>Sup Forums prays that the Quebec shooters are Muslim refugees
>leftists pray that they are white males
>ends up being one Muslim and one white guy
Well, what now?
>Sup Forums prays that the Quebec shooters are Muslim refugees
>leftists pray that they are white males
>ends up being one Muslim and one white guy
Well, what now?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's a wash, we forget it happened.
White guy might be converted?
Try to figure out what the hell the motive was?
Simple. Muslim radicalized the white to the point whre he' be willing to kill. But its most likely two muslims, these muslim on muslim attacks happen ALL THE TIME anywhere there's enough concentration of muslims. We just dont remember or care when no westeners die
It's proof that multiculturalism works.
wait... what's going on.
Dude yelled Allahu Akbar and shoot up a mosque?
Was the Allahu Akbar ironic? or weren't they muslim enough
Sup Forums btfo
White guy was a muslim too so we won.
Does that mean the left memed one shooter into being a white male? Could they possess so much meme energy it equates ours?
It was a gay couple tht shot up the oppressive mosque that was keeping their relationship down.
I think it's the other way. They're gay atheist lovers who are mad that homosex is haram.
I expect it was a sunni-shia sectarian thing
It sounds like one of those odd couple team-ups you see in cop and action movies.
>One is a white supremacist!
>The other is a radical Sunni islamist!
>Together...they strike terror in the hearts of Shias worldwide!
This was the biggest story on the planet last night when the media thought it was white right wing extremists but now that it is known they're muslims no one in the media is talking about it.
d i v e r s i t y
Are they really gay? It couldn't get any better if so, just say the mosque wouldn't bake them a cake.
Media trying to twist it any way possible, it really is utterly fucking disgusting
One of the first thing we've heard about the shooting was that it was an fight generation arab immigrant with the other being a 2nd generation immigration who created ''Allah Ackbar'' before entering the fucking mosque, and in the fucking 5 page report on it in the morning news not A SINGLE FUCKING WORD on that blatant fact, but YOU CAN BE SURE they point out the POSSIBILITY of it being an attack by dirty WHITE and RACIST EXTREMIST
This is so fucking disgusting, they are utterly shameless
I woke up and first thing I see is the very incarnation of everything that is fucking wrong with modern media, FOR FUCK SAKE CNN EVEN PUBLISHED THE FACE OF RANDOM INNOCENT QUEBEKERS AS THE PERPETRATOR
This is why multiculturalism is bad. White kids want to be shitskins now.
really makes your noun verb
Space rift
Now no one gets to be happy.
Temporary truce to destroy the jews, then we go back to the situation at hand
>It's proof that multiculturalism works.
Multiculturalism has always worked under authoritarian rule or ideology.
When you think about it Islamic extremism is the answer to the multicultural question. However you're going to have to throw out technological progress, civil rights, women's rights, and most forms of art.
Sounds better than where the left wants to take us though. Three wives would definitely be a plus
The white guy is a male feminist who was posting Stalin memes. Almost as bad as Muslims.
I have to assume it's about different sects of the religion. Like a sunni vs. shia type thing.
Still a win.
What percentage of Canada is non-white?
around 20% i believe? Mostly concentrated in Toronto/Vancouver/Montreal
Quebec City (where this happened) is 98% white with 500k pop
Diversity is our strenght
Praying to God works. To Allah and Moloch doesn't. Really sprang my noodle OP.
The white guy could also be a muslim. Islam isn't an ethnic group,brotato.
i live a few streets from the mosque lmao
But they said islam was a religion of peace, so it can't be a muslim.
we just needed one, we won t b h
It's a draw. Neither side can use it against the other.
stay safe, fellow leaf.
>Both Muslim
Does it really matter where the vile animals came from? White Muslims are worse than brown.
If it's actually a fag couple shooting up muslim, it will be the start of the fag vs muslim war. And that, my friend, is another big victory for the True Trump Timeline
t. Muhammed al-Jaffarri
Fuck off.
>Muslims refugees
What the fuck are you smoking, nigger?
All I've seen is people claiming that they're Muslims, because they shouted ''allahu snackbar''
Turns out one is a Muslim, and other is 99% likely to be a Muslim as well.
This isn't about ''refugees''. Muslims have to fuck off, period.
he was a feminist :^
Exactly this.
So what happened? I need a tl;dr
Musleafs got shot.
>Police said they intercepted one suspect near the mosque shortly after receiving the first emergency phone calls and arrested him.
>The other suspect fled the scene by car and called 911 around 8:10 p.m. to say he was involved. He stopped his vehicle on the ramp leading to the Ile d'Orleans bridge to wait for police, authorities said.
>"He said he was armed and told us about what he had done," said Turcotte. "He seems to want to cooperate."
>Suspects identified as Alexandre Bissonnette and Mohamed El Khadir, according to court officials
sounds like they had instant regret with their first kills and became sober from it, so decided to leave out of shame/guilt.
Québecois and Moroccan dude shot up a mosque. It's still unclear whether the frog is a Muslim convert or whether the Moroccan turned atheist.
>Diversity was their strenght
>6 killed
>Orlando had no diversity
>50 killed
>Nazi Germany was the exact opposite of diversity
>6 million
This diversity shit seems to be weak as fuck.
