Sup Forums, redpill me on (((who))) this guy is. He comes out of absolute nowhere and is now suddenly our (((leader))).
Sup Forums, redpill me on (((who))) this guy is. He comes out of absolute nowhere and is now suddenly our (((leader)))
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He's a real life straw man basically.
Fed (((Trader))) to make (YOU) do dumb shit.
A media creation + controlled opposition.
Ape assessment
I was kind of curious how he makes a living, or where does he get his money.
He went to the public scene too early, and sometimes fail, I respect him for taking the balls to try, but he got to step aside when another better comes.
You can find references of him on Sup Forums since 2014. He was the leader of a "right-wing organization", NPI. Of course there are hundreds of organizations like this, but the guys in charge figured out he could be turned and used easily and turned him into a plant. If he hadn't agreed to pull that 1488 shit they would have found somebody else. The solution is to stop giving him attention.
A literal who
Unironically controlled opposition like the rest of them.
He's a kike homosexual that hangs out with Mossad agents in the US like (((Gottfried))). A bunch of TRS jews push him on here because of divide and conquer, and then when you call them on it they bug out. Picrelated is of him with his Zionist jewish handler (((Gottfried)))
Controlled oposition
>me and Spencer share the same alma mater
He comes from a rich family
Can we troll this guy off the internet, please? Maybe if we make some movement to denounce him we'll be seen as more rational?
Pic related, the real (("alt-right")) that follows this loser
He's a puppet. When lefties attack he'll be the first one to go while were sitting safe in our basements.
This is the leader of the Alt-Right movement
>brown hair and brown eyes
lmao fuck off
Yes, because denouncing more extreme voices always works. That's why we see leftists going to such extreme lengths to denounce their crazie-- Oh wait.
Nobody said Richard Spencer was the leader of Sup Forums, he's a prominent voice in the Alt-Right, and arguably the leader of it, due to his efforts in helping to coin and mainstream the term.
He didn't come out of nowhere, he's been active in the ethnonationalist/identitarian community for years. You just haven't heard of him because you never bothered doing any research.
He's somewhat prominent since 2012. He's interviewed Pat Buchanan (/ourguy/ as fuck, tbqh). He's earned the trust of Jared Taylor, and has spoken at AmRen before, etc.
If you bothered doing a simple Google search, you'd see that this guy is fine.
If you want to bitch about people who are probably Shills/Controlled Opposition, go bitch about Sinead/Renegade/Firestarter/Shiksa, Andrew Anglin/Dailystormer, Weev, Stormfront, and David Duke (probably).
>he comes out of absolutely nowhere
Stormers and Duke shills? How ?
Just ignore him, he's a pleb to discredit the movement and give it a face which makes it easier for them than discussing with individuals
Controlled opposition. The ridiculous face of a meme movement that the media partly created. Meant to bring out and gather all non-leftists and make them visible, easy targets for anti-fa degenerates to violently attack. The best part is that leftist label him a Nazi and yet his mentor is a Jew.
Since when is this board infested with so many newfags?
that's Crispin Glover, he played George McFly in Back To The Future, had that music video "Clowny Clown Clown" and directed a bunch of weird avant garde films.
Lurk moar
he's not your leader, he's the leader of the alt-right
you don't have to be alt-right if you don't want to
Everybody that says he came out of nowhere is a confirmed newfag that can't use the archives.
Everybody that says he's controlled opposition but says that Trump isn't is an idiot.
he is the founder of ebaums world
Reported. Fuck you and your forced slide.
the head of the National Policy Institute, a white nationalist think tank based in D.C., founded in 2005
He is not your leader, he is not even the alt-right leader. He is just a guy fighting for the right thing.
Hi Spencer! How's the jaw?
feds trying to divide and conquer, you new here OP?
"Hail Trump!"
>mfw this faggot is associated with the Great Jared Taylor
>forced controlled opposition thread
>coincidentally on the biggest ctr invasion of the year
Not /ourguy/ biggest straw man on social media.
three reposts already today?
fuck off autist.
We are not alt-right and therefore he is not our Führer. Fuck him.
who's leader?
This. Dont forget Sup Forumslacks, the jews influence is wide wnd strong. Thanks for all the work everyone does here, it truly is an info war.
