>money doesn't solve all your problems
>i dont want to buy a lamborghini
what's his problem?
>money doesn't solve all your problems
>i dont want to buy a lamborghini
what's his problem?
Other urls found in this thread:
The red pill is bitter.
Depression from realizing that all his money and fame is derived from dumb luck.
Men needs to build a proper legacy to feel happy, a range of youtube clips where you joke about video games is not a proper legacy.
Maybe he wants a koenigsegg
Pewdie knows that blood>money
Dropping volkish redpills
not really, genes weights more than your social concerns, you don't need to make society better to reach those levels of satisfaction, you just need to have kids and raise them properly enjoying the joy of parenting with a loving waifu
he's married and isn't even having kids yet, he's not our guy
it's not about doing shitty stuff for a living (entretainment is just that, procrastination fuel, not inmoral, but it doesn't really improve society too much
His country is fucking dying around him. There are bigger problems to worry about than money. He's set for life anywhere he goes so who cares about making more? Better to save your people and civilization.
if he reproduces his son will know him as an internet personality that curses at video games for a living
That's even more pathetic than being the child of kurt cobain and courtney love
>what´s his problem?
Can't till Valhalal
only halal.
or even justin beiber or even a circus clown
what does your dad do for a living?
he pretends to be autistic in front of the camera while playing video games like he's a child trapped in the body of an adult.
you're no artist felix. you're just an attention whore.
If I was a redpilled Swede living in the SJW UK, I'd be depressed too.
He wants a Worldwide Aryan Reich, you can't buy that
He's depressed because his girlfriend is ugly and has a weird retarded voice.
I thought it was just a joke until this:
>Yes goyim buy my lamborghini
You have no idea how kids think mate. They would love that shit
He doesn't want to buy a lamborghini. What's your problem?
he could use that money to support true swedish nationalists, or ogranize a nazi think-tank with ppl over 130IQ only
Money doesn't buy ignorance.
He knows the world is fuckered and it's an existential crisis.
>driving a wide ass lambo in Europe
i wouldnt want one either
Good, I can't stand what YouTube has become, just a bunch of D-tier e-celebs wasting their money on awful, shitty cars so twelve year olds feel compelled to worship them. Gonna be a hard fucking time when these cunts realise their money has run out.
he knows too much
No you misunderstood me, creating a family is one of the noblest legacies a man can achieve. I just said that if you're not gonna do that at least become Newton or some sort of person that changed something forever.
I don't know what the fuck he's doing not impregnating that italian qt. They been together for like 4 years or something idk. FUCKING CREATE BABIES. He's set for life to be able to provide for his family, I would fuck like a rabbit.
He actually lives in the U.K. now I think, which is arguably worse than Sweden in a lot of ways. Islam has been here and strong for a LONG time now, it's our normal and it's fucking disgusting.
>What is the Autobahn
the redpilling of a whole generation is a true legacy. And that's what he's in the process of. It's a long road but the signs are undeniable
Spending money on frivolities is degenerate.
You people aren't rich because you want to buy things like
>muh lamborghinis
I'm pretty sure he doesn't care about current immigration issues and all this shit.
highways with semis and other normal cars doing ~100km/h while sillies zigzag between them in sports car?
Partially this and also his country being fucked but I also think there's a decent amount of guilt in there in how he's helped influenced an entire generation into acting retarded in front of a camera.
It's why a lot of highly successful prosecutors either get really depressed later in life or go into criminal defense because they realize they've probably put more than a few innocent people in jail throughout their career.
how do i get my gf to fuck black guys infront of me? or atleast on camera so i can fap later
This is so true.
You load a shotgun with 00 buckshot, put it in your mouth, and pull the trigger
So, how likely is it that he goes out with a bang, full fash 1488 style?
cucking is redpill fetish
Seriously all you need is a reliable Lexus & a sustainable home.
You don't get rich buying retarded shit. This nigger generation doesn't know how to save.
Just throw the whole pole in the water why don't you?
>dying your hair
Unearned wealth is a deadly sin.
He's depressed, like everyone else.
he is an eternal kid in an adult body, like many of my generation.
he will never be happy because he doesn't know Kek, he is not a real follower of Meme MagiKKK.
Money can't unrape his motherland. Also he's probably sick of being a motley fool for a bunch of autistic preteens.
Well he is right. The returns (hapiness) you get from money start diminishing fast after you have a comfortable middle class life.
A lamborghini is an uncomfortable, impractical car which is very shitty to live with in everyday situations. It's easier to park a truck.
There is little actual return you get from living in a mansion vs living in a house. There is little return 4 bedrooms vs 16 bedrooms.
So yes, he is correct in a way.
There has been some research done on the subject and apparently spending more than 75k a year on frivolities etc.. and your happiness level doesn't go up from that point.
Basically after the creature comforts have been met, it's all about what's going on with your life after that.
Think about it, he acts like a retard in front of a group of morons to make money.
That's it.
He's always going to be known as the "lol random funny guy!" from youtube and absolutely everyone knows him, or at least all of the kids do.
He most likely has to put on a constant charade of being that guy to please a crowd of idiots.
He probably hates the whole with passion and does it purely for money and is hitting a point where the money doesn't even matter anymore. He's set for life.
I sure as fuck wouldn't want to be in his position.
I'd rather make my fortunes away from the public eye, so I could enjoy that stuff in peace and then focus on whatever I love doing.
He has to live in a Swedish shithole
Might be this.
>IQ over 130
Something's not adding up here....
And not to mention how much work goes into keeping a huge house clean. People have to be there every day. Inside and outside. There is very little privacy
He produces entertainment content for plebs.
He is a fun merchant earning his coins.
H-he is not a faggarocious faggit?
Belongs on /o/..
His vid of his new Nissan Micra was more entertaining than any Lamborghini vid I've seen.
I'd take it any day
he can afford naked housemaids though
this faggot is not redpilled
he's just copying the trend ie.filthyfrank retardation
if converting to islam would get him more views he would do it
was never our guy
huh, really makes you think
It's only an illusion that it would better you life in any way.
If you had self-esteem issues, a lamborghini would address it the wrong way.
If you didn't have a girlfriend, a lamborghini would probably attract a wrong kind of girlfriend.
If your problem is that you don't have any friends, a lamborghini would probably attract the wrong kind of friends.
If your problem was that you would need to get from A to B, your arse will be sorely disappointed.
Don't get me wrong, I'd happily take one if someone offered it for free. I'd take it for a spin, hell. But I'd probably sell it quite quickly and find ways to better my quality of life.
Maybe back then when Nazism was the ideology of a powerful government, nowadays the smartest people aren't fucking Nazis because they know they'll lose.
There are smart Nazis, Marxists, centrists, libertarians, etc. Anyone who tells you that everyone apart of an ideology is stupid is deceiving you and themselves.
Hes not superficial like most people.
I reckon he got big too fast.
The problem with being super rich like him is you don't know if people like you as a genuine person or just want your money. I couldn't think of anything worse. The questions flowing through your mind everyday. "Is he actually my friend? Or is he faking it?" Or "Does she really love me or does she love my fame?"
Don't get me wrong I would take a lambo anyday if you gave me it for free but I'd sell it so I could live comfortably. The greatest illusion of all is that you buy happiness. There's plenty of miserable rich people.
Money doesn't buy happiness but it sure helps.
That Marizia of his seems like a gold digging hoe
Marzia was with him before the gibs
She might be a time travelling Italian axis commander searching for the next aryan weaboo though