Truth, I forgot about that. Thanks haans
best buddy movie ever
Don't get raked get leaf
it was 2 gay muslims
that's 2 get out of jail free cards in canada
Frog was probably a Muslim convert.
i guess we know who left the pigs head there last year
Lets meet up mate
Guys killed are from Morroco, Algeria and other sunni countries.
I guess IS just wants muslims to know that if they dont come to live under their rule they're "traitors"
Oh shit, Quebec mosque shooting 2: Electric Boogaloo
So let me get this straight. These IS fucks want all the mudslimes back to Syria to create their califat or do they want them to stay to terrorize us?
I keep saying this. White men worrying about Islam is stupid. Islam gives you somewhere to go to get away from your bitch wife. If your wife pisses you off too much, cheats on you, refuses to cook and clean you can honor kill the slut. Not only that, but you can get multiple wives. Your cock would never tire of the action. Any backchat from the slut and you can knock the shit out of her.
This isn't all. Let's say your job sucks. With Islam if you're job is miserable you can come home, beat your kids, then the food one of your wives has cooked you can throw up the wall, douse the slut in petrol, light her up and watch her run around the garden screaming. I find it always helps if you have a bad day, watching someone have a worse day tends to cheer me up.
We should embrace Islam. Okay, it's a shame for all the gays, I quite like a few of them and it won't be a happy day when I have to throw them off a roof, but sacrifices must be made.
Is Alexandre Bissonnette related to Matt Bissonnette, the Navy SEAL who took out Bin Laden?
Back to Syria to build the califat and weapon training. Then among them the best fighters are sent to wage war in the christian countries. See for exemple the Paris attackers.
they L I T E R A L L Y want the world to burn
This is it! Which one the suspect is determines the timeline:
>if it's baguette, it's a right wing hate crime
>if it's kebab, it's sectarian/radical-on-moderate violence
That's an actual argument from recruiters. They tell sexually repressed kids from bad neighborhoods in Europe that they'll get tons of poon in the califate.
Of course they're sexually repressed because they're rude, uneducated, dressed like a slav chav and... Muslims, so they can't get some.
Sexual frustration is a HUGE part of why they go to war.
Clearly it was the white nazi trump supporter who did this. The Muslim suspect was probably on his way to pray at the mosque and saw everything.
Mexican standoff
One of the names Muslims call Allah is Great Deceiver. It's some sort of game where Allah tries to trick you into being a terrible person, but a good Muslim will see through Allah's lies.
oh fuck
>Allah tells them to
No, in fact, in Islam we only have one entity to worship which is him... in Christianity you shape your god just to place him around as decoration, so if anything, Christians are the ones idolizing god and the son of Maryam.
>Allah said rape is okay as long as it's a foreign woman
No, only in case of war. Actual rape is sentenced by death or 80 lashes if the raped girl agrees to it and forgives her attacker. Plus if she gets pregnant and it's past 4 months, he'll have to provide for her kids till he dies, even if she got married later.
also pic related lmao
>Allah said murder is okay
>God said incest is wrong
>Allah says it's okay
>Genesis 2:24 seems to indicate that marriage and sexual relations between parents and children were never allowed by God
So does Islam.
>Allah is satan
allah sounds like a C'tan
>there is literally an old god in 40K called The Great Deceiver
Trump is the God-Emprah
>The God-Emprah will purge the unclean
>Only one of the mudslimes was radicalized!!!
>No, only in case of war.
>Actual rape
So I guess this makes raping women fine then? Since it's not "actual rape"? Nice to know Allah doesn't have a problem with war crimes you goat fucker
Meaning rape that occurs on an individual that should be living in peace. War is not peace you faggot.
Trump's president, we always win.
45 mins to S P I C Y times
Thanks for the flag, you rapin' retard. I put a cross over it just to show that your country doesn't exist
Why are you pissed off? I'm just clearing some wrong things posted by someone, not even trying to defend Islam.
I'm not pissed, I based my evaluation of you on your words. We have a very different ethos in the civilized world
Okay so 2 replies from someone makes them a "rapin' retard" even though I never stated my opinion regarding the subject, only giving the reality of it. Good to know the "civilized" rushes to conclusions like a stupid animal.
this, lol
It wasn't a """"white"""" guy. It was a Quebec born citizen. Basically damage control to hide the fact its a shitskin.
>their radical clerical is played by a big black guy
>al-hadiz! sanderson! in my office now!
>i've had it up to here with your loose cannon bullshit! turn in your goats and your explosive vests!
>s-sanderson! is that a fucking pork chop sandwich!?
In your clarification, you distinguished between "actual rape" and "not rape", one done in war-time, one done in peacetime, which is absolute nonsense. No one would make that distinction unless they thought it had some merit. Rape is rape no matter the situation surrounding it.
His digits can't lie, faggot. Just take the L for once you "Debate Won" autismos
I guess I should have clarified that the "actual rape" is a reference to what Islam views as rape. What I understood from the leaf post is that Islam allows rape, which is maybe true in western standards, but in Islam standards, doing it during war isn't really rape to the muslims so they don't have anything that says "rape is okay". They have a different definition, but rape(/what islam views as "actual rape"), as viewed in Islam, is punishable by death or 80 lashes. I'm sorry if it wasn't clear enough.
Alright, then I take the rapin' retard back
And I take the "stupid animal" comment back.
I need to work on my writing to get my point across, sorry for the misunderstanding user))