>National Policy Institute
>Associates White Nationalism with White Supremacy
>White Nationalism is our saving grace
>White Supremacy ruins that only chance
>V for vendetta
I thought that's a leftist thingy
I have been on Sup Forumsfor three years, and Sup Forums for nine, and I had never heard of him until he got sucker punched. And yet this nobody is somehow the leader of our little movement?
He's not an idiot. Some of the things he write are pretty good. But the idea that hes the "leader of the alt right" is a leftist meme they want to use to fracture the right.
The tactic more or less failed. The right is already insanely fractured and that didn't stop it from winning. Basically they were trying to "break up" something that was never unified to begin with, which amounts to a colossal waste of time
Shill thread participated by shills
Are you not tired of losing faggots
You can't do shit to this place
fbi plant
i'm high so i'm going to do this the lazy easy incorrect inaccurate way. two-bit digestable for MSM. the keyword is de-centralized. sorry not sorry hamilton faggots.
think for yourself or someone else will do it for you. words, books, and commentary can make magic of language - you will be brainwashed. any literature can do this to anyone. you must develop a strong brain to filter out this trap.
Anonymous and Al-Quaeda are decentralized. that means there is no hierarchy, leadership, mission, or agenda. it's a free-for-all against a common enemy.
AQ translates to death to the west. Anonymous stands for, well, PRIVACY AND SECURITY.
so go ahead and get labeled into a group, and then watch the disinfo agents split your group in half with in-fighting. go ahead and swear loyalty to a dear leader, or a dear cause, or ideology. join their fighting agenda. tool. did they even acquire enough wisdom to use the latin root to define their new invention, or are they calling it a trendy fad name?
i don't know who this haircut guy is, i've never seen an article from him. my friends associate his words with what i may believe - simply because i call myself a conservative republican (i think the authorities would call me a leftist). regardless, Your pic related isn't running my story narrative and i don't know if we share a single belief (other than pictures in the snow are awesome!) because i don't read blogs or vlogs or whatever you twats are calling it these days.
obviously you're thinking wtf and so you posted. Sup Forums started as, and will always be, insha allah, libertarian and pro-underdog. Thank You for using your brain, and You're Welcome.
ps. You're Awesome!
an idea is like the wind. or fire. it spreads like wild fire. assistance is not required, nor is credit to the creator, unless engagement in commerce and fiat are an ACA purchase requirement by law. (protip from a time traveler: always take the credit) you can't contain an idea for ever, nor can you spread it farther than nature will take it. richard spencer uses his name to acrue fiat or whatever you boobtubeers upvote these days. richard spencer does not hide behind anonymity to focus on the idea. lack of anonimity invites ad-hominem which have zero relevance on an idea's worthiness.
they won because your dumbass hasn't heard george washington call the euro-party system a cancer on american government structure.
no party, just americans 4 america ftw
He was trotted out by the media so they could convince everyone that the alt right is white supremacy. His conference had like 80 people yet it was framed as some huge even
He's a faggot
>He comes out of absolute nowhere
Is this the hot new shill meme?
The media's pet racist that they trot out to discredit the right. Spiritual successor to David Duke. May he be punched, hard and often.
Richard Spencer does all this larpy stuff like college tours around the country, while our guys do the real work of dancing in front of Shia Lebuff's live stream.
Half of this thread is just shills
Do ever wonder why do these shitpost threads fill up every time
Only a retard would not see that this shit is false flag
Most of those people on stream are literally autistic meme spammers in real life, lowest form of Sup Forums poster
He didn't come out of nowhere, you're just not as into metapolitical movements as you thought.
Yet, he's an exciting curiosity to the media, he gets exposure for our views, he's helping move the Overton Window our way. And y'know, chicks dig him.
beta cuck as your leader? well... it is Sup Forums
false flag is wrong term. you're speaking about divide and conquor - disinfo.
i thought you were going back to ebaums world after my trippple drubs? fuckin norway. get trolltraced.
stop making threads about him. he is no one, he is not important. he is a scape goat and a plant.
He didn't come out of nowhere, he's had podcasts with Bowden in 2010. He's been around awhile
He just recently got in the news.
