, not a terrorist.
So the only winning move is not to play. (read: get rid of all muslims - no muslims, no problems)
if we provoke them we have an excuse for an ethnic cleansing
More like it's creating more non-Muslim terrorists if anything.
So you're saying all Muslims are terrorists just waiting for me to piss them off enough until they explode themselves?
Right it just highlights that musilm shits should not be here to begin with.
Treat them well and they will be your good friends.
Fuck mudshits. They all deserve nothing less than eternal hellfire
>The more you ignore and persecute muslims, the more they will turn against you
Well, why dont we make sure that not one is left?
Hopefully you are right so we get a huge wave of terrorist attacks in Europe and Canada, thus empowering Trump and wiping out liberals at the same time
Do I practice on lollipops in the meantime?
>why dont we make sure that not one is left?
They invented mathematics and sailing.
So we'll kill all the ones that don't kill themselves when they attack, thereby completely removing kebab. Sounds like a plan to me.
It is true.
I have been called "faggot", "nigger" and "retarded".
Once again the Merchant is our greatest Ally
We should stop arresting burglars, it just irritates them and increases their burlge rate.
But OP that's the plan
Increase terrorist pressure on American citizen, on American soil and on American interests.
That to justify the extermination and disappearance of the Muslim world.
Trump is sacrificing his own People to fulfill his Jewish Master's plans.
This is a good thing!
Muslims must kill more westerners.
This will affirm the beliefs of Sup Forums.
Fuck Islam. Mohammed was a pedophile.
It's alright mate.
I know those feels.
Well good chance you were shitposting...wouldn't take it personal faggot.
"factories" not 'factorys'
You're a fucking retard if u believe that, mathematics and sailing existed way before Islam did
stay mad you sand nigger, what the fuck are you doing in estionia anyway you mudslime
There are 1.5 billion muslims. If every muslim was a terrorist we'd all be dead right now
This is the soft bigotry of the left
You think so little of Muslims that you think they will turn into murdering psychopaths at every offense
I will abuse my language without your whining thank you v much.
If a three month ban creates terrorists, then they were going to end up being terrorists anyway.
m8 there were already more muslims in america than you can count plotting to kill and main other americans. Trump is dealing with the situation, Obama was ignoring it and hoping it didn't get to bad lolololo.
Another decade of muslim immigration to burgerland and they would be like the UK, where the following are now commonplace:
Child rape gangs (one per city).
Female genital mutilation (25 cases in one hospital in one month).
Mass terror attacks by 2nd and 3rd generation muslim immigrants (London, Glasgow, etc etc).
Honour crimes (14000 in one year according to police).
Disappearing muslim girls who "visit the homeland".
Street beheading.
Prisons full of jihadis.
Thousands of returning "soldiers" coming back from Syria and Iraq to plot atrocities in UK.
the list goes on.
America doesnt want to live in a country like that and I dont blame them really. We are finished here.
So let me get this straight, we let people in that will turn into terrorists every time something makes them mad... and we need to let more of them in?
Sounds legit.
Pakistan bombing when?
Are you a gay black man with a learning disability?
>muslims all over America are starting to look at the flag with disdain, disappointment and anger
They need to go back
Guess we'll just have to kill them all, then.
>black man with a learning disability
>black man
>with a learning disability
>Islam is peace senpai
>But you blow people up and massacre, you can't come in
>We'll fucking kill you infidels REEEEEE
Achmed, you have to go back.
its not the ban that will do it, but the medias fear mongering
trump just did what obama planned, the media will make him into a strawman and they will hate the hay
Are you fucking idiot?
They have to to go back where they came from.
>starting to look at my flag with anger
What the fuck are you talking about, we have always been the Great Satan, but now we're showing our horns.
And I don't care, fuck Islam.
She got shot in the face by her fellow muzzies,the only reason she's not dead is because LMAO 9MM
The ones who got in first likely don't want the rest of their country following them over and turning the USA into the very place they were trying to escape.
Remember when a Mexican Trump supporter said something about Taco Trucks on every street corner? This is what he meant.
If it means war with muslims, so be it.
we're ready.
>don't do anything against muslims
>they rape and explode
>do something against muslims
>this will cause them to rape and explode more
nice loop the leftists have created
So what your saying is we need to ban all muslims because they apparently have the emotional intelligence of a retard
good, then we could wipe out muslims from our countries once and for all. no one cares, ahmed.
>fucking Malaalalala
fucking dunecoons can't even hoot omeone in the head correctly.
Let them start doing stupid shit against Americans here en masse.
We will get the ol' boys and start mudslime hunting parties.
They would have betrayed us regardless
Except that's not what he said at all retard
Except that's exactly what it is. With these Muslim cunts you either keep your trap shut and they do a few atrocities here and there when you try to address it they all end up in arms. You cannot win with them so better to not let them in at all.
Fuck em.
sup FLfriends?
I just ordered a Boar's Head Ultimate with everything on it but jalapenos.
561 here... (You) are both cordially invited to join my muslim-hunting club when they start popping off and we get the blessing of the Don.
I have many guns and several well trained doggers that like to find things.
Guess we'll just have to gas them all then.
Hahahh i hope OP is right, and i hope these dirty mudslimes do fight back.
Take the bait m8
But terrorism has nothing to do with Islam OP.
If too many turn against the west then we can get rid of them all in one fell swoop.
Maybe you were acting like a retarded nigger-faggot?
Just sayin'
Yea, Louder and easier cunts.
God bless them.
>be nice to us or we'll kill you
what does it say about themselves and the religion, if all it takes to become radicalized is a temporary ban from areas we know are terror-prone.
the actions of infidels do not create terrorists.
Islam creates terrorists.
In fact, our weakness will create far more terrorists, because it will embolden muslims to act on their desires.
All muslims desire to slaughter, enslave, and rape infidels.
Amazing, then the American military might wipe this scourge off the surface of their nation.
>Literally as I'm typing this muslims all over America are starting to look at the flag with disdain, disappointment and anger.
they did this anyway, who gives a shit
come get some
So, there's a whole demographic of people that, when they don't get their way, feel entitled to kill civilians?
And you don't understand why people don't want that in their country?
Nah. Its like taking chemo. It sucks but you got to do it to remove the cancer. The dipshits who are too afraid to fight cancer are killed by it.
>"be nice to the bad guys or they'll be badder"