Prove me wrong pol
Countries not listed here are irrelevant and not first world
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Discovered by ancients includes a lot of cultures. Think about it. Iron and copper alone cover every culture that ever hand metallurgy of any kind
yes but it wasn't until recently that scientists were able to know what those "ancient elements" really was in the atomic level.
Polonium was discovered by Skłodowska, gib Polen flag now!
the big bang theory was theorised in my city.
there OP BTFO, how will he ever recover?
also bakelite
too bad she married a French dude and did all her research in France :^)
>tfw my country is irrelevant because the french are butthurt.
Fucking hell, it's even called polonium
>Thinking Belgium is a real country
We aren't real, we haven't had a government in a decade
she was a Polock but she studied in France and did her research there, so she's French, get over it, Polock
Ancient Greeks had the idea of atoms traces back to Greek philosophers, but with out a way to prove the existence of atoms there eas no scientific backing to prove it.
115, 116, and 117 were joint American/Russian projects. 116 and 117 were even named after places in the United States.
feels good man
It's a question of genetics, not a question of residence.
>scotland the most per capita, by a long a shot
but im sure a lot of people listed under USA werent WASP, so what's the point ?
I'm from anciently known, currently on vacation, step it up, other countries
You have enough elements in this table so let us have some to be the first world.
nvm, sweden > all
> Snowniggers
>French flag
>all these polish butthurt
kek, feels good man, stay irrelevant
they are angry because they have neither Frenchium nor Frogium
But they were born here.
This is the most ridiculous thing to be proud
Finding a chunk of a something in ground and giving it a name is fucking lame
She was French m8
>they have neither Frenchium nor Frogium
>polish intellectuals
>Finding a chunk of a something in ground
>He doesn't know that all the elements with periodic numbers above 92 is not found in nature
kek, french educashun
inventors of Chemistry itself coming through
Everything after "The Sceptical Chymist" is just stamp collecting tbqh lads
Made the map
"anciently" is a horrible attempt at a word
But most Poles says that Russians aren't real Slavs...
I would have called my element the "baguettonium" just for the eternal kek.
You forgot Romania cuck
fucking radon man
why didn't we discover anything else? :(
Hafnium (Hf 72) was actually discovered by Dutch Chemist Dirk Coster.
i belong to the anciently known
Romania isn't there you tard
Stop with that retarded shit, nobody outside Britain thinks Scotland is a country.
Where did you found them? In another dimension?
>brit intellectualls
But not niggers.
Oops, I saw another chart which indicated that Tellurium was discovered by Romanians
Dunno which is true though
pic related is who actually discovered all these elements
We could even restrict it further :^)
this map is wrong
dubnium (105) was discovered by russians in the Russian lab "dubna"
>In chemistry, a synthetic element is a chemical element that does not occur naturally on Earth, and can only be created artificially. So far, 24 synthetic elements have been created (those with atomic numbers 95–118).
Get educated
>No Canada
Tellurium was discovered in the Habsburg Monarchy, so technically Austria, but nowadays Romania
Check em
Please stop and go back to your STG classes
va repasser ton brevet putain...
All white except the 2 jap ones
But race is social construct right
The nippons are honorary whites so it's alright
there's only 1 nip one unless you're counting finland
fucking lol
I'd like to say that I was, but in reality I quickly scanned the table and didn't read it right.
lol @ finland though
Wouldn't kinda make more sense to call them non-earthly elements, if they do exist but just not on earth?
Vanadium was discovered in Mexico
desu from what i've seen here i'd rather live in my country which (((they))) have no interest in, yet
Nope, the element was discovered in Mexico, but it wasn't a mexican intellectual that identified it as vanadium.
That sounds goofy though
that would imply that Canada is relevant
that's why we should combine it with this and then it's be perfect
Poland should have 2 .
Marie Curie was a Polish Women
then rad and polon are polish.
>proof by contradiction is not scientific
anyway, OP's point is valid, although no Pakistan in the list
She was naturalized as French so that is what counts.
Stay mad
Jean Stas, a Belgian, helped Mendeleev lay the foundation of the periodic table itself.
Does it count?
How Many of these are Jews?
>Marie Curie was a Polish Women
True, but Sup Forums is so deep into /r9k/ territory that most of Sup Forums's Poles would rather have her regarded as French due to disdain for any claims of women intellectualism.
fuck off, Canada means nothing
It's missing Germany though
>the big bang theory was theorised in my city.
Im quite sure it's American
>It's missing Germany though
well if they're shit at math, they dont deserve to make the list :^)
Literally can't argue with you.
Even though that the Balkans have made some pretty big discoveries, we're still 2nd world and probably will never change.
Bu who invented the periodic table itself
A russki
The eternal Ivan confirmed for masterrace
>A Fucking Leaf
>hurr look what people in my patch of dirt did!
>me? oh i'm a NEET
kill yourself
That's really makes me think...
>Franz-Joseph Müller von Reichenstein
yeah, echte Romanian...
It's the only good one
>Franz-Joseph Müller von Reichenstein
Nigga you just went full SAUR KRAUT!
>tfw all the fat elements are American
Like pottery
Pretty much a non-country
t. 1/32 Scotch
>every discovery while WWII or shortly after
>confirmed sapped german scientists
I claim at least half of the "Anciently known" elements for Greece
You know I am right
No, at the very least 1/2 based on one parent and the family tree for their side.
Sleep Tight Dubbya!
>be American scientist
>discover new element
>get to name it whatever you want
>name it Americium
>tfw all your scientists achievements are given to England because they owned us at the time
Most first elements discovered (for a country) get the countries name
>Canadians only discover one element
>It's Radon
>The almost unnoticeable element slowly gives you cancer
Y'all raisis whitey cracka bois be wroong wit da raisis sheeeiit.
Y'all crackas betta no Tyrone Jamal Jr. invented dem atoms, dontcha scientifically appropriate tha black mans invetions.
Them silly white boid baka desu senpai crackas!
Wew lad, narrowly
you forgot the fucking netherlands kankermongool
Ancient a.k.a India
Anciently known a.k.a discovered by Indian
Look at me
I am first world now
ayy brotha when they say ancients n shiet they means KANGZ they whitey honkeys kno mang they just dun wanna admit it
The chart is bullshit
Magnesium and Manganese where well known to ancient Greeks as Mercury was from Ancient China to Rome