are we btfo?
How do you counter this argument Sup Forums?
He just agreed that Trumps method is indeed an effective method.
also this
I'd make a list of outcomes for a nigger ban. But that'd occupy the rest of my day.
We will just take our medicine, technology and peace back with us then while you people fling arrows at each other then.
Also pic related about slaves and Black people started slavery and still continue it today.
>white people started slavery in africa
>shipped from africa
doesn't that mean that other black men enslaved their own?
I've never seen a source on that 100 milliion number.
Also, apparently the Arab slave trade was larger than the American one or so I've read here.
They should have wiped Indians from the history books
White's should go back to where they came from or March themselves into ovens. This whole protect our land from the minorities shit is retarded
They're right desu.
>muh 100 gazillion
Bait, but immigration =/= invasion
It's not an argument. Indians killed each other all the time, occasionally just for fun, and let's not forget the niggers on those ships were sold to Jew slavers by their own people for basically nothing
With a #BlackBan, crime would be lowered 50%
you're right. lets have all non native americans leave this country so that china can take it over and genocide the redskin scum.
they would have still been slaves. they're descendants would just be in africa still instead of america.
Wait, aren't they proving us right?
>Without a muslimban, you'll get killed
I agree, so let's not repeat the mistakes the natives made.
Are you stupid? That is over home plate.
>We should learn from the Indians' mistake, we know what we have to do.
Bravo, brate
Arab slave trade predates islam and killed a shitload of africans, but no one ever mentions it.
all of the following had nothing to do with the Atlantic slave trade:
>sand niggers
the following areas do not have a slave trade today:
>middle east
ctr shill
>100 million
No. Just fucking no. Europe in 1700 had like 125 million and that was very developed.
A good counter arguement would be, "and if it wasn't due to the United States of Americas creation, more people could of died as a result of WW1 and WW2. Infact, there is no accurate way to predict who would live and who would die by changing the past."
>How do you counter this argument
With a: Whites are the master races and it's our rigth to rule over Earth and all other barbarians races.
>implying slavery wasn't the best thing to ever happen to niggers
Who would enforce the white ban?
Yes and then North America would be inhabited by people rolling around in the mud and living in dead animal tents for a few hundred more years.
congratulate him on agreeing with you: a ban at a proper time would have saved all those lives
learning from other people's mistakes
This, libshits are more interested in insulting us than logic lmao
100 million 'native americans' is a obvious fabrication.
Consider this... the population of The United States didn't reach 100 million until 1915.
Think of size of cities like New York, Chicago, Pittsburgh, and the rest by 1915.
If I had to guess, I would say the native american population before the arrival of the white man would be closer to 2 million tops.
he's right, and his argument supports ours
>The lives of muzzie terrorists are worth more than the lives of our countrymen
Nope, muzzie lives can matter just fine over in the middle East where they belong and won't kill me
Literally no one has a legit slave trade today you moron, and if you're counting illegal human trafficking then those countries you mentioned are in fact all involved
isn't this an argument in favour of us
like what
tbf he is right
Niggers sold their own people way before whites were even around
So liberals finally support #MuslimBan in order to stop Islamic terrorism?
>more slaves went to south america
>Natives lost land because of the right of conquest
If you're too stupid to counter these, I don't need you arguing on my behalf. Thanks.
Logic, what's that?
The left has funnier memes. We will win. Like we always do. Dont kid yourself. The whole election was rigged from the start. Just like Bush elections just like obama. Just like the demolition charges in WTC.
Enjoy your small victory. Liberalism isnt going anywhere, its growing. Uniting. Mobilizing. You fashy goys promised us you would mobilize. Race war now you said. But youre scared. You should be
Were goinng to push you role player lonely nerdy sad depressed white boys into the 4th reich you want so bad. And then we are going to persecute you without prejudice. You will witness the fascism you threatened humanity with. The price of your lulz will be your scalps.
With a "Native American" ban, 6000000 trillion innocent Sultreans wouldn't have been eaten!
The problem is that every time a brown person does something bad, they just say "witppl did worse things". And I just don't know how to counter it. it's almos like they don't listen to reason....
the kangz
>100 Million natives
KEK as if those pigs could be that many
>12 million slaves
It's not an argument he's just calling us racist
watch your average national testosteros levels go up
#Alllivesmatter (if it exists) has pretty much nothing to do with any immigration policy IMO, but it does discourage terrorism
It's silent because it doesn't have much to say, if you're not virtue signaling
I like when those retards think that they would be better off if their ancestors stayed as slaves in africa or more likely sold to arabs.
