How do you guys deal with depression?
>Be me
>Trying to motivate myself to do something with my life so I won't be a leech on welfare
>Can't seem to do it no matter how hard I try
>Am being held back by my depression in college
>GPA in the shitter
>No end in sight
>Am also fat
>Can't be bothered to actually improve myself
>Tfw I just want to get enough money to cover funeral costs and then kill my self
How do you guys deal with depression?
The only thing you can do is see a psykiatrist and get on some pills.
There's no cure to depression. Just dark days, grey days and occasional rays of glorious sunshine.
Finding purpose is what will bring you the sunshine.
For some, it's realigning the way you think be it cognitive therapy or 'pills lol'
But I think it's the former, my first point. Life is depressing, it's a shitty world, nobody can be truly happy in this world with all it's faults. You just got to find what makes you less unhappy
aquire pupper. you need some unconditional love in your live
I'm thinking about it honestly. I just can't bring myself to do anything about it.
I'd rather not take pills honestly, but I see your point.
Dogs require too much energy from me. I have a fish though, he's helped me a bit.
Not fair to be responsible for a pupper if you hate yourself so much is it? The O.P might be too depressed and anxious to exercise a dog.
Dogs are great though, walk a neighbours dog for them, you get to give them back after you've had agreat walk out with them taking joy that you let dog off a leash to roll in horse shit, chase rooks and dive in puddles of mud
I'm currently living at my university so walking dogs is out of the question. Thanks for the advice though.
Don''t take pharma pills. You'll become dependent and my own opinion is that no synthetic pill can 'cure' a mental handicap... Not calling you a mong btw, just that I think you'd rather be a happier person but your worldview hinders that, and unfofrtunately, thats a natural state of mind, but it is haandicapping how you'd prefer to be living your life
I think you're right. I'm not sure how to change my outlook however. I've been trying to listen to motivational speakers but that hasn't really helped.
I was prescribed lexapro some time ago by my doctor, but ultimately decided against using it. Took one pill, and decided I didn't want to commit.
Honestly, you don't want to hear it, as you've already have a thousand times, but you know what you need to be doing, and that is exercise, diet, and studying. The only way out of your depression is by doing it.
I know it's easier said than done, and it took me a long time to move my ass, but I eventually was able to just force myself to be productive with practice, and not getting discouraged when I fuck up. I wouldn't say I'm a happy person, but that I manage. I go to bed early, and I wake up early, and I stick to that as best as I can. Though I don't want to exercise, I've trained myself to immediately start doing it as soon as my alarm goes off. And otherwise, I fill my days with work, reading, and generally trying not to waste a minute, while allowing myself a Sunday to lounge around with a pizza watching movies or playing games.
If you can develop that willpower and stop thinking too far ahead of the day itself, you should be OK. And if you're a severe case, that is, seriously considering suicide, you should seek therapy.
As someone in the same place failure needs to be in your mind as death
You either get up today work towards your goals or you spend your day sitting around....moving farther from your goal...and every day this divide grows bigger until you can never reach your goals or you will achieve success beyond imagination
"Keep fighting don't give up" now repeat this to your self daily and dedicate yourself to self improvement
I remember that its not a real disease on continue on with my day.
start exercising? take it slow for starters. don't push yourself too much. set easy too reach goals and then as you advance set higher and more difficult goals. also motivate yourself to read something, book, ebook anything useful. for starters read 10 pages a day then more and more etc. don't use pills, my mother used to take anti-depressants and that can mess you up. hope you do well
>Am also fat
there you have it. start counting calories, stop eating when you've had 1900.
Force yourself out of whatever shitty routine you've gotten yourself into by doing something spontaneous that gets you out of your comfort zone.
Go throw yourself out of a plane or something and see if it snaps you out of your current state of mind.
browsing /pol usually helps with depression
go for a walk or go the gym
To add one thing
Daily habits create what your future looks like do you have good daily habits? Do you waste your time all day? Think on it
This is what i would do:
>Leave college
>Learn a trade
>Get a job
>Get fit
>Become "Chad thundercock the destroyer of pussy"
Solid advice right here.
I'm in the same boat as OP and I'm finally going back to school after 4 years out due to depression wrecking my GPA and social life. Going to the gym a few times a week is a HUGE help - they don't call it runner's high for nothing. Lifting helps too as it's a natural testosterone booster.
I've been to psych wards a few times in my life so I know what it's like to be suicidal. My best advice would be to keep busy, especially since OP said he doesn't want to go on meds (good choice as I was on them for many years and will never take them again). Without the meds to dope you up, your mind will usually wander and inevitably think about all the negative in your life. Keeping busy will obviously keep you focused on other aspects of life and away from the negative - which should help your mood.
Also - fish oil and Vit D3 every day if you aren't already. Good luck OP.
Depression is just nature's way of telling you that you should off yourself.
You've 100% benefited from something someone did or invented at some point who was depressed. Don't be an edgy cunt.
>you know what you need to be doing, and that is exercise, diet, and studying. The only way out of your depression is by doing it.
>I know it's easier said than done, and it took me a long time to move my ass, but I eventually was able to just force myself to be productive with practice, and not getting discouraged when I fuck up. I wouldn't say I'm a happy person, but that I manage. I go to bed early, and I wake up early, and I stick to that as best as I can.
>As someone in the same place failure needs to be in your mind as death
>You either get up today work towards your goals or you spend your day sitting around.
