There's a storm coming

there's a storm coming


oh no a bunch of fat ugly feminist pig creatures are going to call me a nazi. I'm so scared.


It's always the women lefties that threaten civil war and violence

I wish a nigga would

Run of the mill Adelle clone.

>being relevant at all

o i am laffin

Do we need umbrellas?

She thinks she's in game of throne.

>1 hit by this singer
>1 post by this ID

Coincidentally they would be the first to fall

"Old men"

Pretty fucking ageist. I bet she doesn't even believe in pedo rights.

>The likes of which
She does have a couple thousand of them.

The thing with old men is when they retire new jaded old men come to take their place. You can't escape the rule of old men unless you go full cuck like Canada.

>Lorde is a Stormfag all along

Old men

Are the future

Okay, tell me when the fire rises


even got the name down

Will she accept the call?

i bet you feel humiliated now


Post nudes

What? Wasn't Lorde some Sup Forums autist?

This time we're going to get 2 million people to protest for a day but ultimately accomplish nothing!

Is that the thing that makes songs while pooping?
Wow, I'm really scared now.

Yeah I know right me as Muslim convert really got triggered. How am I supposed to marry my third 13 year old wife now?

>in summer 2017
>please buy my new album

Fucking hate celebrity whores who do this. Katy Perry did the exact same shit. Talking big about revolution like she isn't a slave to the kikes.

That's her bf?
>literal feckless chink peasant, malnourished 3" penis
Looks like the classic "I'm a rich 8/10 with an 1/10 because I am insecure"

Old men like this?

How can Aussie criminals even compete?

im literally shaking

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USAand your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

what in the fuck are you smoking



Goddamn, that's hard core.

I'm sore from painting trim last night

She has no tits or ass, she is a 5/10 at most.

There are no 8s in that picture

>(((old men)))
what did she mean by this?


more like 2/10. bitch looks like voldemort grew a kike nose

That's deep


Im sore from banging ur mom

Come on now, they guy is a 5 at best, even if you do have a chink fetish.

Ya yayay yaya ya ya ya lordemyaya lorde im lorde ya ya ya

She's talking about our old men not the (((secret overlords))).

>whitey getting BANZAIED

looks like she has information the fbi would like to know, just saying

Some one hit wonder. Typical libtard full of flowery language, romanticizing reality.

add their ratings and multiply by 2, and you still don't get 8

>doesn't like old men in power
>asian lover
>she's a Sup Forumsack


>the likes of which they cannot comprehend

absolute cringe

I am the liquor

you fucking nazi we are gonna dance all over you and make you one of us and you will thank me and move into my moms basement with me and we both will become non-binary partners and love eachother and adopt a bunch of smelly black kids that others will pay for to show everyone how worldly and not-racist we are even though we specifically excluded a race from adoption.

so thank you if you were thanking me i forget now, im late i gotta get back to my gender studies class k bye!

I kinda like her one song they play on the radio


Oh no she has autism too?

Loool, Lorde of all clueless people talking like this.

She hasn't the vaguest idea about anything.

She really thinks there's anything the entirety the left could manage to cook up that Bannon can't handle and leverage?


Or maybe like this?

Pepe wins


Who is that tranny and why should I care what weather it is predicting?


Lorde, by herself, is a solid 6/10, has that "girl next door you were in highschool" sort of appeal.
Now, she has money, thats +1, she is a singer and celebrity, another +1
So, an 8/10.
She could be a 9/10 too.

Now, that thing next to her looks like what we deport when we catch them smuggling counterfeit goods.


>I am Lorde
>Lorde Lorde Lorde

Okie doke dude

Not really. Money and being a one hit wonder won't make her more attractive. Look at that cellulite ass for fucks sake


This bitch would be the first to suffer if a edgelord commie """"revolution"""" were to happen.

>Lorde, by herself, is a solid 6/10



I've seen more attractive faces on kibble boxes.


> Announcing to the old men in power that there's a storm coming so they can prepare just in case

Literal retards living a fairy tale.

The girl next door to me wasn't bug eyed and malnourished. Is that a Romanian thing?

I genuinely like her songs and she does everything for them herself too
But if i had millions with no responsibility at the age of 14-16 id prob cater to my liberal audience too

Is that a satanist ritual?

o im laffin




Heres our Hero now! And yes that his wifes black son he adopted!

>anything higher than a 5

I am Lorde lalala I am Lorde hear me roar

absolutely laffin

>Lefties storm and kill all these "old men in power"
>Later realise they were all Jews

>women get into power
>may, Merkel and other ladies get together for the G8 meeting
>spend 3 days backslapping each other
>each G8 nation agrees to lower the price of tampons by $0.05
>go back to respective countries
>spend 6 months bitching about the other countries behind closed doors
>nothing else happens

Yeah I could ride that storm out with a cocktail umbrella


She still looks cute.

Randy Marsh from South Park.

ya ya ya



>over 1 billion guns

take a guess where the vast, vast majority are stationed


That shit seriously got to me

storm coming fellow stalker

Icing on the cake
>Had a nip waifu
>Cheated on a prostitute(current wife) with a nignog kid

Jack4chan pullin some white ass thanks to Sup Forums's magic

I miss WWN no much.

>Tfw you miss out on breaking news re: Elvis clones and pig boys

Its too late. Any "storm" now will result in fascism

Tump is the storm