>He was trotted out by the media so they could convince everyone that the alt right is white supremacy. His conference had like 80 people yet it was framed as some huge even
He coined the term alt right.
The alt right at the very least is White Nationalism.
Spencer is a pretty light figure on the alt right.
Why is Sup Forums filled with such giant cuckolds?
Pretty much all attacks against Spencer are from his left.
And he's very soft on a lot of issues. Criticise him, but do it on his stance on gays, not on White Nationalism, you fucks.
i don't understand the quick reaction to violence. sure i understand lots of politicians used to be scrappy, abe lincoln included.
but are you really willing to fight your neighbor irl to destroy the american / mexico border that our forefathers died to erect?
tldr; anyone who likes punch jokes is still using their animal brain in a reactionary / fearful manner
Chad nationalism.
God damn its clear that you don't belong here
Go back to plebbit you tremendous faggot
Fuck off.
I'm fucking sick of you dumb cunts with this shit. It's not our fault you didn't know WHO HE FUCKING WAS BEFORE, FUCK OFF.
It's because you're apparently a low-information Sup Forumsack. Or else a CTR.
Ron Paul registered as republican, from independent, to run for potus, in 2004, 2008, and 2012. Ron Paul's only interest is ending debt based fractional reserved fiat. he lost the election because of some infighting about 80's racism.
I fail to see how conservative finance may be only one label.
ron pauls alt right is at the very least, end the federal reserve.
do u wanan keep arguing semantics (a (((jewish))) word! or get to work building stuff?
fuck off pig, i can haz freedum of association. jew can't handle some random fuck tard without getting mad and assocating with the most recent news trend?
i''ve made more posts ITT than all of my reddit posts combined.
>i''ve made more posts ITT than all of my reddit posts combined.
I doubt that, also congrats for ousting yourself as dumb redditor you can fuck off now no one cares what you have to say.
I'm headed down to destroy the border right after I grab your GF by the pussy... want to talk about our forefathers dying to stop something... how about Nazism which Spencer represents
>the very definition of ad-hominem.
plz read sticky.
There is no doubt that this man is a false flag. I've been browsing Sup Forums since last spring and I literally never heard of him until he was punched, but somehow every single leftie on Twitter and Reddit knew exactly who he was and were celebrating his being punched as though they'd literally defeated Hitler.
>literally plebbitor
>thinks his opinion is in any way valid
Anyone that keeps up with white nationalist / race realist / alt right podcasts have known of him for a long time.
sorry i missed your bait and switch where you associate me with nazi'ism or spencer.
unless you're talking about how hitler nationalized his currency and then faced the wrath of the (((central bank jewry))).
...if wanting my nation to have sovereign control of it's monetary policy is the only single valid requirement to be a National Socialist, then i'm a fucking Nazi.
basically the mainstream confirming that they have achieved 100% indoctrination of the retards on the left.
he is a russian agent , read into his wife and Aleksandr Dugin.
>> white power , comrade.
Good job Sup Forums
He is what we call identity politics. An attempt to get people to label themselves so they can be segregated and conquered by the actions of a few.
>Can we troll this guy off the internet, please?
>Maybe if we make some movement to denounce him we'll be seen as more rational?
>muh persenail armee
>Sup Forums
>wanting to be "seen as more rational"
If you're going to try and astroturf Sup Forums, at least lurk moar first faggot.
>Nazism which Spencer represents
He's not a nazi.
Also, I never heard of Evola on Sup Forums before, he must be controlled opposition
He's been around for years and he's said he's not the leader.
Plus there are so many people in our general movement with different ideas and solutions. He is the leader of Alt Right but then you have Sup Forums you have Alt Light you have all those libertarians and post libertarians and people that are extremely central. Its more about using common sense,REAL science and knowing good from evil in kinda biblical sense.
are we playing 5d hyper chess or you are really that naive? lol
Lefty plant to keep the term "alt-right" in the media.
I'm gonna delete that shit
unless you are Richard Spencer I did not refer to you as a Nazi(I would question the validity of attacking the central bank on its "jewry" and not just on its function)... easily triggered you are
Hear it from the source itself not from a wiki that quotes opinion pieces as sources. That wiki is getting raided like this thread.