Describe millennials in 2 words or less
Fuck Broccoli.
Can't decide between "emotional blackmailer" and "weaponized pain"
Jewish puppets
Alt right
Absolutely lost
I fucking love getting baked and going grocery shopping with my girlfriend
About 95% of millennials are fucking stupid and have no idea, and no desire, to save money. Fucking morons. These are the people that are going to try to lead our countries in a couple decades.
Cheated. Jaded.
Big babies.
I'm a millennial and I go grocery shopping every week. In fact I actually quite enjoy it.
>Entire economy on the edge of collapse
Who cares how much money you have in the bank when the bank won't let you take any of it out and the inflation rate skyrockets, making your life savings worth less than a loaf of bread.
Bleeding twats.
Evolutionary failures.
based steve-o
is that a real Atlantic article?
Attention Whores
Gold, dude. Gold. Everything else is just currency, not money.
>why do millennials hate groceries?
who the fuck rights this shit, buying groceries at 7:30am at Coles is the highlight of my day
Easy scapegoat
Sup Forums posters
Stop eating dog disgusting animals.
Future conservatives
Guns and ammo not only retain their value better than just about everything else, but when they become illegal they become even more valuable.
Generation Scapegoat
Human refuse
Oven Fuel
Ignorant cucks
feminine penis
Drink bleach
The fuck? How old are you 70? You're not a millennial.
Uninformed socialists
You are certified retarded if you assume every flag is an accurate indicator of a poster's nationality.
ching chong tong lao fat
>chips from CVS and going out to restaurants
>tfw The Atlantic even knows the exact convenience store you go to
Beyond saving.
Fucking faggots
Nothing wrong with millenials. We've simply been misled, and lack purpose in life. Nietszche warned us of this decline into nihilism, yet I feel there has been an awakening. We have no great war, but our war is a spiritual one. Not all those who wander are lost.
Yep. I agree. They can be used for trading and shooting. Can solve many problems. It's like the Swiss Army Knife of money.
Faggot Pussies
Literally this
Or Step-Children
older one... 33.
ive been going grocery shopping for everything i eat since i was 20. before that it was subway, quiznos, etc and other 'healthy' fast food. i enjoy making my food from scratch. its unprocessed raw materials and made right there for me. its also more efficient and economical. ~$275/month for 2800 cal diet.
Best generation
kek confirms. Fuck broccoli.
Boomers 2.0
cam whores
Entitled idealists.
Seriously, find me 2 better words to describe millenial shits than these two.
Wtf is with Steve O in all these millennial thread?? I'm sure he's Gen X
women w/ dicks
hes friggin 42. hes way past milennial.
Liberal cunts
AIDS patients
Useful Idiots
Entitled entitled
Extremely retarded
Slave mentality
We outsmarted and outbred the huns you wee nacker faggot, what more do you want?
>Inb4 N.I, in Glasgow
Dude weed
Fag gots
house our knackers in ur muslim areas.
Jack ass
Useful idiots.
Fuck h8
my grocery store will let you pop open a beer/glass of wine while you shop, as long as you pay for it at checkout
cucked fags
Complete faggots.
batty boys
Why does Sup Forums keep hating on millenials?
Presumably you're all millenials unless you're 40+ year olds.
Brain washed
Lost cause
Soros bitches
Media's victim
the worst
They're quiet actually, keep to themselves. Its the Irish nigger (prod) sympathizers that are causing a ruckus. Never come here, its a hole
Just cause we're millennials doesn't mean we have to like our own generation you dipshit. We're are literally and figuratively the shittiest generation. Even baby boomers far surpass us.
Hell, some here are even Gen Z'ers.
>'87 represent!
Teee worst
Young people
Sorta gay
Virtue signalling
I'm a millennial and I do my own cooking, pay my own rent, have no debt, no degree. Why are the rest of you faggots such goddamn retards?
cheated cheaters.
useful idiots
debt slaves
cannon fodder
in no particualr order
>Even baby boomers far surpass us.
Baby boomers completely fucked western civilization, with exuberant wastes of money, resources and failed ideologies. They fucked the whole planet by enslaving it to debt and destroying any sort of tangible wealth distribution. We're the bastard grandchildren of the boomers mistakes, they're the cunts who got away with it, cause they're dead or dying. Fucking cunts
fucking fags
Attentionwhore x2
I'm 19 but that doesn't mean I don't like standing in line during crowds at the grocery stores
Broke dicks.
living satire
Adult children
Isn't driving a fat scooter illegal while being under the influence of alcohol?
Also do you bring a glass with you for the wine or do you also purchase that in the shop?