Really is good motivational advice
>Go throw yourself out of a plane or something and see if it snaps you out of your current state of mind.
Excellent Ozzie advice, if this didn't make you laugh O.P you should just your sneakers on and go for a walk in town, buy something that you need. Tin of paint and do that windowsill that looks a bit shitty or something
Little steps
>graduated 10 months ago
>Master's degree in engineering with very good grades
>first took months to chill after degree
>sent a few job applications and got rejected, even when I had a good feeling
>now I'm stuck in a vicious cycle of sleeping during the day and procrastinating during the night.
>can't be bothered
Well then tough shit, you will be a sad depressed sack of turds until the day you die.
Happiness requires work kiddo, start lifting. Winners aren't whiners
How do you develop that willpower though? I honestly don't know.
You're right, I do need to work towards my goal. It's still hard to try, at least for me. I definitely waste my time all day.
Mongolia isn't even a real country fuck off.
I used to do that, but I stopped after I saw no improvement.
I've been on pol since 2012 I think. After the Zimmerman trial. Florida fag reporting in.
I've thought about it a lot.
I'm happy for you man. I'll try to work out later today.
So is living in Serbia.
I am starting to emerge from my depression brought on by a back injury. You have to kind of white-knuckle it at first, pushing yourself everyday to do a few reasonable goals. Also if you are young, it is easy to lose weight if you aren't injured. Just go on walks and watch the calories. Maybe you should see a psychiatrist, I don't like mess but it helped some of my friends out of a bad rut.
Meds *
No matter how bad you got it dude. Someone has it a hell of a lot worse than you. Volunteer helping out somewhere. Think about is college worth the stress you put on yourself? You'll be alright dude.Sounds like you over think everything.
Been hooked on drugs unemployed all that fucking shit. After hitting rock bottom I turned it all around found a meaning in life that suited me.
Life is good brother.
Also think of the assholes of the world who would laugh at you and take joy in seeing you off yourself, and don't give them the satisfaction.
>I've thought about it a lot.
So get off your ass and start your new shit motherfucker.
What are you waiting? an alien invasion?
Yes this is how became hooked on pills.
Fucking up my back. If you can get over a opiate addiction you can do just about anything.
>how do you develop willpower
You don't develop willpower, you just go out and get shit done. Honestly, the easiest place to start is the gym. It will give you physical energy, and exercising releases the same endorphines as happiness.
After a few months at the gym, you'll develop a routine and won't need willpower any more, it will be just like the same routine you have now, and you'll do it out of habit.
On top of all of it, you're training your body. You'll look better, feel better and be more confident. Don't get on pills, I've watched my roommate destroy herself with xanax and other medications like that. Do this and in 6 months you will thank yourself.
Same here matey . It's basically impossible to do anything. I have no idea what I'm doing with my life.
Maybe the internet is the source of your depression? Try cutting yourself off from internet for 6 months, see if it will change your life?
We all tried #nofap
But how about #nonet?
Exercise helps a lot, OP. Start going for a jog. Maybe do Couch to 5k. I was in the same boat and starting running pretty much saved my life.
A hearty kek. Yeah, little steps is what I heard can help. Don't precisely know where to begin.
Don't give up bro. It took my brother a year of applying to jobs to get where he wanted. He got rejected a lot. If an Amerifat can do it, so can a kraut.
Yeah I'm gonna start exercising after my classes today.
The "someone has it worse" argument has never worked for me. Really only makes me feel worse.
I think so.
Shit sucks bro. Stay strong.
Go watch some of the videos on YouTube about North Koreans escaping that nightmare.than tell me that.
I have.
Good point
If I'm able to limit myself to the websites I only use for school I might end up trying this honestly.
It really does boil down to "man up." There's not really any other way to put it than to just do it. What helped me in the beginning was mapping out the next day before going to sleep, what objectives I would complete.
Having an actual workout routine will help you too, so you can more easily measure progress.
>I'm going to work out later today
That is already doing it wrong. Start off with basic bodyweight exercises right now, MWF, and do it when you wake up. But if you're at Uni, you could also join the gym at your school, and you might even have weightlifting courses in kinesiology you could take that could help. Look towards /fit/ if you go the lifting route.
Since you're fat, just go for walks around the Uni T/Th. Cardio is important for a fatty. It was for me as a skinnyfat, that's for sure, as I have hypertension.
Stock your minifridge or whatever with cheap frozen vegetables, get $1 cans of chick peas, bags of chicken breast, brown rice, bananas, cottage cheese, etc. Get used to eating basic bitch plain tasting food. As time goes on, you'll learn how to actually make your shit taste good. Never stock up foods that can act as enablers.
And like I said, map your shit out the day before. Look at your assigned reading, for example, and break it down. You'll read (x) amount of pages, do a page or two of this or that project, and so on.
Other than that, I guess for me I got somewhat inspired by thinking of the Protestant work ethic, and trying to emulate that. Made me think of myself and my problems as stemming from narcissism and gluttony, and I suppose I just got over my shit as time went on.
If you don't heed this advice and start now, then eventually rock bottom will either set you straight and give you that willpower, or you'll kill yourself. Everyone is different, m8. I could say I probably had to hit the bottom before I could emerge.
Quads decide. #NonetAnon. I suggest you screencap and make a thread in say, 30 days detailing any changes you have made and what progress if any, you have made.
Good luck senpai