>Native Americans
The only native American is older than the world and his name is Satan.
wordsmith indeed. Clearly makes a strong argument for strong borders.
Is he, dare I say, (((ournig)))?
by saying that the method works. they're delusional to the point of no return. fucking kek
With a #NiggerBan 50% of violent crimes in the USA wouldn't happen.
notice black lives matter isn't saying anything either because it was just "shut yo cracka ass up and gibsmedat"
Like this leper, youre albino and ashamed of it. Nothing about you is superior. You cry for sueriorty because you are innately deficient. Recessively weak. So pathetic your genetics are, so weak your mind is, you cannot even accept the truth. It is too much for your feeble mind to comprehend.
Karma. Priceless. Rigtheous. You will taste your medicine lepers. You will choke on it actual subhumans. Drink your milk lepers.
And America never would have been created
i'm sorry I value the lives of my countrymen more than the lives of some barbaric sandvermin off in a war-torn shithole
This. He tried to make a witty remark but instead he agreed with the opponent.
well first of all the San Bernadino shooters were a man born in America and a woman coming from Saudi Arabia lmao
second of all muslims enslaved far more blacks than whites ever did and treated them far worse
so both are retarded
nazis watch out
So hes saying he'd rather still be living in africa? Still following the noble savage meme?
"Yes it would have been justified by the native americans to do so. Now it's too late so let their fate be a cautionary tale"
>90%+ natives dies from disease before northern colonists arrived
>Less than 10,000 killed at the hands of settlers
>400,000 blacks bought from blacks in Africa made it to North America
>White people end slavery globally
>Now 40,000,000 blacks in North America wealthiest black group in planet Earth.
There is no wining with these people brothers. Achieve victory by excelling in your own life and ignoring their pleas for help from their distant hovels they created for themselves.
>The left has funnier memes
Lefty ideology actually holds the superiority of whites as a deeper point of fact than right-wing. You can't have their concept of racism without the idea that whites are superior
This is pretty good
So, why didn't they impose the white ban back in the day? Oh, that's right, they were still barbarians killing each other with stones and spears.
>The whole election was rigged from the start
[citation needed]
what? it proves our point
furthermore its an admission they want a white genocide through muslim immigration
With a black ban, [insert statistic].
Good resolution
Listen to the Serb.
>100 million
Europe with its advances in agriculture could barely sustain that
>slavery wouldn't have existed
>100mil natives
>12.5mil slaves
does this nigga realise he'd still be an oogabooga playing on his RockFone if he was still in African, trading goats for beans and fucking his sisters kids to create a glorious army for Kony?
Tell them the arab ban and the african slaves numbers that are much higher
Holy shiii are there really 40 million of those niggers here ?
Even in 1813, Americans were retards.
With a human ban, we'd have world peace
Stopping terrorists coming in is protecting your citizen's lives, dipshit
>100 gorillion natives
>12.5 million gorillion blacks
Where the fuck do they get these numbers from? These dickheads with their fucking muh noble savages dogshit. The natives could be downright sadistic
>100 gorillion native americans were genocided by evil white men
wordsmith is a fitting name
Are we in the wrong?
ooh, check 'em
This is fucking retard tier comparison. Leave it to the left to always have the shittiest arguements thats all about MUH feels
800,000 white lives lost ending slavery in the civil war
800,000 more lives lost to black on white violence since the war.
And these fucking animals have the GALL to ask for reparations?
Send em back
Im not even black but as someone who has witnessed the truth, I can say they they are the maser race, the true human beings. The children of God. The rest of us, especially you white boy. with the divorced parents. You especially have the most albino genetics in you. albinism. A disease. A deficieny. Underneath Europe is Africa and the middle east. Where your ancestors came from as albinos lol. Youre ashamed of this. Lol. Pathetic. Absolutely pathetic. Cowards to reality. Lepers.
12.5 million slaves never came to the USA.
90% of enslaved Africans were imported into the Caribbean and South America!!!!!!
It's total bullshit.
he agrees that bans do work
Fuck off jew
if those 12.5mil slaves weren't shipped, niggers would still be in stone age.
>especially you white boy. with the divorced parents
Blacks don't divorce, because they don't even get to the marriage phase of a relationship before moving to another one.
Sioux is French, meaning cutthroat.
Indians practiced cannibalism and human sacrifice.
If you like that lifestyle so much there are 54 countries in Africa that can accommodate your lifestyle choice.
>white people dont season
what did he mean by this